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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 476x475, 149998799081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3244159 No.3244159 [Reply] [Original]

Mah niggas, let's be honest: In one point in our lives, some nice anon gave us free shit. I suggest we use this thread to thank him.

For example, two weeks ago or so, a kind anon gave me 0.095 ETH. He probably saved me.

>> No.3244343

Some guy make 100K and said it didn't excite them. I requested some BTC cause it excited me and got 0.005 BTC. I hope he is doing well.

>> No.3244376
File: 29 KB, 480x360, vapor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind anon gave me 100 bit beans. It was a great gesture and I hope he is doing very well.

>> No.3244388

I want some Ripples will a rich Ripple lord grant some XRPS?

>> No.3244677

Nigga this a thanking thread, not a begging one.

>> No.3244698

Some anon told me about chain link a week ago and pointed some videos my way to jumpstart my research. Now I'm balls deep and /comfy/

Thanks anon

>> No.3244703

No one has ever been nice to me no one has ever helped me I have no friends I am alone every single day of my life I hate this world and I want to die. I've always been nice to others and I get shit on for being too kind

>> No.3244791

Several months ago, a random anon was giving away free fucktokens, i got around $50 worth. The next day i recieved 1 LTC. Whoever are you, i really appreciate it, and i wish the best of luck to you.

>> No.3244845
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>> No.3244869
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Yesterday, some anon was doing a ADX giveway for dubs and trips.
I got dubs before he hit the giving limit, but he never sent me the coins.

Fuck him.

>> No.3244875

>In one point in our lives, some nice anon gave us free shit.

Literally never happened to me

>> No.3244903

ETH address?

>> No.3244925

no one ever gives me anything on 4chan :-(
I'm happy if I get a kek or a lel buy even those are pretty rare
Thank you for those of you who kek and lel

>> No.3244926


>> No.3244946


>> No.3244948

/biz/ shilled ETH super hard at $44 and I took the bait. Thanks yall

>> No.3244983

Been browsing biz for like 4 months now and this has never happened, how to I exploit the richfags?

>> No.3245002

Thos would be a wonder.
So far ive only got tricked by immoral shillz on biz and lost money. E.g with stox. :/


>> No.3245005

Special thanks to the anon that brought OMG to my attention around 40k sats. These are comfy bags. Thank you anon.

>> No.3245016

Enjoy being a catbag holder with me anons. Have a good day

>> No.3245031


>> No.3245037

Hey man. Anything is appreciated.

>> No.3245051


>> No.3245053

Some anon posted OMG and CIVIC are live on Bittrex Go Go Go!

Wherever you are anon, thank you. You basically got me back in the green after getting annihilated in July.

>> No.3245073

How dare u talk about mayweather like that

>> No.3245076

I have lost $400 since I discovered /biz/.

Thanks in advance!


>> No.3245125

Got some spare CAT?


>> No.3245156


I trusted such anon and got ripped.
Why im always unlucky w such things.
Everybody seems to make money easily om biz. But not me. Why is this ? Or isset all just a false impression ?

If u actually want to drop some ethershekkels, u can do that here :


Any help appreciated.
Im an opensource dev in my freetime. I also basically never get anything back thete, tho my softwsre gets 5 out of 5 stars regularly and is the sverage rating. I dont get it.
Imma becoma a misanthrop if this shot goes on.
Could use some karma right now. More for the symbolic value. Show me thete still is some warmth of real humanity out there. Do something for your karma by helping.
Meh .... ¬_¬ ...cant even really express my feels right now ...

>> No.3245165
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I hope you don't complain like that in public

>> No.3245173
File: 383 KB, 454x479, 1503685255346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a random guy gave me 1000 bitbeans, i was so hyped for it
so thanks anon.
If anyone wants to donate feel free to do so 2Ua8f8iwyFAeRXQ4oiwDectj3GeEAxc1L2

>> No.3245358
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will take whatever generous anons can spare

>> No.3245377

forgot this woa also y not through in the btc:

>> No.3245382

Got 600 ChanCoin for getting digits and sold them. Made $50.

>> No.3245577

Karma is never gonna help you. You gotta adapt to the dark reality of the world. Become evil. If thou will not receive charity, then thou must take by force. Rid thyself from worthless morals, until only thy pride and wits remain.

>> No.3245607
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Someone on a /biz/ discord sent me 2 Digibyte
t-thanks, anon

>> No.3245716

Nice to people with a heart!

>> No.3246328

Spent all my money on ark before the biz classic delegate even existed. Kind anons helped me out with 41 ark. I've since posted 5 threads giving back ark to help with voting for delegates (first biz then biz_classic) and to give back the ark that was given to me.

Ark is one of the best decisions I have made yet in crupto.

My first car was a javelin with the 343.

>> No.3246365

I never got SHIT
fuck ALL of you

>> No.3246385

someone gave me 10 PIVX once

thanks dud

>> No.3246389
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someone sent me 5 dgb 1-2 month ago...thank you dear anon i hold them dear on my bittrex account even tohugh they are not dispalyed and i probably lost them by transfering.

>> No.3246403

Lmao no shame

>> No.3246650


pls senpai

>> No.3246680

>some nice anon gave us free shit

That's literally never happened. To anyone.

>> No.3246731

Well it happened to me.

>> No.3246764

How the fuck did you get ripped?? OMG was .40 when he made that thread. All
you had to do was hold for a month and make sick gains

>> No.3246820


Help an anon buy food and DGB I will reciprocate eventually


>> No.3246842

I haven't posted my bittrex out of fear, but one day I hope I can help out others just getting started with some shekels.

Paying it forward makes life so much better for everyone.

>> No.3246872
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>missed ark
will i ever get on a moon?

>> No.3246896

first person to make me laugh WILL get 10 omg. Post those addresses

>> No.3246929

There, literally the biggest joke in politics.

>> No.3246947

thats like saying you missed eth when it went from $1 to $3. ark going a lot further. still time

>> No.3246954
File: 16 KB, 590x290, p1b3tsusps2qfdt2nji1pai1crn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never get anything, bunch niggardly bastards.

>> No.3247027

Thank you to the Antshares shills in early June. I got in at $4 at the lowest and kept accumulating. My average cost is $8.50. I put $2000 over time and made $12000.

>> No.3247045

Are you me?

>> No.3247066
File: 14 KB, 512x512, antshares-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Antshares OGs are us, bro.

>> No.3247205

what happened to "pay it forward"

>> No.3247225

hope there are any kind anons also on this thread

>> No.3247250



>> No.3247262

Been given MAGA Fuck and Paddy.
Thank you anons. The Fuck and Paddy say non-reissuable though :\

>> No.3247293

Are there any nice anons in this thread?

>> No.3247338
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>Thanks thread turned into begging thread

>> No.3247411
File: 1.15 MB, 720x1280, received_10154816296197124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex girlfriend kicked me out of the house I bought us from my btc gains. From SR days. I was working out of town and when I came back she had moved some other guy in, he's in tech an only reason she was banging him was cause he knew how to crypto. While I was gone she had him empty the wallets, zero my hard drive, and then falsify a police report to use as a retraining order against me.

She now has all my money, my dogs, killed my cat and I'm stuck living in shit hole Oakland trying to rebuild everything off my last 100 bucks. At least I'm at 120 now.

Life is pain. I just wish boots was still alive.

>> No.3247481

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3247524

any nice anons willing to spare btc or ltc



>> No.3247532

Its the pic of my dead cat she smsd me after as a power trip. Original file was too large so I just sent to to myself on msg to resize it.

Lesson learned, never trust a suicide girl.

>> No.3247538

Sucks anon, I went through something quite similar.

>> No.3247553

This is my waves. If anyone has any to spare. Will adding waves make my coins re-issuable?

>> No.3247569

holy shit what kind of women are you dating.

>> No.3247572
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>> No.3247573

I hope you're larping because that's really sad. Report her to the cops for killing your cat and report the guy for stealing your money. How exactly did she take YOUR house?

>> No.3247582

I thank all the ETH shills for getting me into ETH back in March this year. This was my first crypto investment. I'm doing pretty gud now and have diversified since.

I've put 2850 USD into crypto, and have a portfolio worth 18.3k right now.

I also want to thank ARK shills, and the guys behind the biz_delegate. And the XVG shills - bought at 14 sats, still hodling and didn't sell at the highs, but still about 1200% up from my $100 investment.

>> No.3247595

*theguys behing the biz_classic delegate

>> No.3247626

Never happened to me

>> No.3247667

Jesus Christ man I never reply but r u fuckin kidding me . How can u be so stupid yet so smart at the same time .. well god bless ya man . Most of us here are in a rut whether we like it or not

>> No.3247714

MAGAcoin guy claimed to give me 50. I'm not sure if I'm too retarded or if it was never sent. Thanks for giving me hope for a minute tho.

>> No.3247752

I once needed some eth to get coins outta etherdelta because I couldn't pay the gas fee. But anon saved me. Thank you anon, where ever you are.

>> No.3247756

Bay Area women - not even once.


>> No.3247792

check your wallet in a couple hours, he's legit

>> No.3247809

It started as one too retard.

>> No.3247828
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Had to switch to a new ip because 4chan sucks.


Cops don't care. It was an "accident" she let the dog tear her to pieces.

I didn't have enough btc to buy the house outright (and what coin I did have, I lied to her about the total because much like getting into crypto, when you get into a house with someone you only spend what you can afford losing), only had enough to pay for about 25% of it and I got bad credit (as a kid my parents stole my SSN to use for their own scams so I've been against odds for awhile now) but she had good credit so I paid the down deposit and she got the mortgage for it but she didn't have a job. So I went to work to pay for the mortgage while she sat around an flew in this nerd to fuck.

but we still had no way to make all the cash look legit so she had friends give us gifts of cash to put in her bank to make our bitcoin cash out look legit. Which she also ended up pocketing... and then found out she told her friends I did that. ANd since I'm the evil ex, they believe her. Now I'm trapped in the same city as those people while she lives in the new city.

I had about 10ish btc left on a hard drive that she took once it was all said an done.

>> No.3247830

Bless whoever was shilling Antshares. Also thank you for the Ohni mysterious stranger.

>> No.3247844

im just a half year old nocoiner I'm bored of biz I never get to play
So fucking bored...

>> No.3247849

you can still reissue them don't worry

>> No.3247888

check your wallets in 10 minutes ;)

>> No.3247897


I would love 10 OMG, it would finally bring me to 200!

Here's my best joke attempt (somewhat related to rumors):

A guy walks into a bar and asks for a jack and coke. The bartender hands him and apple, and the guy says "what the fuck." The bartender tells him to take a bite of one side, "holy shit that tastes like jack!", and then the other side, "holy shit! That tastes like coke!"

The guy then asks for a vodka redbull. The bartender hands him another apple. Sure enough, the first bite tastes like vodka! The guy takes his second bite and says "holy fuck this taste exactly like redbull!"

The guy then orders round after round, eventually getting good and proper fucked up.

In a stupor, close to closing time, the man says to the bartender "it's too bad you didn't have one that taste like pussy" and winks. The bartender pulls an apple from behind the counter and hands it to the man. He takes a bite out of the first side "oh yeah, that's exactly what I'm looking for" as he stares into her eyes, the bartender says "and now the other side, darling."

The guy excitedly chomps into the other side, chews slowly, and screams "what the fuck! This apple taste like shit!"

The end.

>> No.3247898

guess what just happened ;)

>> No.3247905

Lol it was me, great to see it helped someone. Look out for these threads in the next few weeks, Bittrex will be adding new coins soon.

>> No.3247909
File: 39 KB, 285x421, grocery shopping85bcb171afc155e92bed7d97e3d5d25b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0x0Dea185092355a501b8912498929BDcc097eDbE5 anons have sent me FUN, Ohni, and that shitcoin FAT, and i am grateful for them all

>> No.3247926

I am a poor grad student, but I'm willing to tell shitty dirty jokes for shmeckles to build my port.

Might as well try and work for it haha.

>> No.3247927

Well despite all the depressing stuff I just spilled out here I can try to summon up a joke.

Why did the Buddhist coroner get fired?

He kept marking the cause of death as Birth.


>> No.3247928

Never happened to me, but I've seen it a bunch. Thank you to the anons actually helping people here.

>> No.3247937


>> No.3247951
File: 5 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never received anything, don't usually beg nor will I write some bullshit story about how I'm a struggling grad student who needs money to live.

I just wanna make it, if you wanna help, thanks

ETH: 0x3143441c8D081B503C73E9b4a4827cd669a1962a


>> No.3247952

Happened to me, thrice

>> No.3247969

>A guy was walking to a bar and on his way he found a girl tied up to the railroad tracks. He untied her and they had sex. Guy gets to the bar, friends ask why he's so late, tells them about the girl he found and all the different positions they fucked in. Friends give him props and ask if he got head, guy replies "I couldn't find it."


>> No.3248614
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In case I win, please give it to this guy:

>> No.3248631

Thanks for telling me about ETH even though I bought in at 160 it's worth it.

>> No.3248680

Post her info here. Full name, facebook profile, anything you have. We can ruin her life for you. Anyone who kills cats like that is garbage to the core anyway.

>> No.3248717

This. Get us the wallet addresses, we can probably get them for money laundering and grand larceny.

>> No.3248731
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plz hlp

>> No.3248763

Anon with the poor cat who died, post all info of this cuck bitch so we can end her life. Time for some revenge

>> No.3248797

Anon as someone who just got betrayed by the woman i gave everything for and ended up fucking me over in a similar but not so drastic way, i fucking feel for you bro. we probably all know that feel. women are garbage. post your ark address or something

also, let's ruin this bitches life

>> No.3248809

Also, if he really posts her info, posting it to /b/ with screencaps of the story might be good as well, since it's such crowded board. More people trying to fuck her up.

>> No.3248814

>yfw I lost $1100 for sending Neos to BTC address
Someone probably remembers me. I have $350 in Obsidian now, waiting for wallet. But if someone wants to help... BTC: 1PhL1gBZ6uzrFoNp2ps5f2ioCr9HHpFqyr

>> No.3248829

/pol/ would have a field day with it too. Also, this may be a dick move, but if dude who't cat died posts his address, I'll send him some CAT.

>> No.3248852
File: 111 KB, 576x340, thank you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me on august 1
>Parked in ETH waiting for fork thinking there will be rough waters in BTC
>Anon tells me: You're gonna want to be in btc to get them free bch
>Do so and sell them on aug 12

>another anon tells me about a little exchange called binance with a promo 0% fee
>take my newfound btc to binance and take advantage of free trading to scalp
>bought binance coin at 17000
>make 133% (in btc) before fees kick in

Thank you ba$ed anons

>> No.3248854
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>> No.3248880

One time I got 3 dollars worth of bitcoin for giving advice about conducting an interview lol. I was pretty stoked.
Ive given .1 eth to someone who posted about his sick dog about a month ago because he said it could be saved but he didnt have any money for vet bills. Guy posted pictures of the poor thing and everything. I hope it was real and he could save his dog. Was kinda stupid cause i need money now lmao

>> No.3248904
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Some anon gave me $15 bucks for a pizza dinner at the expense that I took a pic of myself with white stuff on my tongue and sent it to him. I have no idea what he is doing now, all I can do is thank him and hope he did nothing malicious with it,

>> No.3248914

Probably shopped a dick on your tongue.