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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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32542 No.32542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As a business board we'll get a ton of questions like "I have xxx to invest, what should I do with it?"

To filter a bunch of those questions, how about we make a sticky?

For example, I think a good answer for people with less than 10k in assets, instead of going on trading would be to keep piling up to avoid the trading fees.

For more than that, perhaps just suggest the Boglehead method for people who don't want to worry too much about it?

Suggest what you'd do for various situations, and what a sticky for /biz/ would look like.

>> No.32566

Yeah, we need to have a sticky that tells people what advice NOT to take, otherwise there will be complications to our board...

>> No.32576

Exactly, I feel having people going around and suggesting people to invest all of their money in things they don't understand very well (cryptos, specific stocks, options) will make this a miserable board.

>> No.32592

Which is exactly why this board was a bad idea. Can't wait for people coming to complain about money they lost.

>> No.32620

No I disagree, I've been waiting for this board for a while.

Though when you look at the front page there are mostly 3 things:

-Career advices
-What should I invest in

Perhaps covering all of those subjects in a sticky would make more place for more in depth discussions, and perhaps making this a slower board.

>> No.32651

Slower, but better.

>> No.32687

There's no right answer so a sticky wouldn't work

>> No.32710


the sticky picture should be the picture of moot saying how he would not want a board where people would give financial advice

>> No.32780

I disagree OP

I feel that always having new investment threads will always bring new and different ideas. It will also bring discussion and pros/cons.

This isn't like /fit/ where "how do I exercise" is a static topic. There are a million ideas out there and I feel a "static" source of info like a sticky is no better than an article on forbes.

The beauty of this site is open discussion not static info.

>> No.32847


The worst thing this board could do is acknowledge crytpo-currencies as legitimate.

That'd be like /fit/ stickying resources on Nautilus machines.

>> No.32839

This is a discussion board not a blog. Fuck off with your stickies. Boards like /fit/ have a sticky that literally covers every fucking thing. If you actually read the sticky there would be no purpose of posting anything.

Let's not go solving problems that don't exist.

>> No.32924

We could still post links to things that give people a start.

For example, the websites to the biggest ETFs managers, being Blackrock and Vanguard.

Links for the most informative books, like "A Random Walk On Wall Street" or "The Intelligent Investor", etc.

The websites for wages, information about the placement rate depending on the degree, things like that that people can go take a look before they ask questions.

I understand that a perfect guide doesn't really exist, because everybody is different, has different goals and whatnot, but a basic information thread could be helpful.

>> No.33017

But all that "static" data already exists on FAR more reputable websites. This is a discussion board. "Read the sticky" is not an acceptable response to someone's question.

Stop trying to collect static data on a site fully designed to be a dynamic site. Especially on such a dynamic topic as investment.