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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3275451 No.3275451 [Reply] [Original]

What is a better investment for a NEET who wants to turn his life around

getting a low stress warehouse job for 8hours a day, spend rest of time educating yourself on investment mostly crypto

get a 12hours a day job in corporate where you're on a leash on by shekelberg and might earn big if you work your ass off and meet insane criteria

>> No.3275526

warehouse job

>> No.3275556
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Invest in all 4 of these.

>> No.3275608

you'll learn that the 40 hour work week exists for a reason. any more and you wont have the energy to research shit like you want.

>> No.3275620

youre not gonna go from NEET to corporate

>> No.3275627

why? I could if I wanted

just deciding what's my best option

>> No.3275650

do you know what neet means?

Are you educated? do you have skills?

>> No.3275664 [DELETED] 

Technically NEET doesn't mean OP isn't educated

>> No.3275775

high school doesnt count

>> No.3275919

Just get the highest paying of those, which is probably the corporate one. Grind out some savings, experience and resume equity and then switch jobs for higher pay. Regularly invest small amounts in blue chip crypto, if you like. Once you have 5k+ that you are OK losing (beyond retirement funds and a 3k emergency savings account), look for ICO's or tier 2 or 3 coins.

There's no easy answer bro. NEETpath with no savings leads to horror/regret/no family long term