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File: 491 KB, 1251x1363, Untitled-u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3245046 No.3245046 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post screencaps of huge crypto mistakes we have made

pic related i could have had a 130,000 USD by now if i didn't sell like a bitch. It eats at me everyday.

>> No.3245065

you weak handed fuck

slap yourself

>> No.3245100

feelsbadman.jpg but then again - its crypto, noone knows where its going

>> No.3245106

Stop worrying about it man. There's nothing you can do to change the past so there's no use letting it eat at you. Keep looking forward. We're all going to be rich in 10-15 years.

>> No.3245153

if you made a profit from it you won

>> No.3245154

Haven't sold but I'm down about 40k still from the end of June. Held throughout, when everyone else dumped. GNT, STEEM, STRAT, SC, XEM. I'm out of SC now, but yeah, pretty brutal. GNT went from 27k satoshis to 5k at one point, at 7k now.

In other words, my estimated BTC value was 31 BTC, now it's 11.5.

>> No.3245178

Would have been $130m if you held for another couple of years.

>> No.3245197


OP let it eat away at you until you can't take it anymore
you fucked up bad, you fucked up even worse by not buying 10,000 bitcoin for 2 large papa johns pizzas you fucking faggot

>> No.3245199
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1475664033489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200 BTC for a bag of weed back in 2010

>> No.3245217
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I didnt buy as many as u but almost the same ratio. Kek

>> No.3245225

It's okay anon. You would've sold it for 10 bucks, and greentexted
> Sold 200 BTC for 10USD each

>> No.3245230
File: 296 KB, 450x540, ahahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro hahahahah what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.3245247
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>> No.3245250


Let it go. In some parallel Universe, you held and it crashed to nothing and you're a bag holder. In this one, you're "weak handed".

This. Is. Gambling. Everything else is confirmation bias. Every legit, professional coin is ignored until it explodes. Thanks to all the faggots here for never mentioning Monaco, whereas Signatum was posted left and right. Stupid cunts.

>> No.3245258

kek, it probably felt like a really good deal at the time though

>> No.3245274

post a screen cap man

>> No.3245290

>5 BTC for a bag of weed

At least I'm not that guy

>> No.3245312

>missed out on Monroe when it was shilled here at a dollar
>tried to buy ETH when it was around $2.00 but I couldn't buy it until it was around $6.00
>sold most of my ETH for ETC
>Sold most of my Lisk and ETC for ZCash when it was $900

Who /weakhands/ here?

>> No.3245313
File: 134 KB, 500x522, YAMETEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody that visited the dark web for drugs knows this feel

>> No.3245317

>losing your fat btc wallet on an ex-gf's laptop

>> No.3245318
File: 37 KB, 480x640, yes doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on man relax, you couldn't have known and there's no point of looking into the past.

we all "could have" done something that from today's perspective seems obvious or easy, but how the hell could we have known then?

relax and enjoy the ride. also, get some OMG and ARK and moon with us.

>> No.3245331

wow 6 a ETH that's better than me.

so you legit have zero ETH right now?

>> No.3245337

ETC moon when???

>> No.3245381
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, loool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, bro. My trade history is like 19 pages, but I can show you one of my bigger holdings. It was valued at 16 btc at one point, now valued about 4.5.

>> No.3245400

> uses coinbase's sell function

kys faget

>> No.3245485
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>Sigt shilling

I'm never going to be able to look at a fingerprint without laughing now.

>> No.3245614

>cousin and I bought BTC back in 2013
>played satoshi dice
>20BTC to 10 then up to 25 finishing to 19
>meanwhile he looses all 9 of his BTC
>FF to may 2016
>he spends 5K on BTC @ 450 and spends it all on weed
so many mistakes but at least I still have some BTC.

>> No.3245873

damn. what was your starting principal?

>> No.3245917


>literally every single coin has gone up in value

>> No.3246356

I have .22 ETH currently
I sold it when it was still $2 lol the worst part is if I put my ETH on an exchange I would have received etc for free

>> No.3246401
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>> No.3246452

Oh man, we fucking told you

>> No.3247038

Dude same thing happened to me almost exactly, had around $6k and sold at $14 per ETH.

>It eats at me everyday.

Eventually you learn to just start a real business and not but your money in the hands of other people.

When you start a business, you control your destiny.

When you try to trade crypto, you are allowing other people to decide what is best for your money, which is slavery. Cryptocucks will always be poorer than someone that has a business and also buys crypto, ALWAYS.

>> No.3247068
File: 3.29 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20170824_201856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3247070


unless your business fails

>> No.3247099


Yeah but would crypto be where it is today without the liquidity provided by DNMs?

>> No.3247145

what the autistic fuck

>> No.3247176

its from reddit

>> No.3247219

you dont scribble down on bits of paper what you bought and how much it cost?

>> No.3247222
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>> No.3247260

Even worse you still make mistakes, cause why the fuck are you buying and selling with coinbase and not gdax

>> No.3247373
File: 33 KB, 1096x220, stratsell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 5k STRAT by investing $40 worth of BTC into the ICO in 2016. Initially, I sold 3000 STRAT to cover half of my investment (seemed smart at the time, trust me). As time went on and the price stagnated, I just couldn't see it going anywhere and sold the last of my stash (263 STRAT) in January. I've moved on, but it still haunts me that I could've turned that $40 into $50k if I were just a little more patient.

>> No.3247392

>sold the last of my stash (263 STRAT) in January
nvm, guess it was March.

>> No.3247403

Holy fuck kys i have never lost any money ever on crypto

>> No.3247419
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>> No.3247432
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based anon what are you holding and what are you optimistic about?

>> No.3247458

I sold around 3k ARK when it first went to $1.50

Bought in at around $0.28-0.30

>> No.3247514 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1242x2129, IMG_8626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I've been feeling horrible ever since.....

What do, /biz/?

>> No.3247530
File: 98 KB, 640x480, B63B2FA5-BAF4-4C5A-BA59-EFAB9EDE792C-5476-00000D6D470895A9_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent literal thousands of BTC on mdma and psychedelics

>> No.3247583
File: 217 KB, 1242x2129, IMG_8626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I've been feeling horrible ever since...

What do, /biz/?

>> No.3247585

Sold 2 million DGB at 21 sats in march because it kept going down against btc

>> No.3247592

at least mdma and not stupid weed

>> No.3247862
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>> No.3248550

buy back into ether and a few others

The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago
the second best time is now

>> No.3248664

What the fuck, man. Use Excel
>t. triggered business major

>> No.3248664,1 [INTERNAL] 

You can't really say "I lost literally thousands of dollars on MDMA by spending BTC," you twat. That would imply you had bought the coin as a long term investment, and then pulled some sort of junkie bullshit. I'd wager it was like 99% of all the other transactions people made. You purchase coin, and that same day you go and spend it. There is no room for err or loss (other than those pesky handling fees from whichever pool or exchange you use). So, what did you do? Invest when it was low, then blow your coinage on literal mountains of MDMA? or did you do what every other drug addict on the DNMs do, and buy your coin, then turn and buy drug, and masturbate.