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3240040 No.3240040 [Reply] [Original]

>been trading for 2 months
>still haven't made any money on crypto

>> No.3240056

How is this possible? If you bought buttcoins you should be up by now.

>> No.3240060

Stop trading and just hold eth

Clearly u have no idea what u are doing if you can't make any money in this bull run

>> No.3240063

Buy High and Sell Low!

>> No.3240068

Reminder that crypto is a zero sum game.

>> No.3240105
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started a few weeks ago
managed to miss every single moon
bought high every single time

>> No.3240130

A reminder that this is incorrect unless every single person cashes out of a coin, which never happens, ever.

>> No.3240138

Redo your sums. I've been trading 2 months, thought I had only made 20% gains, updated my spreadsheet last nigth for the first time properly, and I've actually got 100% gains.

>> No.3240139

that's still making some profits
not for you though

>> No.3240143
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same lads haha

lost £28 in fees just moving BTC around

>> No.3240152

How do you figure there sport? Just because not everyone has cashed out doesn't change the fact that wealth is not being generated, only transferred.

>> No.3240168

>started with 500€ 3 months ago
>down to 300€
From this point on i'm just gonna hold OMG and BTC for 10 years and hope that i would at least make few grands

>> No.3240190

It has been a 2 month run to break even for me. Gain 10% portfolio in good trades,lose 60% portfolio on just 1 bad trade.

>> No.3240202

>start with 20€
>now at 25€


the remaining 50€ have gone to the Tron ICO

>> No.3240205

i started with 500 last week and now im at 150
it really is too late to get in the game i think

>> No.3240308

I lost like 2.5K on NMR another 500$ on MONA and other shit. I lost around 4 - 5K in total. (Did not sell yet)

I also made 1800$ on monero and 3400$. I'm just about break even. Feeling conflicted so far.

>> No.3240346

im up %200 just trading shitcoins

>> No.3240362


why do you even bother with such small amounts?

>> No.3240364

Protip, go in on waves or adx soon, and come away in the green. Take it or leave it.

>> No.3240374

For us to make money, people like you need to lose.

Money isn't made of thin air you know.

>> No.3240392

getting a feel for it, I've only been doing this for 2 weeks.

>> No.3240398

>lost £28 in fees just moving BTC around


I catched a +15% moon mission but lost almost all of it via fees. At least i'm 1 mBTC in profit.

>> No.3240408

there's a learning curve that's for sure - going to trade in ETH from now on

>> No.3240420

Started with 150$ in may(?), now hovering 2400-2500$. Plus i've been inactive for a month, whats hot right now bois?

>> No.3240428

currencies are not a creation of wealth

>> No.3240436

You can trade in BTC pairs on exchanges all you like without its crazy blockchain TX fees.

But yeah, try to only use ETH/LTC and whatnot for moving between exchanges.
I keep most of my BTC in a private wallet though, so I can't technically follow that without breaking it first. Oh well, that's life.

>> No.3240485

I keep mine on a private wallet too even though I only have like £150's worth

>tfw first wallet I got was armory
>didn't realise I have to download the whole blockchain to use it

been going for 4 fucking days now I'm finally in the last 10%, now I'm using a lite wallet so I'm going to have to incur more fees transferring to that

dear oh dear

>> No.3240533

Technically you could just reuse the private key/phrase assuming it's accessible and compatible. Blockchain.info and bitcoin.com wallets give you access to that.
Not exactly the most secure, logically. But should technically be fine if you ''trust'' both the lite wallet and full wallet.

>> No.3240614

didn't think of that, I'll give it a go

>> No.3240651

feel like he means why bother with an ICO with those amounts
better off flipping stuff daily than locking your money up in an ICO for months

>> No.3240668

Buy ark and adx in the dip enjoy.

>> No.3240685
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>Buy ARK

>> No.3240687

If that coin reaches even 0.5€, I make pretty fucking good gains.

>> No.3241201

most likely it will hold 0.14$ for 2-3 years then maybe moon if it doesn't crash.

>> No.3241256
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avalon dude

>> No.3241351

>been trading 3 years
>up so much I'm not even sure how many fold it is now
Keep making small trades until you are consistently making gains, then start risking more. Also daytrading is a meme, buy coins you actually like and hodl until you are up.

>> No.3241393

The hodl meme works up until you go balls deep into a coin that goes belly up out of nowhere or won't stop being manipulated like ICN

>> No.3241408
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>zero sum game
Yes, and many of us appear to be winning.

>> No.3241422

That is why you never go all in, I fell for the Bancor meme but I was only 10% in, now I'm 5% in not because I sold but because I have doubled my total with other coins since then.

>> No.3241451

What did you expect faggot? You entered a ponzi at its peak.

Next time, enter something before it gets shillhyped all over the news and boards.

Oh, and you havent even experienced the upcoming dump. Shit will be so cash.

>> No.3241465

>buy neo
>generate gas

>> No.3241506

Let me guess, you put money into BnB right.

>> No.3241540

Sorry OP have to agree. I've been in this 2 months as well and lost a shit-ton on the big June dip, but as of right now I'm up 20%. If you haven't learned to play this market better by now, just HODL some of the top 5 coins and don't touch it for 6 months at a time.

>> No.3242173

>Keep making small trades
>daytrading is a meme
isn't making small trades the point of daytrading? At what time frame are you refering to?

>> No.3242741

everything will be daijoubu akari

>> No.3242814

>use GAS money to speculate on shit coins

>> No.3242857


Are you doing any research at all into the coins you are putting money into?

I started 2 months ago, June 3rd was my first BTC purchase, I got some ETH on June 10th and got some Antshares (Neo) and June 18th. When it was $3.39.

Ive made approximately $4,500 profit since then. $2,600 in NEO, $800 in OMG and im around $700 up in ARK right now. Admittedly ive lost on some coins too, but they were mostly ones i jumped into before i was really researched on the coin itself.

>> No.3242867


Dont ever go balls deep. At most ive put in 25% of my portfolio into a coin and when its value rises so it takes up more than 60% of my portfolio, i re-distribute the funds into other coins.

>> No.3242924

>started in May
>made a ton off bad buys
>still up 50%

>> No.3242957

That's while you quit while ahead. A lot of people just hold waiting for more gainz and then get cucked when the crash comes

t. ICN holder who bought back in after selling at 5.00