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3237469 No.3237469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Music Industry.
Why is nigger babble music dominating it?

Any of you who aren't NEET basement dwelling faggots who work in record label companies?

Today after fucking an escort bareback I walked to my car, played the radio and I heard Cheif Keef in the radio.

"These bitches love Sosa
O end or no end
Fucking with them O boys,
You gon' get fucked over
Rari's and Rovers
These hoes love Chief Sosa
Hit him with that cobra,
Now that boy slumped over
They do it all for Sosa
You boys ain't making no noise
Ya'll know I'm a grown boy
Your clique full of broke boys
God ya'll some broke boys
God ya'll some broke boys
We GBE dope boys,
We got lots of dough boy"

After listening to this nigger babble I could not take it any longer, I inserted Mudvayne LD50 cd and went to the gym

>> No.3237481

this doesn't sound crypto related, old bean.

>> No.3237493

answer my question or i'll pull the chopper on your ass bitch ass nigger

>> No.3237495

It's mainly psychology based OP. Remember when Dubstep was a thing? Shit was awful.

Usually the weaker minded jump on trends when they see everyone doing it - even if it's stupid

>> No.3237496
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what the fuck is going on why do you keep recreating this thread

>> No.3237504

"No matter how bad of a day your having. Just remember. There still is someone from your hometown trying to be a rapper"

>> No.3237505


I just can't imagine niggers bumping up to this shit.

Niggers thinking rappers like Jay Z are lyrical geniuses and shit lol

Blacks are truly the most low IQ race,

seriously needs to be a revival of nu-metal

>> No.3237535


remember, some niggers are bumping up to this song


>> No.3237549

i don't know this sosa character or who is whacking him with cobras. this isn't an appropriate question for me. i'm in the middle of correspondence with jewfinex support and you're quizzing me on coon tunes?! the fuck.

>> No.3237551

>seriously needs to be a revival of nu-metal

it would be nice, but you gotta realize that even when nu-metal was popular (for a minute there), it still had a horrible reputation and bands in the genre would constantly deny that they were nu-metal because it was practically a derogatory label.

>> No.3237556

>> White terrified of becoming a minority

>> No.3237577
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and why shouldn't he be?

>> No.3237586

Been waiting 5 days on a ticket with jewfinex. They still have 600 bucks worth of my eth. Some orphan transaction bullshit. I live in seattle motherfuckers. Step it up.

>> No.3237587
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Old News. Repetitive Black Music has been a thing since everybody's favourite bisexual ADHD church pastor Little Richard was around


The only difference is that fairly obvious sexual subtext and metaphor has been replaced by explicitness and more drug content.

'cuz if we're the superior race it just means more minions to exploit. More cattle-like masses to market useless trends and products too. More manual labor to build our empires of luxury on.

>> No.3237590

I thought /pol/ was smarter. You literally look like a frightened kid trying to make everyone hate some kid who called you "nerd" at highschool that one time.

>> No.3237595

back to /pol/

>> No.3237611

how much have you offered to pay them to respond, peasant?

>> No.3237612

Back to /f/aggot
Back to /c/uck
Back to /f/uck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.3237616

btw trump's an awful president and Nazis already lost the war 70 years ago

>> No.3237621

this. Trump 20'. can't wait.

>> No.3237627
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Popular because:

Lyrics about money, women, drugs
Enjoyable "beats" or production
Rappers live lives that their listeners fantasize about
"Easy" listen, doesn't take much to process, not evasive like metal
Upbeat and exciting so many people relate to it or turn in on to dance, party, etc.

Pretty simple to see honestly. There are some great underground rappers right now and there's a lot of shit. Wouldn't take it too personally. You're just like the fucking gramps in the fifties and sixties when Elvis and the Beatles started to take ahold of music

>> No.3237632

Escape from the Gillotine, my Lorde.

>> No.3237633

>NEET basement dwelling faggots who work
I don't think you understand what a NEET is.

>> No.3237636
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good point: you can just ignore that my point made more sense than his, all you have to do is call me /pol/ because I posted examples of people who openly hate white people.
as he acts like white people, being concerned about becoming a minority to a majority full of people who hate them, is unreasonable.

in other words, you were right in thinking /pol/ is smarter. everyone is smarter than you. you're fucking retarded, and you should divert 0.11641 btc to buy some Nembutal and kill yourself, you fucking


>> No.3237637

that's not enough.

>> No.3237642

Rap>music. Pick one , and only one.

>> No.3237645

After reading through this thread I have come to realize you don't understand too much of anything.

>> No.3237648

cmon anon give OP a break his sentence structure is awful but he's only about 14. he has lots of time to improve

>> No.3237653


I thought your economy was doing great, jobs too. What makes him such a terrible president?

>> No.3237661

You would lay your head on the gillotine for $600 in Eth, my Lorde? For sooth!

>> No.3237662

Live sosa is a fucking classic
Kys faggot

>> No.3237665

he isn't a muslim nignog communist married to a transformer who hates America. ohh, simpler times.

>> No.3237669
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he's an ebul nazi, duh.

>> No.3237671

if you think those gooks are going to help you for free you've lost your goddamn mind.

>> No.3237700

Give me my money in 24 hours or I call Stevie Wong. Hes in Hong kong right now motherfucker. Thats how this rolls, Bitch.

>> No.3237704

>wasted all the secret service's money on holidays for him and his family
>stopping all anti climate change measures in their tracks
>colliding with the Russians constantly
>fires anyone who disagrees with him
>does very little to stop or condone political violence (on either side)
and that's all off the top of my head

>> No.3237711


>> No.3237726

the secret service protects him 27/38. you act like if he didn't go on "vacation" they would be doing something else with their time, tyrone.

>> No.3237745

just like every metal hardcore trend ever its just because the bands think they are so special and different compared to all the others

it was the same with emo

>> No.3237749

i miss emo.

>> No.3237758

> comparing auto tuned over produced chief to little richard
> failing to mention that little richard was a strong pianist and singer whose songs have lasted generations which is a lot more many comtemporary artists can or will be able to account for.

>> No.3237764
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LOL are you trolling or are you like 14 years old?

especially this though

>does very little to stop or condone political violence (on either side)

what would you like him to do to stop people from either protesting (a constitutional right) or counter-protesting (aka antifa showing up explicitly to start confrontation)?

>does nothing
>condemns it
>orders national guard (the next step)

>> No.3237769

>what if fuel
>what is overtime
>what are trump's entire family being protected 24/7 even when they really don't need to be

>> No.3237775

>what is doing their job
if you had a job you would be able to relate.

>> No.3237781

>seriously needs to be a revival of nu-metal
>calling other people low IQ
OP confirmed for edgy 14 y/o

>> No.3237800

>LOL are you trolling or are you like 14 years old?
I could ask you the same thing, but I know you're probably just an edgy manchild
each of those strawman statements has
a) never happened
b)would not be coming from the same group of people

>> No.3237804

>>what are trump's entire family being protected 24/7 even when they really don't need to be

i guess you're right, i mean, why is it that the secret service are the ones doing an analysis of his family's well-being and allotting appropriate security? obviously some anonymous dumbass on 4chan should be in charge of this, not them.

confirmed for le anomynous trollface guy

>> No.3237826
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the first two have already happened a zillion times, what are you talking about? google "trump condemn" and be proved wrong for 10 pages worth of articles.

if it's true those statements wouldn't be coming from the same people, why should your opinion matter the most? why should he be concerned with pleasing you above your crybaby counterparts...? also none of that is a strawman, sorry.

you didn't answer my question either. i'm curious now about what the fuck would satisfy you concerning his "doing more" to stop political violence. (not that your desire means shit to anybody, least of all the president.)

>> No.3237831

OP if you dislike it, don't listen to it. There's enough music out there that you can avoid it.

>> No.3237884

I mean if it doesn't matter and you don't care about my opinion then why are you asking?
To answer, though, he could've done a lot more in terms of condemning them. He gave a single, extremely scripted response for the Charlottesville stuff days after it happened, and nothing during. He also barely mentions antifa(probably because violence from the left makes him look better). In addition, none of this would've happened if trump didn't actively appeal to the far right during his campaign, and make Nazis feel more "welcome" in America.
> why should your opinion matter the most?
I think all opinions should be considered equally, especially if they're coming from a lot of people. I don't claim my opinion is more important than anyone elses, I just think trump's only taking opinions from his own side, and disregarding those of anyone he sees as "against him".

>> No.3238059


Oh. So you are retarded.