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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 800x555, 2017-08-29 00.35.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3274329 No.3274329 [Reply] [Original]

-Copy pasta from last time with minor edits-

Hey /biz/, I've been mining Magacoin for quite some time now. I'm here to distribute and share some of my mined coins and thoughts with you.

While you guys are chasing shoddy pump and dumps and largely wasting your time, you're missing out on one of the largest opportunities. Magacoin *IS* going to become the cryptocurrency network of the right wing and the conservatives. Magacoin will ride the MAGA movement to success, it simply has too large of a target audience. One little spark and this coin spreads like wildfire. Always remember that value is created from solid fundamentals and network effects, not by buzzwords and fancy visuals. Stop buying into shitty crap and whining about it for hours, and start building. Come mine with us, next halving is in 4 months!

Come join us in our Discord chat for discussion and mining, over 200+ people are already here: https://discordapp.com/invite/pkUzHR2

Wallets: https://magacoin.org

Mining Guide: https://pastebin.com/Mb644QPy

>> No.3274407

Joined the discord too!

>> No.3274422

Welcome anon! Be sure to ask us about mining, mine early on to amass lots of coins before this hits the exchanges.

Sent over 50 MAGA, let me know when you receive it.

>> No.3274512
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Building the wall one brick at a time.


>> No.3274665

Sent over 50 MAGA anon, let me know when you get the coins!

>> No.3274671


Thanks anon, I am on the discord as well.

>> No.3274681



>> No.3274690

Hey hey hey, sent 50 MAGA anon! Hope you're mining as well :D

>> No.3274700

get them and I am mining as well. next goal is 100k MAGA

>> No.3274704

MAGA my friends!

God emperor trump shall shine upon us in time and reward us for our hands of steel.


>> No.3274741

Get on our Discord guys! Sent 50 MAGA to both of you!

Our discord is our ground zero!

>> No.3274877


>> No.3274880

Magacoin ? That could be something. Dealing with dreams means people won't allow it to fail. It's just about spreading the message.

Now make a left ring coin too and enjoy your crypto civil war.

>> No.3274925

Come on our Discord man, we all have lots of ideas in getting this coin lifted off the ground.

It only takes one MSM news article about magacoin being a racist coin blah blah blah to send this soaring.

>> No.3275238

Up, keep the addressing coming anon!

>> No.3275471

Sure thing, OP

>> No.3275534

choo choo build that wall

>> No.3275651

No premine and 62,984,825 coin supply. Hurry and start mining with us!


>> No.3275653


heyya OP


>> No.3275751

Sent 50 coins over brother! Come mine with us, get more coins before this moons.

>> No.3275826

No PC here, can't download the wallet :(
Only have access to BTC wallet

>> No.3275835

No problem man, these threads usually run for hours and sometimes days. Just post your addr when you get a chance. Come hang out with us on our Discord though!

>> No.3275850

yea, I've seen them a couple of times, I'm already in discord.. later

>> No.3275860


>> No.3275872


I followed the instructions on the pastebin for windows AMD and got an error "no suitable graphics card detected". My GPU is a couple of years old, perhaps that's the problem. How we does the CPU miner work?

>> No.3275910

CPU mining is garbage these days due to the size of the network.

What type of GPU do you have btw? if you get on the chat, we can help you realtime in troubleshooting

>> No.3276009


They have to go.

>> No.3276109


>> No.3276120

Sent 50 MAGA to both addrs! Let me know when you guys get them and join our Discord!

>> No.3276124


>> No.3276149

The wall is 50 feet higher!

Come mine with us :D

>> No.3276158

Hey miners, when will you be finished with the RX460/560 2GB cards?

>> No.3276398


>> No.3276542
File: 363 KB, 1168x1536, 1490652279730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAGA. Have you thought abut doing something like chancoin, having a bot send out a coin for dubs posts? Could spread pretty well on /pol/

>> No.3276600

I am not a dev unfortunately, I am doing this out of my own self-interest.

Sent 50 MAGA, come to the discord :D

>> No.3276619


Thanks, OP

>> No.3276629

Youre welcome anon, mine mine mine! Let me know whne you get the coins :D

>> No.3276646

Pede here, I want some mexican-free MAGA please!


>> No.3276649

coming through now, keep up the good work

>> No.3276667
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>> No.3276671

Sent 50 MAGA brother, get on the Discord and get mining!

>> No.3276781

I already tried mining it but with a CPU its impossible, even using a pool.

Anyway I'll join the discord, I'm interested to speak with other pedes!

>> No.3276934

drain that swamp!

>> No.3276965


A 5570 from ages ago. It's probably too old :(

>> No.3277054



>> No.3277058

People who believe in crypto fucking hate trump and every other wall Street puppet that serves 'the people'
You maga fags are delusional.

>> No.3277098

>renamed getblocktemplate to getbricktemplate
seriously? how is anyone supposed to mine this?

>> No.3277147

Sent 50 MAGA brothers, come on our Discord. We have a lot to do :)
Our pool at pool.brickwall.info handles that conversion, all standard miner software are compatible.Come to the discord man, this is going to be big..

>> No.3277527

got the coins, thanks! I'll see if I can get ccminer to not crash and I'll join the pool.
not too keen on discord desu. can't we discuss here?

>> No.3277631

AMD mines better than NVIDIA
run that shit

>> No.3277661

>People who believe in crypto are all one people with one set of views
The only delusional one here is you my friend.

>> No.3277670

You really think trump and his cabinet full of ex bankers will allow crypto to have true freedom?
Lmao Fucking delusional drumpftard
Fuck off back to pol

>> No.3277679

Which exchange is this going to be at again? They open up MAGA for trade yet?

>> No.3277711

As soon as it's listed expect op to dumb all his bags

Its an obvious scam. Giving away a heap of free coins to dumb fuck beggars in a hope to create some little sook to be buy support that will get destroyed the moment there's enough for him to cash out after a profit

These threads need to be pruned

>> No.3277766

Oh I'll be dumping too, I mined up 20k early on. The giveaways are likely a way to get more nodes hosting the brickchain, and yes attracting bagholders. Without an exchange listing there aren't many ways to get people interested by tempting them with sweet sweet gains. Giveaways are one way.

>> No.3277774

>using drumpf unironically
>implying the MAGA community won't personally write to Trump to convince him otherwise
Don't you have a light night show to be watching

>> No.3277892


Thanks anon.

>> No.3278573

lmao drumpf amirite

>> No.3279005

MAGA for me too please...


>> No.3279099
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Thank you senpai

>> No.3279125

I'll take some if you are still sharing:


>> No.3279309

The naysayers will be crushed by the MAGA stampede!

OP you a legend for doing this.

>> No.3279486

Gibs me some wall coins pls


>> No.3279507

All in all it's just another brick in the wall

>> No.3279544

Bricklaying industry is growing stronger

>> No.3280003



Thanks OP!

>> No.3280364

Yo guys OP here. Just got home.

>> No.3280487
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, kkThrone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome home, Lord.

>> No.3280525



>> No.3280584

AYnVP2sY8NQYBnwXADP9Rz9ssT4Y8iUmsG ty op

>> No.3280593

Thats not a MAGA address brother, DL the wallet.
Indeed it has been!
Thanks brother!
Sent 50 MAGA to all addrs, if i missed you sorry, let me know!

Join our discord channel, the most active Discord chat in /biz/ (tm).


>> No.3280599

Sent 50 MAGA over brother. Let me know when you get it and see you in our Discord!

>> No.3281027

BUMP! Keep sending those addresses in boys!

>> No.3281041


>> No.3281049

G E T O N O U R D I S C O R D!

Sent 50 MAGA :D

>> No.3281051


>> No.3281060

Sent 50 MAGA, come mine with us man!

>> No.3281063

anyway for someone on a mac to mine?

>> No.3281069

Mac laptop or desktop? Come on our chat for real time help and troubleshooting!

>> No.3281075

Can I get 1 coin to see how it works? thanks! :D

>> No.3281076


>> No.3281082

uhh laptop

>> No.3281083

Sent 50 MAGA to both! Come on our chat guys, lots of us are mining, hanging out and chatting.

>> No.3281094


>> No.3281101



>> No.3281103

bump for based OP. come chat with us guys!

>> No.3281109


>> No.3281113

No problem brother! See you in the chat :)
Once per thread please. Come mine with us if you want more :) https://discordapp.com/invite/pkUzHR2
Sent 50 MAGA !

>> No.3281122

Sent 50 MAGA :D Let me know when you get it man!

>> No.3281165

One day the everyone will recognize how glorious America is!!!


>> No.3281170


already joined the discord

>> No.3281172

Sent 50 MAGA, come to our Discord brother! We have lots of work to make it happen!

>> No.3281175


>> No.3281179

:) Sent 50 MAGA anon

>> No.3281198

any updates on the exchanges OP?

>> No.3281208


>> No.3281213

No updates on the exchanges, but its coming... magacoin is growing very fast.. its only a matter of time man.

Get on our discord chat brother! Make it happen with us!

Sent 50 mAGA btw

>> No.3281226


>> No.3281242

hope you guys have room for a euro in your ranks AbdEs8Tdo2xnAUVrcpwmDHqvNR9B8zwMUf

>> No.3281248

that was quick, thanks!

>> No.3281249

We love our Euro brothers and sisters. Come to our Discord anon! If we truly want to meme Magacoin to the moon, we need all hands on deck! This can seriously fucking happen


>> No.3281262


>> No.3281276

Sent 50 MAGA, welcome abord the maga train!

>> No.3281357


>> No.3281363

Sent 50 MAGA brother, come mine with us on Discord!

>> No.3281368

seems cool

>> No.3281379
File: 221 KB, 1134x722, magacoin is not a real crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAGA is the future. pic related

Sent 50 MAGA btw!

>> No.3281429

Implying trump would care about a bunch of autists pol basement dwellers writing a letter that would be thrown in the bin by one of his staff and never mentioned to him

>> No.3281449

>implying those autists give a crap as to what you think

>> No.3281461

Why are you so angry?

The fact someone(you) can get so angry over digital numbers is proof that this coin is going to go to great places. Just wait till this reaches every shitlib such as yourself.

Waaaaa waaaaa muh drumpf muh racism

>> No.3281470

>numbers are racist

>> No.3281471

Recently allocated funds for a new mining rig, since I have disposable resources (electricity, internet) I can mine this with minimal risk. The only potential lost profit here is time, time I could have spent mining other more profitable coins. But I'd appreciate something to get my feet wet OP.

>> No.3281477

Thats an Eth address :P

Send over a MAGA address, think you miscopied.

>> No.3281534

Sorry, lets just ignore that and focus on the fact that I'm a cool kid with a cool mining rig operation about to get setup.
>tfw still spill spaghetti across boards


>> No.3281556

Hahah :P Nice man, get on our fucking Discord! Whats your rig like?

>> No.3281593


Hi. I joined the discord

>> No.3281610

Nice welcome, ask us about mining! Sent 50 MAGA to get you started :)

>> No.3281647

MAC wallet dmg has no application in it

>> No.3281652

lolwut? I'm using the mac wallet right now.

>> No.3281724

lol, i opened up the dmg again (3rd time) and it was ok.

fuck having 7gb blockchain on my disk though. i'm out.

>> No.3281733

Thats a known bug, the database is like 40MB in size lol.

>> No.3281913

Bump, going to sleep anon. Get on our Discord and get mining. https://discordapp.com/invite/pkUzHR2

And post your addresses, I'll send out MAGA tomorrow morning!

>> No.3282195
