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3256243 No.3256243 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3256268
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>> No.3256270
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Calm the fuck down retard!

>> No.3256284
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I know is painful, but drop those bags dude. Neo is over:
- Money Skeleton give it thumbs down.
- Chink scam.
- Chinese cannot participate on Red Pulse ICO (means, they will drops those bags).

Buy some OMG, be patient. Thank me later.

>> No.3256283

They won't prop this shit coin up for long, retards. Get out while you can.

>> No.3256285
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>> No.3256289

>he isn't in TNT, OMG, BNB, ETH, and Whoppercoin

>> No.3256292
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and then he said NEO is the ETH killer

>> No.3256314
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>> No.3256332
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>and then he said that NEO will be the Chinese ethereum!

>> No.3256351

>China starts crackdown on unregulated crypto
>declares life imprisonment for ICO fund fraud
>NEO tanks


>> No.3256354

Buy NEO's current substitute with similar gains coming up in Sep.
>Buy OMG

>> No.3256360
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Prepare your anus for 005

>> No.3256368
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> ... and then he told us: "NEO is the next Ethereum"

>> No.3256370
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I hope you idiots sold at the peak like me and spread anti-Fud to reverse the market so i can buy more NEO from weak hands.

>> No.3256398

People here kept talking about it going to moon in September. I almost bought in at $40. Thank God. Dead coin.

>> No.3256399
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Just panicky little shits selling their NEOs over some news they don't even understand.

China's crackdown on ICOs is a good thing. It means we aren't going to see the cruddy money grab scams that we see in America over in China on the NEO platform. This means higher quality compared to ETH, which has basically now become known as a scam factory.

Once people realize this news isn't that big a deal, the price will shoot back up. Until then, everybody panics, and we smart people buy it up :)

>> No.3256422
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w-we have GAS

>> No.3256427
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>going all in on a coin that was obviously at the end of its meme cycle

accept your wagecuck destiny you naive wojaks. you could get rich off NEO if you had strong hands but you don't. just cash out and get on with your life you fucking manlets.

>> No.3256434
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>> No.3256455

Dont worry about it, just hold. The chinese dont even want to partcipate in red pulse. they are just manipulating the price to shake weak hands. its all a game.

>> No.3256480

why are some people so evil

>> No.3256494

>95% of altcoins aren't scamcoins that never fulfil their intended purpose
>Neo is worth more than $10 now that 95% of their potential market has been BTFO

But I heard Neo was announcing a big partnership with Alibaba soon. Or was it JD.com?

>> No.3256525
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>pink wojacks on neo confirmed

"be greedy when others are fearful"

Fundamentals have not changed.

>> No.3256557

When China can't even participate in neos new ico and possibly all the ones to come? Not even a chance my friend.

>> No.3256569

Let's be real here. The Chinese were going to fuck with crypto eventually. It's a communist country. Can't really be that surprised this happened.

>> No.3256596

So why doesn't ETH tank as well? This is short term because of RPX.

>> No.3256601

ETH is gonna crash cuz Americans can't participate in ICOs

>> No.3256605


>> No.3256644


>> No.3256657

NEO's value is derived from staking gains, not just being a launchpad for shittokens

>> No.3256662

Everyone speaks english, not everyone speaks mandarin.

>> No.3256688

We BTC nao? Fuck off.

>> No.3256691

Because the autistic skeletons eth isn't chinas eth like neo supposedly is. If China bans icos neo has 0 purpose. Eth is used the world over.
Yea you can stake bitbean too. That's real neat but doesn't mean much if neo doesn't do anything.

>> No.3256726

just sell your NEO so I could buy more, weak hand always loses

>> No.3256754

neo is 2000$ in 2022

>> No.3256756

reminder that all shitcoins' raison d'etre is maximising btc stack
check its marketcap, retard

>> No.3256826
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>and then he said that NEO will be the Chinese ethereum!

>> No.3256850
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I like how you leave out everything in my post to point out the market cap of bitbean and then call me the retard.

>> No.3256956


>but guise it was just a shitcoin all along. No one took it seriously. Nothing has changed!

You're implying that neos new overriding purpose will be as a stable store of value that pays gas when the anticipated ICOs for it are being regulated away so transactions won't be made on their chain and gas won't be demanded?

That's some desperate cope right dere.

>> No.3257238

contrasting it with other shitcoins, it's as good as ark, for instance, although ark has pretty fixed 10% staking reward whereas neo's gas can yield more or less than that on top of posssible appreciation in price
neo has a large marketcap, low inflation and enough volume so one can get in and out easily
these are its strengths
as for smart contracts, I don't care about those, they are a meme, as stated before they are nothing but a launchpad for shittokens

>> No.3257376

how can there be so much dumb in a single human

>> No.3257390

i kok'ed

>> No.3257418

people saying NEO was only for shit tokens are clearly just brainwashed by ETH, which is definitely only for shit tokens.

and FYI, Da Hongfei has already disavowed the "chinese ethereum" meme. "NEO is NEO", was the direct quote.

>> No.3257509
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>> No.3257591

because people are selling NEO and buying ETH, that is why ETH is rising

>> No.3257843

He can disavow the ETH tag all he likes (despite ensuring that his pic sitting next to money skeleton at a conference was shilled like fuck by his astroturfers) but at the end of the day, Da Donggay has no other clients for his scam other than two shitcoin offerings that Chinks won't be able to buy with nothing else on the horizon.

>> No.3257986

brb, being greedy while others are fearful

>> No.3258036
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as a no-Neo, should i buy this dip?

give it to me straight

>> No.3258072


>> No.3258094

Stay a no-neo. We don't need uninformed faggots that don't do their own research and only follow hype from 4fags

>> No.3258154

Short NEO, 1$

>> No.3258560

I was an ANS person and I just sold all of mine.

The reason why I like cryptos is because it;s decentralized and the government isn't regulating it.

Governments in general, and the Chinese government notoriously, are highly corrupt.

And I loathe how Chinese nationals are not even able to play in. It pisses me off.

I made tripple my money, so I am out. Not losing profit while people make off their minds and with the goverment stepping in there will be more and more announcement, regulations and problems.

to me, it's not worth the hassle. Keeping it in BTC and buying some Iota for the next train.

>> No.3258574

lol the Iota part is how I know you're full of shit bro

>> No.3258576

>I was an ANS person
>I made triple my money

pick one you fucking newfag

>> No.3258605

think what you'd like.
I really like the tech with Iota. I'm making a small investment, not putting all the money in.

The overwhelming profit I made will be staying in BTC as it continues to appreciate in value.
Make your own choices, but doubt people's decisions for valid reasons.

>> No.3258631

I know right

>> No.3258655
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>pic related

>> No.3258732

Yes, I'm a newfag.
I put in $200 when it was ANS. Took out over 600 just now$.
it wasn't phenomenal. I should have cashed out earlier with the main pump but I generally liked Neo.

This leave, to me, is about ethics and personal choice. Neo is really volatile now and may go up again, or down.

Anon asked if he should buy in. In general I would not right now because this is the beginning of instability. No one knows what's going to happen.

If it has a huge crash, and the dev timeline looks promising weak hands like mine were shook out, and it will go up again and you can profit. That's great.

But that might not be the case. It could keep going down and I don't like having full bags with this uncertainty.

Had friends who escaped China. I can't support their government but maybe others can.

That's my opinion. It's not lies or shilling.
So either take it into account, or shut the fuck up and find a better way of using your time, other than replying to some random anon you think it sbullshit.

unless... of course, you're butthurt about Neo and really want to shill it so you don't lose your money.

>> No.3258886

Are you retarded? The only reason why some people were dissatisfied with your response to this thread was the fact that you made a perfectly reasonable explanation on your thought process about NEO, and then threw it all out the window with your input on "IOTA". This is a neo thread you fucking retard, we don't need anymore shilling or instilling FOMO amongst the masses of retards here. Just make your own IOTA thread. Even a retard like me can see the red flag in your response desu.

>> No.3258917
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>not buying eth when it is mooning

you are a fucking moron kill yourself u degenerate piece of fucking shit

>> No.3258920

you're not part of the ANS club for throwing 200 bucks at it, sorry. 1 BTC minimum

>> No.3259179

Impossible, ANS was never worth .00244, and that's a pretty low bar for where its been recently