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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3231542 No.3231542 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else completely obsessed with cryptocurrency? Its my entire life. I wake up and spend the entire day in front of the computer watching charts and reading discussions and news about cryptocurrency.

>> No.3231551

go outside

>> No.3231587

Are you me?

>> No.3231602

less gains

>> No.3231634

And you probably have how much invested? Like 5k max?

LOL please do something productive with yourself.

>> No.3231642

I've been using some of those faucet sites for a while
One turned out to be dry, and the others, will give me a grand total of 1 cent per coin after weeks of claiming
I know it's not worth much. i'm just hoping for the price to skyrocket one day, so it will retroactively have been worth it

>> No.3231673

I'm like slightly into it. It interests me. But I've lost friends because at literally all they talk about now... we don't have fun or enjoy ourselves hanging out... it's just them looking at screens and talking about coins when I'm bored out of my mind.. only one made significant games off ether and factom earlier this year and the whole friend circle is obsessed... personally wasting your youth and actual life opportunities for the prospect of money down the line is just really lame...

Invest in some crypto, maybe hold and wait long term or trade during the week.. but to be absorbed and shift the lifestyle completely is unhealthy and lame imo.

>> No.3232110

Yes absolutely. I might have no life (now) but hey, I'm making thousands a day. And desu? I like it, and find it more enjoyable than hanging out with ""friends"".

>> No.3232124

times have changed for me, i made a twitter account read news and stuff. im out in 2019

>> No.3232146

I think it's important that we all set a goal and gtfo when we reach it.

>> No.3232160

this was me a month ago. Now i'm just HODLing some coins i think i believe in and check occasionally. It was becoming unhealthy for me to constantly obsess over my bags.

>> No.3232212
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no and i have no idea what you're talking about whasoever

>> No.3232421

I didnt have a life before this anyways, so im good.

>> No.3232603

Nearly every fucking thread on this board is about cryptocurrencies now

>> No.3232672
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what is love?

>> No.3232706

Yes, but we have to for now, it's important though to keep whatever else you've got going / get started on something else, the crypto fomo will not last forever and really it could end any day

>> No.3232797

This, I hate it. I wouldn't mind if it was half crypto half old biz, but this is just boring.

>> No.3232806

old /biz/ was shit.

>> No.3232951

I just spend $1000 and put half in BTC and half in ETH

I'll keep adding more each week but desu I am not sure I want to get into alt coins

Sounds like a lot of stress for not much gain

I'm more likely just gonna hodl and forget about it

I'm not too much interested in quick gains, and more about long term benefit and having this turn into something actually worthwhile

>> No.3233822

we're gonna make it bros

>> No.3233850
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remember, we're still the early adopters
>in before no you're not

>> No.3234714

This is the right strategy but a bad time IMO there is a crash coming soon.

Be careful with BTC, read up on the scaling problem it's all about block size

>> No.3234842

>old biz
>hurrr kneepads

>> No.3234855

>muh impending crash meme

>> No.3234872
File: 2.15 MB, 1297x5111, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone with a clue is on a competition to make the most BTC and out-BTC all of your peers.

The BTC hustle is real.

>> No.3235054

Only losers are obsessed with crypto. Chads just invest and forget about it.

>> No.3235081

5k goes a long way in crypto land kid

>> No.3235087

Chads also lose their wallets on ex-gf's computer.

>> No.3235189

Altcoins are good for increasing your portfolio by 10% everyday.

>> No.3235247


Ok, I have never traded this stuff in my life, but I see it so much on this board I am curious

Do you people actually make good amounts of money on this? Do all these new random cryopotcurrencies that pop up actually turn into substantial investments? From a cursory glance it looks like most people on this board just trade all day, rake in the money and dont have to work. Is this how it is? I dont get it

>> No.3236072

If you're lucky or incest a lot of time and energy into keeping up to the hour on everything and know what you're doing, make wise decisions. I wouldn't say it's easy or not stressful imo

>> No.3236761

The only reason alt cins have gone up this much is btc is slow and shitty

If those kikes coredevs just raised the block lmit btc would stil dominate 80%+ of the market

When BCC takes off sell your alts or you'll be praying for the jews to wreck that one too

>> No.3236778

I have been through phases of doing that but I have learnt I'm better off limiting my crypto time so I don't get burnt out. Now I just set wide blockfolio alarms and only act when something I want to buy or sell is moving.