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3240441 No.3240441 [Reply] [Original]

>bitcoin will literally be $500,000 in a few years

>> No.3240453

No it literally wont. Thank Jihan and blockstream

>> No.3240486

More like 4 million after people lose trust in the hyper-inflating dollar.

>> No.3240497

what did they do?

>> No.3240498

No, it won't. That would imply a 'market cap' around $10.5 trillion (depending on number of coins in circulation).

To give some perspective, USD M2 is around $13.6 trillion.

>> No.3240513

>things gold-shills want you to believe

>> No.3240516

Nah. 45k 2020. Cap this.

>> No.3240530

weak argument, bitcoin is global

>> No.3240540
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Pick a side already

>> No.3240549
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"Bitcoin will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars due to the collapse of the dollar. I'll be rich!"

>> No.3240554


And? Market cap is just the latest market price multiplied with total coins. It doesn't mean that amount of USD is actually invested. Not by a long shot.

>> No.3240575

(((They))) won't allow it.

>> No.3240577

So is USD. So is gold, and the total value of all gold isn't even that much.

>> No.3240586

And Bitcoin is not worth more than USD.
> It doesn't mean that amount of USD is actually invested
I realize that.

>> No.3240801
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Nah, it's going to crash soon and exchanges cannot pay out the holders because 1/2 of the bitcoins are backed by usd tethers which don't exist. Then normies loose faith in crypto and it will be worthless.

>> No.3240825
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>bitbeans will be bought with small countries in a few years

>> No.3240950

It will happen

Today I discovered first fully regulated broker offering normies trading 4 major coins in my country

>> No.3241034
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>> No.3241078

i cant wait! :D

>> No.3241710

usd is worthless shit just like the usa

also you are a retard since you dont even take into account that there are with a reasonable possibilty a lot of lost coins

>> No.3241738

At this granpa pace we'll be lucky if it hits 5k in 5 years

>> No.3241828

gold has about a 7.5 trillion market cap.
i think BTC will easily hit 2 trillion. that's around $300k per BTC.

>> No.3241914

I think projections this high are ridiculous but I'll be ecstatic if I'm proven wrong. Would make me a decamillionaire.

>> No.3241926

OP is right. get your BTC while you can, fags

>> No.3241957

BCH can't really survive longer than 9 months. If BTC can survive a few years it could be worth a fuckton.

>> No.3242162


You're a bitch

>> No.3242163
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why can't you wait ? are you not invested in crypto ? are you a nocoiner ? fucking nocoiner normie GET OOOUUUUUTTTTT!

>> No.3242186

From my understanding, Bitcoin has inferior technology but it will survive because most of the exchanges depend on it for trading. And because it's popular.

>> No.3242225

>usd is worthless shit just like the usa
Back to /pol/ with you.
>also you are a retard since you dont even take into account that there are with a reasonable possibilty a lot of lost coins
No, I didn't. >>3240498
>(depending on number of coins in circulation)
Learn to read
You're a cuck.

>> No.3242252

It's certainly much better than keeping them as dollars. At least your money won't crash in value. You will be rich compared to those who kept their saving in dollars.

>> No.3242283

Wrong. Ripple will replace Bitcoin. If you don't believe me, check their recent tweets.

>> No.3242312

With few actual uses as of right now, only a small part of the value of bitcoin is backed by actual transactions and use the rest is purely speculation on icontinuous grow, just investors like many of us looking for profits, they have no use nor intend to actually use Bitcoin, they simply invest expecting continuous grow, We've seen how quickly things go bad as soon as there is doubt in the market, BTC could turn to dust tomorrow, and it will turn to nothing Long before 50kper BTC if we ever close to reach such thing, I can see regulations coming before BTC even reaches 1 trillion cap.

>> No.3242313

Not necessarily. A USD crash could cause a BTC crash as well.

You shouldn't keep your savings in currency anyway, USD or otherwise.

>> No.3242714
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It probably would make crypto skyrocket actually.
It's a safe Haven for wealth that doesn't rely on the American dollar solely.
Literally what is happening in Venezuela and to a much lesser extent China.
When fear of currency being inflated or devalued pops up it always comes with a pump to crypto.

Also it's so liquid and easy to transfer that it makes it very enticing when everything else is going to shit. No fear of banks taking your assets - Which is actually completely legal in most countries.

It's honestly probably the safest place you can currently hold your money. All you need is a key you can memorize and you are golden to go anywhere and do anything without worrying about assets.

>> No.3242817
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>It's honestly probably the safest place you can currently hold your money. All you need is a key you can memorize and you are golden to go anywhere and do anything without worrying about assets.


Safest place my ass. When this bubble bursts hundreds of billions of dollars "worth" of crypto are going to get destroyed in less than a week. Don't believe you can get out when the music stops playing. Get out early or lose your investments.

>> No.3242859

I don't understand, what does that mean

>> No.3242863

people think there's some grand conspiracy to pump BTC price using tethers. ignore

>> No.3242899

K, I don't use Tether. Never will. And why would it crash? What's the incentive for the crash? Things don't happen for no reason.
You are almost saying "Gold will crash and everybody invested in it will be fucked and won't be able to sell"
There just is no reason for it to happen.

>> No.3243312


>> No.3243332

Everyone who posts these stupid MS paint comics should honestly kill themselves.

>> No.3243436

Ah I too am living with my parents and watching Austrian scool economic collapse videos all day

>> No.3243495

There's no incentive for a crash. USDT just made the market a bit more fragile because it's helped us decide that bitcoins are more valuable. The implication is that Bitfinex was putting their Tether where their mouth was and that others will not be happy to put their fiat where their mouth is if enough people want to cash out at these prices.

Tether has made the market more fragile than it should be and it's going to take something much bigger than Tether to dilute this effect. My guess is Wall Street will come to the rescue.

>> No.3243550
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>> No.3243561





>> No.3243565

Please be true

>> No.3243671

Bullshit jew. BTC cant survive because it killed it's own scalability. The low speed-high cos tx's are a (((manufactured problem))). Literally all they had to do was up the block limit as per the whitepaper.

BCH did and that's why they'll flip jewcoin ad stay on top. 500k BCH after flip & moon, if they keep the jews at bay.

>> No.3243694
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Read it. If you don't get it, read it twice. Don't ignore it. Ignorance is not a good advisor.

>> No.3243722
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VERI is better
so is LTC for you dollars worth

>> No.3243731

Fuck off Pajeet

>> No.3243741

>still pushing this retarded conspiracy theory
Tether's volume isn't nearly enough for that shit

>> No.3243790

>bitcoins are more valuable
They're less valuable, they don't work anymore.
I'm American, and I believe in blockchain tech. It doesn't work if you cut it off at the knees.

>> No.3243800

The global financial system will collapse any day now, it could be any moment now, you'll see!

>> No.3243829

Fucking retard core supporters. For everyone who isn't a complete faggot sellout like this shitbag, if you look into it core are literally funded by big bankers.

>> No.3243929

>bitcoin will we worth millions because of limited supply
>bitcoins are unique

>> No.3243969

survive for how long? I can see it living off its first-mover advantage and mass adoption for at least 10 years, but something like 30-40 years I imagine it will be overtaken by superior tech.

But meh we'll all have a garage full of lambos by then anyway

>> No.3244720

Guaranteed This

>> No.3244759



AND I KNOW VERY DAMN WELL THAT BITCOIN WILL BE DEAD BY 2020. Everyone will find it too ridiculouse. The age of the internet is coming to an end, so are the PC idiots and the activists.

>> No.3244775

>Would make me a decamillionaire.

Which is why it will never reach so high, (((they))) will never allow millions of autists to inherit the earth. They'd rather hit the red button and set off armageddon than see a thousand notch-like millionaires be the gold standard of female attraction.

>> No.3244805

>thinks money will make women want him

>> No.3244814

Right now is like the year 2000 for the internet. A long way to go making lots very rich in the meantime.

>> No.3244819

Why do you say this? I thought USDT was thoroughly audited

>> No.3245049

1995 is the year more commonly thrown around, that feels about right to me, we're definitely well before 2000 in terms of utility and adoption

>> No.3245246

What if you send me $500,000 in 2025's crypto?
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k