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3238224 No.3238224 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, you make over 100k per year in crypto gains but you still stay in your retarded country with 35% tax when you can move and pay ZERO tax on your income.

Why do you do this?

>> No.3238338
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>> No.3238342

Where in europe can I go?

>> No.3238352

Singapore.It isn't a shithole and has very low taxes+low crime rate and good social policies.
Only problem is that you can't commit crimes,if you do,expect to get caned

>> No.3238362

i like drugs and prefer white women

>> No.3238385

European socialist policies have caused taxes to skyrocket.I don't think there is a single european country without capital gains tax,except for some eastern european shitholes

>> No.3238392

Looks like Belgium is one:

>> No.3238401

Francis Hunt recommends Portugal

Any comments?

>> No.3238410
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>tfw your government declared crypto gains and losses completely tax free, unless you get paid in crypto or have a business dealing with it

pretty comfy tbqh, but you also get absolutely no tax compensation or help if you lose everything , so its a double edge sword DESU

>> No.3238442

>city state
where am i supposed to drive my lambo?

>> No.3238447

40% tax here. fml.

>> No.3238534

backwards socialist shithole but instead of slavs it has moors. no thanks

>> No.3238549

redpill me on how to moves to such a country

I'm a frenchfag, how do I escape ?
Do I need to get citizenship from the country I want to move in ?

>> No.3238563
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because i live in literally the best country on earth and the taxes arent too bad

>> No.3238572

>paying taxes
Are you a fucking socialist or something?

>> No.3238575

Let me guess,american proud of his high crime rate shithole and 25% taxes

>> No.3238583
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try again

>> No.3238585

does the american government give tax compensation or help if you lose shit loads of money in crypto?

I would hope so, since they want to tax the fuck out of it. and the healthcare costs. and the college costs. oy vey.

>> No.3238588

>people here will voluntarily give part of their labor to the govt even though they did it without their help

Why do you do this to yourself?
Don't pay taxes on your crypto gains.

>> No.3238597

How is your housing market doing?
Your cost of living must be low too eh anon?

>> No.3238600


How could you deduce that he's from the US if he said the best country in the world and included a map.

>> No.3238606
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A culturally barren wasteland where people use aggressively in-your-face humour to conceal a lack of deep understanding. And giant spiders and moths. Sounds shit.

Signed - your dad (England)

>> No.3238608


>big cities are liberal SJW as fuck
>small cities are shyte

>best country on earth

Hum, sweetie...

>> No.3238622

dont know in america, but i would assume yes

you do get a tax compensation in my country, if you get screwed over financially if you bought some shitty shares, or a company fucks you over

but you are on your own with crypto

>> No.3238629

You have to pay capital gains on short term coins Helen and income tax though it's Low but still quite a bit

>> No.3238644

enjoying flying flags in your yard? oh wait, england lmao

>> No.3238654
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If I im a permanent resident in Canada yet a Dutch citizen(way lower tax rate)
How would I go about cashing out and paying barely any capital gains?
I fucked up by sending a bank account wire to a coin exchange so now they have a trail to follow in case I get audited. If I forever just had that wire there with no crypto ever coming back into my account would it raise questions? ($6,000 CAD)

Was thinking of sending it to my Dutch bank account and cashing out there ... suppose I have to talk to a accountant.

Fuck taxes the Canadian government is trash and overbloated. I need to milk this citizenship I have.

>> No.3238662

>enjoying flying flags in your yard
Actually it was only because the flag was too high according to local regulations.
It could have been a ply of wood, it would have been forbidden for the same reason.
She can fly the flag, but lower.

>> No.3238666

Do a Depardieu and move to Belgium.

>> No.3238672

>Do a Depardieu and move to Belgium.
Isn't Depardieu a Russian citizen now?

>> No.3238673



>mexicans EVERYWHERE
>big cities are liberal SJW as fuck
>small cities are shyte

>best country on earth

Hum, sweetie...

>> No.3238680

I'm not American, I live in a white country.

>> No.3238686


Oh, so Argentinean then. Hola.

>> No.3238693

You have plenty of options.. If you like americans and want to stay close to USA you have Cayman Islands, Panama or Bahamas. Many american expats there. Also not far from home.
Do your own research, plenty of options.

>> No.3238707


>> No.3238709


Don't Canada and your Duchy have a reciprocal tax agreement or whatever? If I was working in Japan I'd still be paying taxes to Canada.

>> No.3238721

Are you spouting /pol/ memes to be funny and fit in?

Your country is a socialist hell hole with a lot of shitskins, you can argue that you "like it", but saying it's "the best country on earth" is simply stupid, by any standards.

>> No.3238727

Yeah, but he lives in Belgium for tax reasons.

>> No.3238742

Were you trying to make some kind of point?

>> No.3238777


By what metric would you asses a country? HDI has Australia at second, Melbourne has been the worlds most liveable city for like 8 years. I don't even know where you get the idea there's shitskins everywhere here.

And we have the 5th most economic freedom in the world.

>> No.3238798

>Only problem is that you can't commit crimes
Problems werent

>> No.3238825
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Christ you can really feel Australian insecurity oozing through their writing?
Australia is a boring shithole full of thick rednecks, thick beer swilling cunts, thick bimbos and thick aboriginal drug addicts. Australia might be "livable" (a lovely made up stat made so the world can try and shit on America for being the best), but what has it created? What books, art, businesses or culture have you made? Fucking nothing. I don't think the majority of the world could even name an Australian. You're a nothing culture full of empty-headed alcoholics who use a shield of humor to conceal the deep inner pain of being aware of this.

>> No.3238834

New Zealand. Its like Europe but smaller and less taxes. I've only ever been to France, Switzerland and Italy though to be fair, but its mostly white with some law-abiding chinks here in NZ. Its also quite easy to get in to New Zealand at the moment, especially if you have some sort of construction, technology or medical-type expertise.

>> No.3238846

thats nice, still the best place to live in the world though, everyone here is happy, you wouldn't find someone in ausland that would write the shit you just wrote

>> No.3238866


this will not last

>> No.3238867

Probably because they're illiterate. Also that whole "FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL" thing, doesn't that speak volumes of how chilled out and friendly everyone is? Come to Auz mate, it's only a big ol' fuckin' paaarty!

>> No.3238892

whats the UK's crypto tax?

>> No.3238893

>New Zealand
If you like ching-chong.

Simply open OKCupid Auckland, you'll see what NZ looks like.

>> No.3238903

I've never thought about that. FUCK.

>> No.3238947

Who the fuck uses OKCupid? There are only like 2.5% chinks unless you live right in the heart of Auckland city where there's like 20%.

>> No.3238996


Why the fuck are you so salty?

We are the 9th highest educated in the world, 19th for alcohol consumption.

>> No.3239006

thats cos we're racist, i didn't mention that we weren't

>> No.3239009

malaysia unironically

>> No.3239034

How to not seem insecure 101: don't keep parroting arbitrary "rankings" like your country is a Top Trump card.
Also, Australian universities are a joke.

>> No.3239044

Also if you were a non-Australian and had to spend any extended period of time around Australians, you would understand.

>> No.3239063

i know we're the chads and you're the beta orbiter who lost out to us, sorry mate, can't help where your born unfortunately

>> No.3239065

>you have no culture
>melbourne is know as the sporting capital of the world
>the only country besides america that made proper muscle cars
>the best burnouts in the world
>has snow, mountains, rainforests, deserts, beaches, old growth forests, rollings hills, literally the best rock in the world

what country are you from so i can judge your culture
inb4 canada

>> No.3239081

>being this butthurt

>> No.3239084

Britain. Let me spoil the ending: I win.

>> No.3239085

i'm australian, thats literally impossible, we're laid back here

>> No.3239109

Needing to reiterate this point 3000 times a day. It's like going on a date and saying "I'm not going to rape and murder you", actually achieves the opposite of what was intended.

>> No.3239116

ok abdul
remember not to call anyone a paki while you are here, the cops will arrest you

>> No.3239133
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An Australian man's definition of culture: sports, cars, car races and nature.

>> No.3239156
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>> No.3239165

an englishmans definition of culture: cheap cocaine and being less liked in spain than literal terrorists

>> No.3239166


I thought you said you were from a white country.

>> No.3239174
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>tfw you live in Belgium

>> No.3239188

Only uneducated aussies are like this. If you find yourself surrounded by these people it's because maybe you're alike in some way. Also Australia seems to be terrible for cashing out ...? I'm thinking of speaking to a lawyer + accountant before I cash out which won't be until I see substantial gainz

>> No.3239200

>only uneducated people like cars, sports, and nature

>> No.3239210

You used these things as evidence that your country has culture. You might be retarded man.

>> No.3239215
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You forgotten car races genius

>> No.3239298

hello muhammad abdul al-hajj

>> No.3239301
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Sounds like a big Aussie bloke fucked your wife or something. So much salt.

>> No.3239309
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great banter

>> No.3239641

le 62% face is making arguments

>> No.3239659

Bunping for interest

All I know is you don't pay taxes on crypto in Denmark - only downside is that it is between Germany and Sweden

>> No.3239817

Normal capital gains, 15% or 20% if you earn a high salary

>> No.3240573

>cashing out crypto

There is your problem lads.

>> No.3241349

Typically unfunny Australian comeback. Note the total lack of originality and inability to branch out of "DURKA DURKA U R MUSLIMS LOL" or "U R A SKRUB KEK".
This is why England squeezed the last dregs of its collective balls onto a barren desert island and let the incestuous hicks bang each other - no more brain-drain for us.

Oh, and by the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH60P3LV5ZQ
We're all going down together.