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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3273178 No.3273178 [Reply] [Original]

Did you tell any of your friends about cryptos? did you mention your gains to them?
I don't and don't plan to until I'm filthy rich. I secretly hate all of them and I want to feel like a king around them. My dream is hitting up my friends one day with my lambo that I just acquired. I'll drive into their parking and see their confused faces. They will start to ask question. The thought about seeing the expression on their faces when they realize I made it big makes me hard. Then they'll be like "DUDE WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US ABOUT THIS BEFORE?? WE COULD HAVE BEEN RICH TOO REEEE" and I'll just brush them off and tell them I'm not their babysitter. If they can't figure out other ways to make money is not my problem. The news will spread fast, and I'll be known as the guy that made it. Their sisters will start texting me, wanting a piece of the pie, and I will pump and dump them just like I do my shitcoins. People that were long forgot forgotten will suddenly enter into my life. I will just brush them off like the insects they are. And when it gets too much, I'll just move away, and start living like I always wanted to, for real now.

>> No.3273212
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>imagine being this assblasted

>> No.3273220

>Not buying a fuckhuge mansion for you & your friend to party erryday with cocaine & hookers

You don't need to be rich to act like an ass OP. Get real friends.

>> No.3273227


>> No.3273240

>having a pathetic anime revenge fantasy in 2k17

sage in options

>> No.3273260
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>being this red pilled

>> No.3273292


I made seven figures from investing in btc years ago and even managed to make a hefty amount from ethereum back in january 2016.

I do subtle things, like posting a picture of paying off my student loands in one go, announcing that I've bought my first and second home (for rental purposes).

The saddest part is how many girls from my secondary school that try to start conversations or even ask me out, I know they're not interested in me, i have a shitty personality.

I've had to block quite a few people who tried to pitch their 'unique business ideas' to me, I figure I'm just gonna be some old guy in a big house who everyone makes rumors about.

>> No.3273308

I did and I regret it.

I'm giving out gold advice while not following it myself and watching them make money while my bag dwindles.

>> No.3273309

I have with Bitcoin and he told me to sell because the ATH ($1400 at the time) was the highest it'll get and I was stupid for holding. Also got told to not be in Ethereum because his buddies lost money back when $15 was ATH and it kept going down because of the hack.

Needless to say, I dumped all and any crypto discussion until I cash out in the future.

>> No.3273332

You need to start fucking. Just pump 'n dump them if you don't think they're just after your coins

>> No.3273342

i feel you... but if you hate your friends so much they're probably not really your friends, if i make it i would like to buy a mansion and throw parties WITH my friends

>> No.3273422

Friends are overrated. When you have lots of money, "friendship" is exposed to what it really is - a way for the poor to leech from the rich without guilt. It's a biological system of mutual benefit until one has the holds the most benefit. The only reason to have ""friends"" as a rich man is to subjugate them and showcase your power to lure the most females.

Living the life. Can't wait to be in your shoes.

Tell your friends you lost money from it. Make it seem like it's the worst thing ever. Spread FUD until they pull out. The market of shitcoins is ours and ONLY ours.

>> No.3273469

I told a few. One listened and holds a small eth bag. One is clearly mad at my gains but doesn't have the balls to invest.

>> No.3273875

I told all of my friends. And they all told me it was pyramid scheme and called me a moron.

>> No.3273877

shiiiieeet bitch chill

>> No.3273920

>and I will pump and dump them just like I do my shitcoins
lmao this is why you're never gonna make it to lamboland