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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3240920 No.3240920 [Reply] [Original]

When's a good age to get married? In terms of finances, goals, and other /biz/ stuff, what are somethings one should consider before getting married?

>> No.3240967

>When's a good age to get married?
After you have a steady career job.
> In terms of finances, goals, and other /biz/ stuff, what are somethings one should consider before getting married?
Do you want kids?
Does she work?
Does she want kids?
Will she keep working if she has kids?
What happens if we need to get divorced?

>> No.3240976

> 17-21, graduate from uni with your dual B.S. in [insert engineering] and [business]
> find SO who has a high paying job too
> work until late 20's
> have 2 kids asap
> retire in mid 30s

>> No.3240990

>When's a good age to get married?

>> No.3241048

this pretty much.

>> No.3241087


Children 4chan have no fucking clue.

>> No.3241233


>> No.3241240

bancor jew nose 2/10

>> No.3241246

30-35 to an 18 to 23 year old Girl.

>> No.3241257

>having your mind warped by media

Stop believing the, "LOL DON'T GET MARRIED" narrative kid.
If you don't, you'll end up alone, without any legacy, which is what they want.

>> No.3241287

Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean nobody else can.

>graduate in 2013 with Civil Engineering degree
>end up working in sales/marketing/administration for family residential builder-architect firm
>earned 160K in 2016 before taxes
>400K+ in stocks, bonds, real estate (just an apartment I bought from a friend)
>50K in savings
>drive company car
>live with parents
>buy stuff on the company's dime to save on taxes
>manage to invest/save 90%+ of after tax income
Still a kissless virgin though, so there's that...

>> No.3241299

Why the fuck would you get married and forfeit half of your wealth and belongings?

Free union is the way to go. Do not involve the govt/church into this.

>> No.3241323

Not getting married =/= not having a partner in life, not having kids

You're obviously stupid and brainwashed.

>> No.3241338

No motherfucker, you are.
Try telling a woman you want to have a kid with her but don't want to get married.
It's not fucking happening.

>> No.3241356

I highly doubt this broad is Jewish, m8. Although, if you follow her on Instagram, you'll see her sisters are coalburners, so I could be wrong.

>> No.3241357

how exactly does the media push a "don't get married" narrative

>> No.3241373

Get the fuck out my thread, you degenerate liberal

>> No.3241389
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Women are the shitcoins of life: they spike and crash unpredictably. Logic does not apply. Past performance means nothing. Never invest any more into them than you are willing to lose.

Marriage locks you in and imbues her with the power to have the State destroy you on her behalf, thereby neutralizing any incentive she would have to be faithful, not get fat, and not be a general cunt. It eliminates the free market aspect of the relationship in the same way that protectionist tariffs do. Once you give her that power, your personal sovereignty and freedom of association with her is gone; you are her vassal-host. She may be nice, she may be a cunt...but the fact is that she can do as she pleases to you, and you have no recourse.

Do ya feel lucky, punk?


You can have relationships and spawn without marriage. Your shaming tactics and fear mongering don't work.

>> No.3241398

>Try telling a woman you want to have a kid with her but don't want to get married.
Tell that to my gf.
Not all women are fucking stupid, if you want to date a woman with an IQ of 80, don't blame me.

If she wants a ceremony and shit, sure, I don't give a fuck, but signing a contract? Allowing the govt to have power on me? Fuck no.
Only a sheep would do that.

>> No.3241406


It happens a fuckton, boy. Do you live in the 40's?

>> No.3241412

Liberal? I'm a right wing libertarian. The govt has no saying in what I do and if I want to make an union with my gf, it's my choice and it doesn't involve them.

>> No.3241423

half the married people i know have gotten divorced at least once. going through my parents' divorce was the shittiest time of my life and i wouldn't want my kids to go through it

why would i want to put my life on a 50% bet? i do want a partner and to have kids, but it will have to be with a woman who also shares my viewpoint. maybe i'll never find one, but i'm fine with the alternative. "muh legacy" doesn't really do anything for me

>> No.3241429

reeee pagan get out

>> No.3241523

Oh you're one of these retard losers turning to
>muh traditionalism
>muh christianity
Because you believe you will instantly have a wife, respect, and a reason to get up in the morning?

Be your own man, faggot.

>> No.3241541
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>Women are the shitcoins of life
Made me chuckle. Have a (you), mate.

>> No.3241626

After she agrees to a prenup and you meet with a lawyer. A large percentage of marriages fail, and having a legally binding contract fucks the primary income earner if he hasn't covered his ass.

>> No.3242516

Godamn it /biz/, is there any way to have a traditional marriage without having the state involved?

>> No.3242615

Don't marry a broken woman who had her fair share of "discovering herself and now ready to settle". Don't marry anyone with a broken family background.
You are literally cucking yourself by picking up a western woman older than mid twenty/thirty, srs

>> No.3242647


>> No.3242662

Lolbertarian are adorable

>> No.3242675

Uhhm, never?
>inb4 good goy

>> No.3242703

As early as possible. Something like 18-20.

>> No.3242733

Catholic marriage, m8

>> No.3242799

Never. Women are literally nothing more than a liability, and so are children. It's a lot cheaper to pay for escorts every once in a while than ever get involved with women.

>> No.3242842

>Godamn it /biz/, is there any way to have a traditional marriage without having the state involved?
Of course.
And it simply won't be recognized by the state.
But who the fuck cares.

Have your ceremony, bring a priest if you want, that's it.
Why should a random cunt at the city hall have any part in this?

>> No.3242860

That depends on where you live. States like California and countries like Canada have laws that make you effectivelly legally married if you live together for 6+ months. And if you seperate she still gets to take 50% of your shit.

You will never escape from shekelberg, goy.

>> No.3242913

>States like California and countries like Canada have laws that make you effectivelly legally married if you live together for 6+ months. And if you seperate she still gets to take 50% of your shit.
Jesus fucking christ, that means I would have been married with three different women.

Authoritarian socialist states, never once.

>> No.3242966

For a male? 35. For a female? As early as is legal.

>> No.3243005

I really want to know this. I swear people like you were saying that "the media keeps pushing us to get married" a while ago. What changed?

>> No.3243013

>having your mind warped by media
Very ironic. You don't need marriage to have any of that.

Marriage is Callable Option held and execrable at any time by the female, after which she is entitled to, by law, 50% of your current net worth, and 50% of your future earnings.

>> No.3243031


>> No.3243039

I want to marry a canada girl now

>> No.3243125


>> No.3243145
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