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File: 20 KB, 1024x508, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3249961 No.3249961 [Reply] [Original]

Check out ETH charts around the same time.
NEO will hover around it a lot less, and whales permitting we will see a HUGE pump very soon.

>> No.3249969
File: 45 KB, 519x591, 1499275419437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr chinese scam coin
>hurr durr qtum is better
>hurr durr one developer

NEO holder master race WILL have the last laugh

>> No.3249977
File: 51 KB, 798x871, 1498944945789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-we have gas

>> No.3249981

consolidating before breakout

>> No.3249983


I only have 417 :( please dont let the whales come before i can get to 500.. plz

>> No.3250213

NEO is already going back up, might as well buy while you can still get it under 1 mill

>> No.3250220

Good entry point to buy some NEO. R-Right? RIGHT?

>> No.3250228

Time to buy back in is around 700k sats

>> No.3250229

anything below 900k is a steal

>> No.3250232

whales aren't letting it go that low

>> No.3250234

I agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.3250235

700k u watched the chart once?

>> No.3250488

any good icos coming up soon?
got a spare neo to throw at those sexy new asians.

1 neo gets like 1400 ico coins or something.

>> No.3250787
File: 32 KB, 492x428, Wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3250887

he's talking about that red something
I'll just wait for ATH and gtfo

>> No.3250950

Neo isn't vitalik's asshole. It's one huge scamming lie after another. Da hongfei is a snake oil selling hawker who doesn't know the first about building a blockchain.

>> No.3250958

If your arms need a workout holding bags, sure.

>> No.3250972

The ATH has come and gone. I still can't believe this obvious vaporware scamcoin reached 0.1.
Then I remember all the retards pissing their money away on kikestarter and it all makes sense.

>> No.3251070

babby bought high and sold low, it seems
newsflash: every single crypto that isn't named bitcoin is a shitcoin whose one and only purpose it to enlarge one's btc stack

>> No.3251087

Hongfei is the CEO of a company (Onchain) providing blockchain services to multiple companies and their government

>> No.3251099


>> No.3251136

I agree Da Hongfei is a scammer. I'm just waiting for the next inevitable moon when he "accidentally" makes a tweet like pic related or takes a bunch of selfies of himself visiting Japan and talking to banks or whatever the fuck he did. As soon as that happens I'm out.

>> No.3251141


i hope you sold

>> No.3251143
File: 241 KB, 1700x2200, neo professionalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3251149
File: 16 KB, 445x242, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3251156

red nigger ico is meant for westerners wanting to gain insight into chink markets
local chinks can pajeet it by providing info for tokens

>> No.3251184

Whales have created a dumb, watch out for the floor to buy back in

>> No.3251192


>> No.3251207


>> No.3251211

I wonder if the spike to 950k was a whale attempt to get it mooning, and now they are frustrated and want weak hands out

>> No.3251272


NEO just dropped 10%, what is going on?

>> No.3251276

Sell now for real reply more in a bit

>> No.3251280

>immediately crashes

I don't even know anymore.

>> No.3251283

WTF HAPPENED. I go to practise some code, 1 hour late I come back it's gone down $2. I refresh instantly thinking it's a bug and it's down $3. 5 mins still no fix. Save me

>> No.3251288
File: 69 KB, 523x662, neobtfo.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese can't create an ICO on NEO anymore due to government regulations.

>> No.3251289

Fuck you, don't do that again.

>> No.3251292

nice fud, bought the dip.

>> No.3251296

Don't FOMO buy you cuck

>> No.3251300
File: 1.28 MB, 1724x1554, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-29 um 12.49.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are fucked

>> No.3251301

Yesterday I sold Tenx before going to work, it imploded to 100k

>> No.3251306

Looks some Chinese whales may have dumped then

I would expect NEO to rise back up when the Americans wake up

>> No.3251308

Guys this is not fud...Im holding like 4000 and im about to dump because of this news.

>> No.3251314

Then you're an idiot.

>> No.3251315


>> No.3251326

This is like the equivalent of the vitalik car crash in june. fake news is fake to cuck the idiots then we moon.

>> No.3251328


>> No.3251333


>> No.3251339
File: 1.49 MB, 768x1408, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-29 um 12.54.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese people don't invest money in august because of the ghost month

>> No.3251348

>Not dumping sooner

>> No.3251350

not fake news


>> No.3251354

Panic sellers are hilarious. Chinese govt. announces they want to regulate ICOs so smart money can move into them safely and make sure the ICOs arn't scams.

This is good. It is not a ban you fucking idiots. It's regulation. Read the press release. I'm warning you all, don't fall for the FUD, it will be intense. Then when the legit ICOs start rolling in this year you will be sorry.

>> No.3251364


>> No.3251366


>> No.3251370

No link to source = bullshit

>> No.3251375


>> No.3251379

not fake look...

>> No.3251392

see you guys below 20 $....

>> No.3251395

Where is selfie cryptoking at? It's been a week or so since his last report in on NEO.

>> No.3251398

I bought at 5$. Nice try though. See ya in a few months. I'll be golfing on the moon.

>> No.3251409

tbf he did say before 9/11. Still got a few days left.

>> No.3251411


>> No.3251418

ah ya got me dude hahah here's you're reward

>> No.3251435

Lol you guys who are panic selling are being manipulated by whales.

Even with the news, Red Pulse ICO is still very hyped and there are a lot of people out there that want to accumulate cheaply.

>> No.3251467

I'm not sure it was a manipulation, but I would guess Chink whales dropped because apparently ICOs in China are to banned. This is actually fake news, as they are to be regulated.

No I wonder what caused this ICO to drop out with China, maybe they do not have enough legal strength?

>> No.3251469

This is actually good for Neo.

>> No.3251486

time to buy from the retards who cannot read an article

>> No.3251487

I see
Still bullshit though

>> No.3251501
File: 97 KB, 1018x778, neo crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITS CRASH GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.3251503
File: 141 KB, 600x400, 1503038844062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3251512


>> No.3251517

>this is actually good for Neo


>> No.3251523

So what

>> No.3251526

Oh fuck sometimes this gambling game is way too stressful.

>> No.3251539
File: 67 KB, 221x210, 1499998510046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were given the info over 25 minutes ago to sell ahead of the pack yet here you are still trying to cope.

>> No.3251542


>> No.3251543


>> No.3251563

Remember, when buying a dip, make sure not to catch a falling knife.

>> No.3251576

i will HODL my 800 neo. i dont care

>> No.3251586

I couldn't sleep so I got up to check my gainz.

>Feels goodman

Check it a minute later and NEO has shat the bed

>Read the news
>Sell sell sell

Good thing I couldn't sleep.

>> No.3251591

There's no real bad news here, only FUD

>> No.3251593

Bye, neotards. You won't be missed.

>> No.3251601

and UP we go

>> No.3251604


>> No.3251608
File: 222 KB, 500x700, 1503089532922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3251609

It's bad for Ethereum, good for Neo. Neo can get legal clearance, ETH can't.

This was a stupid decision. They should have delayed the ICO.

>> No.3251617


>> No.3251623

Why is the volume increasing?

>> No.3251633

People sending it from their wallets to sell?

>> No.3251636

Bought 200 more on the way down. Feels great to burn money

>> No.3251643

Durr the IRS gonna raid your accounts and audit you!

Durr the SEC is regulating ICOs and going to ruin the market.

Durr the Chinese Govt. is going to regulate ICOs and kill NEO.

All BTFO. Regulation is GOOD. It's what lets normies and pension funds invest in this shit. Long term this is good. Short term you will see some red candles but trust me, this is good long term. No pension fund with 200 billion in assets is going to invest in an unregulated scam. This is part and parcel of opening up crypto to a wider audience. You won't be able to scam Chinese with KIDS coin shit anymore, so sorry.

Don't panic sell. Take a break for a month. Cya.

>> No.3251645

Feel the weight?

>> No.3251657

>knows the price is going lower

>> No.3251658

buy the neo dip for quick gains

>> No.3251663

because people are dumping...just sold 4000

>> No.3251668

panic selling ~ transactions from wallets to exchange ~ new buyers move from exchange to wallets ~ more blocks building ~ making gas quicker than ever.

>> No.3251672
File: 18 KB, 1047x313, livingontheedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, it's the cliff that all the neo-fags are going to throw themselves off

>> No.3251677
File: 11 KB, 500x166, 1454233318188833843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't scam with ICOs no mo'
>scam ICOs are Neo's biggest market

>> No.3251682


It's already 725 anon

>> No.3251684

So this applies to QTUM TOO>

>> No.3251692

Waiting for the bottom to buy.

>> No.3251694

Sold all my NEO. What is going to be the next hype of the month in September?

>> No.3251697

Qtum is Singaporean. So no. ROR

>> No.3251702

No it's 681

>> No.3251704

It's dropping by the second, anon. Just like the neo-fags.

>> No.3251714

sold, fuck it.
That loss hurt, from 0.75btc down to 0.58btc

>> No.3251716

Ok buying 500 more. ALL IN NOW

>> No.3251719
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1329874253001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for all the pink wojaks

>> No.3251730


>> No.3251732

Just wait until California wakes up.

>> No.3251741

Too early... More people will sell as they wake up in the US. It's going to 0.003 at least.

>> No.3251746
File: 50 KB, 267x313, fallingknife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3251749

Someone post that neo pic where the red candle punctures his body.

>> No.3251750
File: 19 KB, 1045x312, livingontheedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beautiful.

>> No.3251752

Haha. Poor ppl who are sleeping right now or working and will see the neo chart in like 3-4hours. feels bad :( Hope they got a stop loss somewhere

>> No.3251753

How much do you think it will crash? Because I'm gonna buy a load at the bottom

>> No.3251754

ok 65 is the floor

>> No.3251766
File: 84 KB, 400x400, 1499921403146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3251768
File: 1.06 MB, 4175x3635, NEOTARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.3251772

xD at everyone who sold below 70

>> No.3251777

China ruins something again

>> No.3251778

And we are back

>> No.3251779


>> No.3251782

finally i can buy more and more and more, diont be upset guys, sell at the right time and buy in at the right time, that dip is your tocket for long term hodl or quick 15-20% gainz.

stay positive folks :)

>> No.3251783

Holy fuck what went wrong? 100 s-soon right?

>> No.3251784

>tfw neo dipped to .087
>meh might as well toss 0.2btc more into neo
>immediately falls under .07
I havent even saved any pink wojaks for this feel.

>> No.3251785
File: 28 KB, 390x310, 1328635904615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is seriously top tier fun

>> No.3251792

Dead cat bounce. Fundamentals are fucked.

>> No.3251793

in crypto: if you dont know what to do - do nothing

>> No.3251795

I know its not going to matter and we will be back up soon enough but this did feel like a punch in my stomach. I already thought I bought what I thought was "the dip" so I dont have any more to buy this one.

>> No.3251796

>bounced $5 back in like a minute


>> No.3251798

Pink wojack is who Pink wojack does

>> No.3251805

Dead cat anon, sell sell sell

>> No.3251807
File: 42 KB, 1189x393, neocucksbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3251809

Maybe this is actually a moon preparation, look at the volume guys.

>> No.3251810

same here, bought @.095 and then again @.087 because fuck it, what could go wrong with the upcoming ICOs?

>> No.3251811

LOL! i just made $5k in 1 minute exactly buying and selling this crash

>> No.3251814

Someone bought a shit ton.

>> No.3251824

Something tells me a whale intentionally did a massive sell off in order to trigger everyone's stop losses so he could pick up even more NEO.

>> No.3251827

Yeah... me too...

>Magic missile

>> No.3251828

Im going to feel really bad for people who are sleeping right now and have a stop loss order.

>> No.3251829
File: 25 KB, 2040x54, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post pic

>> No.3251832

Something tells me it's going back down to 20 dollars

>> No.3251835


>> No.3251836

meanwhile, ARK is at $2.90 - 64500k


>> No.3251838

Splish splash I was takin' a bath. Used some FUD to cause a panic sell.

>> No.3251840

Nah that was a crash lol

>> No.3251841
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 1502166107907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just turned 600 neo in to 700 neo

>> No.3251842

Same. Wanted to buy more but no spare BTC left

>> No.3251847

>babbys first dip
Zoom out to 1 month you retards

>> No.3251855

anyone here who sold is fuckin stupid LOL

>> No.3251858


>> No.3251859

>tfw couldnt sell and rebuy because NEO is lying around in wallet making me 1 gas per month
I think this staking thing isnt worth it for my 110 NEO.

>> No.3251862

Made an extra 78 Neo, thanks fuds

>> No.3251863
File: 586 KB, 2560x1707, 1503891087895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, i missed this dip ((((((((((

>> No.3251866
File: 45 KB, 453x576, 1318891264289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those margin traders
>all those stop loses

Can you just imagine how much money was lost right now?

>> No.3251871

Get ready for the next dump. Shorts are already placed. NEO is worthless now.

>> No.3251874

Already recovered

>> No.3251878

I just got moar you commie faggots

>> No.3251882

Ok every retard who got fudded please raise your hand.

>> No.3251884

>tfw got some more during the mega dip that just happened at 750k sats

>> No.3251885

Yeah, its a reason for the moon now

>> No.3251886

ya i was staking for awhile but i make at least 10 neo trading every day so whats the point

>> No.3251889

I tried to warn people. I even said "the FUD will be intense", but people just don't listen. The price is manipulated 100% by bots and whales. When will you people get it...

>> No.3251893

I'm buying more

>> No.3251896

so fucking annoying. was waiting for NEO to come down before I bought it again just over 800k. "sweet! I'm so happy I managed to get in that low"

go to sleep, price fucking tanks hardcore. lost opportunity to get in significantly lower

NEO is still undervalued here. if you don't think so then why do people always buy it up immediately as soon as it dips? the only reason its hurting right now is because ETHEREUM is booming and that scares people. it's all emotion. god i missed some great extra gains

>> No.3251901

We're going back again, you idiots.

>> No.3251907

It's just started the fuck are you talking about

>> No.3251911

Were gonna make it bruh

>> No.3251913

I still can't believe people who panic sell. You're really making our job that much easier

>> No.3251917

sold to buy more at bottom, recoved way to fast :(

>> No.3251921

Think the ride will be a bit more intense, but it will go back to cca 850

>> No.3251922

>not staking NEO to get free GAS
>not holding the superior ETH
>expecting the price to go to the moon overnight
0.024 on Sep 19th
don't ask me how I know

>> No.3251936

>tfw used to be a super emotional trader
>tfw this dip temporarily shot my portfolio down thousands of dollars
>reaction was to quickly buy more when usually I'd flip out

Buy the dip

>> No.3251941

Yeah, I'll be back in a few months to collect my profits.

>> No.3251945


>> No.3251946
File: 72 KB, 449x498, 1496124513057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an ugly chart now, how this going affect us down the road

>> No.3251958

What was your entry point and how did you gauge it?

>> No.3251966

Even more whale dominance, they just obtained so much cheap NEO.

>> No.3251968
File: 49 KB, 500x387, Bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw be whale placing 2000 BTC market order
>mfw don't care how much money I'd lose creating this dip
>mfw triggering stop losses left and right

>> No.3251987

One day anon may know that feel

>> No.3251998
File: 21 KB, 312x345, 1503401943281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh solly we make error tweet. We already put bullet in back of PR manager head. We promise this is last time NEO related product tweet the fake news..solly error news.

>> No.3252003


Some fresh fish who thought they were cool and fancy just got his ass liquidated from his NEO at the bottom

>> No.3252041

I was nearly a fresh fish...tried to sell my stack but the price was plummeting too fast so I eventually said fuck it and hedl

>> No.3252044
File: 196 KB, 1846x932, 2017-08-29 06_48_58-Tweets with replies by Red Pulse (@red_pulse_china) _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, it's actually not a tweet, it's replies.

>> No.3252052

>whales have more NEO and control even more t the market now
T-thanks weak hands

>> No.3252084

>implying whales like staying poor

>> No.3252091

volume rises as fuck

>> No.3252100

Just another day doing business in chinkland.

>> No.3252110

Ikr. Only about 2k more and NEO is first in terms of volume again.

>> No.3252176

Dear morons,

I done missed the dip, can you please all panic sell again so that I can raise my stack?

Many thanks.
Paul D Internet.

>> No.3252307


>> No.3252413

red pulse?

>> No.3252473

You'll get your chance soon enough, champ. The devs have put a floor on the price so that they and their friends can start slowly cashing out.

You should just sell your stack now and buy up when it collapses to 100k.

>> No.3252571

you have no concept of how markets work, or how committed the neo guys are to their project

>> No.3252747

And the rollercoaster continues.

>> No.3252829


This guy gets it.

>> No.3252863

volume is 14682 now
does it mean the whales want to sell it?

>> No.3252882

"Be greedy when others are fearful"

>> No.3252929

Looking order book, i'd say it's more greed atm.

>> No.3252934

haha all these FUDders here hoping to buy NEO at a low price.. because they missed the initial moon missions.. hilarious

>> No.3253048


Thinking about converting the rest of my ETH to NEO, I already did half my stack. I bought ETH in at $17, don't see I'm going to see fast gains from it for awhile.

>> No.3253101


Whales wont touch this scamcoin for anything more than a pump and dump.

>> No.3253567

This shit again?
>Hurr me BTC, purist only valuable coin. Ethereum does not count or Bitcoin Cash, everything is a scam except BTC hur durf I'm so fucking retarded please send help.

This isn't 2012 - 2015 anymore kid.

>> No.3253728


Omisego is out of Thailand

>> No.3254502
File: 568 KB, 1986x1669, 1488206824724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sold my stack, only kept 50 as a souvenir. Felt fucking good being on this rocket since 2-3$. Pure luck not going to lie but fuck yes it felt good.

>> No.3254596

nvmind, just bought back some. Book looks too good, looks like a reversal in happening

>> No.3254712

weakhands rekt its already top volume on trex

>> No.3254801

Hahahahaha it's already back up to $36.

SO glad I didn't sell

Only mad I was stuck in the data center and didn't have my personal laptop to buy more!!!

>> No.3254896



>> No.3254918

Weaks hands get slapped.

>> No.3255031

He's just bitching about shit that is going to be implemented, but isn't yet.

He's almost certainly an ETH fanboi that feels insecure.

>> No.3255106
