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File: 253 KB, 2048x1447, NEOLMFAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3274688 No.3274688 [Reply] [Original]

Today is a great day today anons.

I have at long last acquired enough NEO to passively generate enough GAS that surpasses the paychecks of a 20 hr/week part timer wageslave making $8-12 an hr.

I can't put into words what I am feeling right now. Whats even more, these wagecucks will be buying my GAS with their new basic income to survive sometime in the future. NEO will be too expensive, only the elite of society will hold NEO. The GAS is reserved for the peasantry to have the necessities to live.

Enjoy work tomorrow, nocoiners :)

>> No.3274706

>he actually fell for le passive income meme coin

>> No.3274717

because of NEO depreciation your portfolio is slowly leaking into gas, until you are left with nothing. This is like putting your money in the bank and withdrawing monthly and saying "LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY IM MAKING".
fucking neo bagholders.

>> No.3274718

>he didn't get a full ride to college
>his entire life revolves around being a Jew and hoarding money


>> No.3274719

lol and how many weeks/months need to go by before you get a return on all that money you dished out on that chinese scam coin?

>> No.3274726
File: 21 KB, 300x300, v3261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood the not working meme. Wagecucking is terrible, but having a serious career can be one of the most enriching life experiences. If you know what path you want to be on and have a clear goal, hard work can pay off. I really hope this new generation of self-sustaining NEETs use their gains to start businesses or take their hobbies pro, otherwise I think they're going to find themselves in agony 5 years down the line when the money doesn't last quite as long and they haven't accrued enough skills to find another job.

But also good job, what do I know.

>> No.3274737

200/week? really?


>> No.3274835


the chinamen have fucked you delusional. Put the bag down son plenty of people get chinked, nothing to be ashamed off.

>> No.3274899

Its enough for rent + utilities, electric, internet, car insurance, gas.

Alot of beans and noodles at the moment I will admit...

But as NEO is destined to rise, GAS along with it, along with my standard of living. In a year I will be living a much more luxurious lifestyle I can imagine.

>> No.3274937
File: 444 KB, 593x492, 999911111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grats OP. we ANS vets know that GAS kicks ass and NEO is the future.

>oh but chinese ICO fud

stick it up your ass. the fact that NEO is still alive and kicking after that blow shows that it's going nowhere and will recover soon.

>> No.3274974

where/how the fuck do you live that $200 a week/$10,000 a year covers all your expenses

>> No.3275010

The midwest, everything is cheaper here then anywhere else in the US

>> No.3275089

How much NEO you got?

>> No.3275171

Well here's the thing. Neets know how to live frugally and within their means because, y'know, they're neets. Your average normalfag has maxed credit cards, rent, taxes, 2 kids from 2 different women, money spent partying every weekend. Some kinds of people would blow it quickly, others wouldn't.

>> No.3275315
File: 1.54 MB, 640x800, 1504135230790.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mining Contracts Are Making $50 a day.

Feels good nigga.

>> No.3275324


>> No.3275449



>> No.3275463

Is this a boy?

>> No.3275478

What's the name of this kangz woman?

>> No.3275543
File: 176 KB, 1080x1270, 1502029907898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't Know :^)

>> No.3275563
File: 17 KB, 450x329, hasidic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his entire life doesn't revolve around hoarding money
What are you, a gentile?

>> No.3275879

avatars are against the rules

>> No.3275978

>t. jealous no neo fag

>> No.3276098

>get money without wagecuck
>work on my passions, art & writing

Yea tell me all about it bro, "not working" does NOT mean you dont apply effort elsewhere. Hell, trading/investing itself is a fucking skill, one that runs very short in the real world.

>> No.3276113

>whales accumulate
>whales suppress the price
>don't worry a whale just panic sold
>a whale just accidentally sold
> it's never gonna fall below 01
> it's never gonna fall below 009
> it's never gonna fall below 008
> it's never gonna fall below 007
> it's never gonna fall below 006
> it's never gonna fall below 005
>partnership with Microsoft
>officially working together with Chinese Government
>Red Pulse ICO announcement will skyrocket the price
>Red Pulse ICO will skyrocket the price
>September will be HUGE, triple digits inc
>we have GAS
>buy the dip
>it's mooning everyday anyways

>> No.3276292

>proof of friendship with vitalik

>> No.3276319

lol i know right

>> No.3276607

the amount of neo u need to earn that much gas a week is in millions so no lmao

>> No.3276752

Ive got insider info that there're whales suppressing the price with bots. They also discuss ways to increase the stress of neo holders while complaining that no one is selling lmao. Thered be prison time for this stuff but its crypto and theyre seriously just playing around with us small fish.

>> No.3276802


>> No.3276940

my goal is to visit every country in the world
fuck wage cucking

>> No.3276966

That Being Said, I'm taking my profits towards Hash Mining Operations You Know, to give back.

>> No.3276968


can i get some fucking eye bleach? All I see is HFCS and beetus

>> No.3277150

do some math lmao fucking trard