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File: 447 KB, 1500x1600, nooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3253146 No.3253146 [Reply] [Original]

First, this:
SEC regulators are coming after ICOs (25 July)

Then this:
Suddenly, Russia Plans To Ban Cryptocurrency Sales To ‘Ordinary People’ (28 August)

Now this:
China is planning a crackdown on ICOs, the red-hot digital-coin-issuing trend

Expect a similar announcement from EU in the coming weeks.

If you made it till now, good for you.

If not, the crypto dream is over.

>> No.3253167

tfw comfy in legit projects and not random bullshit ICOs :^)

>> No.3253170
File: 281 KB, 452x617, 1503859223522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retard.

>> No.3253197
File: 155 KB, 445x324, pinksite1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye of little faith. We'll just go underground.

>> No.3253204

Reading about Russia it sounds like they have folded to brokers and are enforcing the use of brokers to buy crypto.
All the rest are just about ICOs which have a negative effect n crypto as a whole and will have no meaningful impact on the price of BTC.

>> No.3253254

This is probably a good thing in the long run. How many scam ICOs are out there? How many people have you heard of trying to start an ICO with no intention of actually doing the work after?

I mean, just look at the morons who started TeaToken here on biz.

It's happening a lot and people are losing money on garbage.

Now, these governments probably can't tell who is a scam and who's trolling or not.

>> No.3253255

There are probably two ways governments can regulate cryoto:
If they perceive of it as just another resource they need to possess in order to maintain power they will buy in and try to hold majority stake in various coins to become influential
If its just a regulatory institutional issue they will need to control the surrounding infrastructure
> interested in how Rus will sustain the distinction of banning "normal" people from a legal standpoint

>> No.3253294
File: 12 KB, 226x225, 6734168653789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no taxes on your crypto trades/gains in your country

>> No.3253304

This just legitimizes the field further and makes a higher entry barrier for competitors which does nothing but increases the value of the bags we are currently holding since there is nowhere else for fresh capital to go.

>> No.3253305


>> No.3253318



>> No.3253333

How many sex related coins are there?There is already a porn coin,a fapping coin,even a fucking black coin

>> No.3253650

American here. I'm legitimately thinking of setting up residency in Puerto Rico to avoid taxes when cashing out my gains.

>> No.3253703


>> No.3253709

Checked. But is there a cuck coin?

>> No.3253784

If big countries start clamping down on crypto market, the demand will decrease significantly, fucking it up for everyone involved.

It wouldn't matter whether u're in Slovenia or Cayman Islands.

>> No.3253828
File: 99 KB, 750x750, 1502112741388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin derivatives for institutional investors are on the way. CBOE said this year or early next year they will launch their platform and LedgerX has been cleared for launch. Fidelity bank has started tracking bitcoin in their investor portfolios. Regulation isn't the end, it's the beginning. We should be happy that bitcoin is burgeoning into the mainstream investment landscape. Big money has noticed our little game and they are coming in to blow it to the fucking moon. We are front running the hedge funds and banks that will come pouring into crypto. We should be celebrating right now

>> No.3253832
File: 12 KB, 231x281, 1502491494958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icos are total scam for kids to burn their money.

>> No.3253863
File: 172 KB, 907x580, pinkapp-torstack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not a coin. This is shares in an anonymous escort agency. Actual profits, actual people. Very strong tech. $1/share next month, $10 by end of year. $60 a year later.
We actually solve sex worker problems.

>> No.3253883

Never lost a single dime from any ICO i've invested EVER.

If you can't tell the difference between a scam and a good project, you deserve to lose your money.

You gonna lose it anyway as we all know the saying about the fool and his money.

>> No.3253949

You don't have to have an ICO to make a crypto.

>> No.3253976

Someone would have to be an idiot or live in one of the few countries where prostitution is entirely legal to buy this. 10x growth max in a year for something you'd be arrested with if the government finds out you own it? You have that potential with plenty of other cryptos without that drawback.

>> No.3254685

So is Kickstarter.