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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3236836 No.3236836 [Reply] [Original]

When will this coin do something????

>> No.3236838

Patience is a virtue.

>> No.3236849

it's one of the last undervalued coins. it's going to explode

>> No.3236850

This is going to be huge, just stay patient anon it'll x10 in no time

>> No.3236867

do you even know what the market cap on it is? lmao

>> No.3236891


I think you'd be hard pressed to find any crypto trader who doubts this coin has enormous upside potential, but it's limited. This coin is intended to be compensation for ad-views and tracker-disabling. As a result, the microtransactions to the pajeets that click ads all day will have to be miniscule, and for marketing purposes the coin can't be valued too high or they will be discouraged by seeing .0002 amounts in their earnings history. I think there's also an outside possibility than Brendan (((Eich))) is pissed off about getting SJWed out of mozilla and capitalizing on greed in the crypto sector to make a quick 20 mil and stick it to those fucks at mozilla.

I expect 1-3x out of this and no more, but that's just my 2 cents

>> No.3236895

pretty much a for sure moon once it gets integrated into brave which is next month

>> No.3236905

This. Supply is pretty much endless. You're not getting to Lamboland with this one, anons.

>> No.3237463

When they say 20 million users of Brave.

Shortly thereafter they will sell more coins though.

>> No.3237482

The coin has two purposes both which limit upside but should dissuade investment:
1. Fund the company. ICOs are used to avoid Venture Capital. Yes, Brave will sell more BAT in the future, but it will do so with the idea that it may have to sell more again. It needs the coin to be profitable to hold.
2. As a mechanism in its ad network. No, you will never see BAT worth $100 because that would mean the ad network would have lots of issues. But there is no reason to flood the network with more coins unless the network is highly successful in which case BAT will be valuable.

I love BAT and would buy more if I could.

>> No.3238030

It's 200 mil. Nigger, I remember when ETH wasn't worth shit at $7 an ETH and everyone on /biz/ called me a faggot for investing in it.

Stay on Earth. I'm already on the moon, I'm going to fucking Mars with Eich, lad.

>> No.3238048

>do something

Never? It's a non-coin. It might as well not even exist.

>> No.3238067

Sorry, but it's not gonna happen. Success of the token relies on the success of the Brave browser.

Browser market is dominated by Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari for you Apple weirdos. Maybe even Opera/Vivaldi. Even getting 1% of that market share is extremely hard, look at https://www.netmarketshare.com/browser-market-share.aspx?qprid=0&qpcustomd=0

So yeah, maybe ride the wave when it gets pumped, but this coin has no long term potential whatsoever unless the Brave browser gets a crazy surge in users.

>> No.3239074

just like all alts

lol at holding anything but BTC

>> No.3239252


Yet here i am, using the brave browser. Started using it even before hearing about brave. Its fast, privacy friendly, and prevents all trackers and adds from doing their thing with a build-in blocker. The dude who created Javascript and the co-founder of mozilla are leading the team. Solid Project.

>> No.3239322


>> No.3239363

Never said the browser is bad or anything. Opera is also not bad. Vivaldo also not bad. Yet they struggle to get users.

Also, if you really want privacy, you use Tor and not Brave. So there is really no reason to switch to Brave right now. And making a user install a different program and use that over a program that a user already knows, is a hurdle not to be underestimated. Why do you think, over 30% of web users still use old IE versions? Certainly not because it's better, but because it is a hurdle to get everyday users to adapt to a new program.

>> No.3239373

Whoops, I meant Vivaldi.

>> No.3239392

Surprised Chrome has so many users and IE STILL has more than Firefox. Incredible.

>> No.3239415

I just saw that the percentage for IE is way off lol, but you still get the idea.