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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3228487 No.3228487 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ since you were the faggots to convince me to buy ETH at $10 and are responsible for the down payment on my house I can't believe I'm doing this but SHIFT is about to pump and their working product, Phantom, is launching in September.

I'm not talking about pumping right now like 100% in a day. This will have a slow pump of at least 1000% over the coming months. The dev team has not marketed it at all because they wanted Phantom up first. Check out the supply and market cap as well as previous ATHs. You'd have to be retarded to not jump on this right now especially since decentralized web will be very valuable and popular in the coming years.

>> No.3228505

I have 3k SHIFT. Am I going to make it?

>> No.3228513

10k shift and you WILL make it.

>> No.3228516

SHIFT has been on my radar for a while but I can't move any of my funds out of ZRX to buy any. Guess I'll miss this moon mission.

>> No.3228524

>The dev team has not marketed it at all

I don't know about that OP, you're marketing pretty hard here

>> No.3228541

Fuck off back to your safe space

>> No.3228544

You don't have to buy any right now. The project will absolutely be at least 10x it's 16mil market cap right now. As for 0x that's another good project, but if you switch your bags to shift you will get better gains for sure.

>> No.3228549

If you think shift devs waste their time on /biz/ then you will miss this moon mission no doubt. Stay poor.

>> No.3228574
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I don't want to sell any zrx so low. I know it'll go up. And with chainlink around the corner that will be a better investment than SHIFT. Like it or not I likely won't have funds to buy SHIFT until the end of september even though I've been shilling it for a while. :(

>> No.3228585

nice shill, very convincing

>> No.3228588


Thats why you dont put all your eggs into one basket...

>> No.3228592

True the price is pretty low right now if you didn't get in at ico, but I still think you can pull off better gains with shift.

>> No.3228608

Thank you sir I just bought 100k sir I am very grateful

>> No.3228611

I only put $1800 in.

>> No.3228619

Where can I find it?

>> No.3228650

DYOR seriously you lazy motherfucker don't try to chase any pumps. Just buy this and hold.

>> No.3228656

>I can't believe I'm doing this

this line is the most obvious giveaway in the history of shilling

>> No.3228663


So you are plenty in the green with ZRX so why not take some profit and diversify since its 80% of your portfolio right now.

>> No.3228664

Fucking hell, I don't see it on the exchanges I use.

>> No.3228675

radar relay is days away and I think it's going to spike back up to at least 50 cents in the next week.

>> No.3228685

also... I'm scared to diversify because I just got lucky with neo and zrx and I'll probably lose it all if I move it :(

>> No.3228716

dude just go to coinmarketcap, find any coin you want and go to "markets" tab. You will see there all avaliable exchanges

>> No.3228738

I actually didn't know that, thanks buddy.

>> No.3228753

If you're that new to this then that's fine, but remember to still do your own research. Read shift's white paper.

>> No.3228802

Well they're releasing their white paper in September but still take a look at their roadmap and docs. Also the devs are in slack regularly.

>> No.3228951

Seems like an awesome project, but I usually only like holding coins that have a rationale behind it other than simply being another "if it's decentralized there'll be a coin, it doesn't matter if it's useless" project.

So pray tell, OP, what's the use of the SHIFT coin? I'll read the whitepaper soon, just don't have time right now.

>> No.3228978
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Can't wait for SHIFT Moon mission, pretty comfy right now.

>> No.3229119

Running shift on blockchain increases the incentive to actually upkeep the decentralized web. People are going to be profiting off the blockchain through coin staking and sales through exchanges. The "web 3.0" they are trying to create will be based off the blockchain so people won't be running shift nodes without using it, thus making the coin valuable.

For other decentralized web services like zeronet there is usually no monetary incentive to keep the network running. Shift fixes that.

>> No.3229135

btw their white paper launches soon for now I encourage you to join the slack and ask devs about any further technological inquiries as well as look at the btt announcement thread and read the available documentation that they have on Shiftnrg.org

>> No.3229239

Think of it this way. You could use decentralized web through zeronet to host your own site right now. You'd have to keep a node running at all times so that at least one "seeder" can connect to it and help you host. Everybody who visits the site will also be hosting from there. Shift works the same way except runs completely on the blockchain. When you are using it you are building the blockchain and it can't be built without people holding and staking coins. You may ask well we have zeronet why not just use that and skip having our own blockchain? Here's the thing maybe your website fucking sucks and no one wants to host it. Maybe people just haven't realized the potential of it too. Why on zeronet would hosters waste time hosting a shitty website that they don't like/care about. They wouldn't. But if they now that it would help the blockchain and they'd be making bank from doing it then they would. It's all about the money and unlike zeronet you can actually make money from hosting.

>> No.3229262

So this means that as many people would be trying to host as many sites as possible thus creating a very strong decentralized web. If you take a look at zeronet right now. There is minimal content. Shift will be a different story because even if your website sucks you can guarantee that a bunch of people will be hosting because they now a strong network means money.

>> No.3229265


> taking the HOLDL meme too seriously

That's how I lost 25% of my networth with ethereum.

>> No.3229281

I gained all my networth through ethereum and am still holding, I sold a lot at 380 though.

>> No.3229323


Is this an eth token?

What are the competing coins?

>> No.3229382

Not, it's built on LISK.
Also there is no competing coin afaik, there is an ICO soon about a competitor but SHIFT will be online long time before it arrives..

>> No.3229398

Its one of the first ethereum forks but it's not an erc20 token. It's more similar to lisk and bitshares in the way it works. I forgot to mention to to >>3228951it had dApp support too.

>> No.3229423
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They dropped Ethereum a long time ago afaik.

>> No.3229437


>> No.3229462

So it's a decentralised web hosting service, that's a great idea. What's someone's incentive to be running the platform on their machine though? Generating tokens? What could the tokens be used for then?

Also, how is hosting something on SHIFT free/profitable?

>> No.3229477

I have some lisk and it did a very good job for me. If this builds on lisk and you're not a shilling asshole I fucking do this and spend some btc on shift right now.

>> No.3229482

Why would you invest time into doing that meme unless you're a paid shiller or you're just trying to sell your bags

>> No.3229493
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I've been meaning to buy some Lisk, waiting for the dip. And lisk is having a rebrand soon...

>> No.3229519

The next dip will come once we surpassed 20$. Do it now.

>> No.3229586
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this or ark which would you say is better?

>> No.3229612

They're two completely separate services. If this one is as popular as these people say it will be though, invest here. It has a way smaller market cap which means more room for growth

>> No.3229624

i've always seen them as two that should have similar market caps, and indeed they did until relatively recently...

>> No.3229629
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You guys are gonna be left hodling a bag of shift.

>> No.3229676

Heh heh. We are, but bags that are worth a hell of a lot more than what we bought them for.

>> No.3229718

See my previous posts
Forgot to mention dApps in those, but yeah dApps too for whatever they are worth.

>> No.3229742
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>You just point your DNS to a Phantom gateway and the gateway delivers the website from any of the thousands of IPFS nodes in the world!

>implying this isn't going to be a hobbyist gimmick like freenet
>trying to out-tor tor & i2p
>trying to out-dapp ethereum

$5 pump 'n dump

>> No.3229799

Shows how much you know. They are in no way in competition with tor. It's not inherently anonymous and you can actually making money hosting unlike I-20

Trying to outdapp ethereum is a good point but once this has a huge network of users it will have it's good dApps.

>> No.3229806

Shift is about to get wrecked in the asshole since it's on hold for a dump just looking at the chart sty away until it dumps most likely will end up going back to 12300 sats

>> No.3229819

Sorry everyone on my phone.
>It's not inherently anonymous and you can actually making money hosting unlike I-20
This should say: "It's not inherently anonymous and you can actually make money hosting unlike i2p."

Or any other decentralized web service.

>> No.3229882

>Shows how much you know.
You're right. That's because there's no whitepaper. I had to go off whatever marketing bullshit they listed.

'Phantom' is an IPFS explorer from what I've read, and an IPFS explorer is basically going to end up like Freenet: Either as a child porn hub (which IPFS can't really do without layering on top of Tor due to lack of anonymity) or as a monetized "decentralized internet" which means it's in competition with Tor since Tor accomplishes the same thing (attracting "freedom of speech" terrorist/hate speech websites). There's nothing in here which seems /really/ revolutionary since IPFS's latency was pretty terrible last I checked.

In addition to how there's barely a potential userbase, I didn't see any method of monetizing the underlying IPFS network's nodes, which means that the only monetization occurs @ the Phantom gateway level? So, basically, that would mean that this gateway is a leech on IPFS.

But, again, all these questions are because there's no information to potential investors on their website. So, if you can sell me on it or point me in the right direction, I'll go $1k deep in on it since this is the exact type of thing /biz/ loves to pump.

>> No.3229894
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Of course I have a bag but it isn't heavy (pic related) and I won't sell it before $160 000 000 marketcap.
For the memes I make them for the lulz just like the hundreds I've posted on 4chan through the years, not everything has to be done for money anon.

>> No.3229897
File: 66 KB, 543x549, 1498602094980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way that you lost 25% of your net worth holding ethereum faggot. Assume you bought at ATH of 420 , 0.75*420 = 315. 315 is below actual price so get fucked

>> No.3229959

It's more in competition with something like Cloudflare than Tor.
Also with the recent attacks on freespeech and censorship by various big internet actors (like on the Daily Stormer recently) there are definitely shekels to make on a decentralized hosting platforms.

>> No.3229978

If we're going to try to qualify IPFS as a CDN, might as well host everything off Sia & put a heavily caching webserver behind a .onion

>> No.3230002

Ipfs is a protocol which means it's kind of like blueprints for setting up the decentralized web. So phantom is compatible with ipfs nodes which makes total sense so they don't have to make a whole new architecture for a decentralized web platform. So not only will Phantom be compatible with existing ipfs nodes, but it will attract others to host ipfs nodes that are compatible with phantom. I understand how you are mad about no white paper, I've been involved in the community for a while so I have a good grasp of what kind of info will be in there.

As for why you don't think it can compete with tor or ipfs browsers I've already laid out before why it can. If you hold and stake tokens you know that upkeep of a huge decentralized web will be making you a lot of money. If there is illegal content on any site hosters will absolutely do everything they can NOT to host them because they don't want to lose money.

>> No.3230026

Nice just bought 671.239!

Hope you're not lying, OP.

>> No.3230056

Listen boyo I don't know if you are one of the original people who shilled ETH to me when it was $10, or if anyone of those guys can even see me talking about SHIFT, but they made me so well off and I just want to return the favor.

I'm out shopping for a new couch for my new home that I recently bought from ETH gainz. My wife is getting mad at me so sorry if my responses are hasty and riddled with spelling mistakes.

>> No.3230098

If the only thing going for this is Phantom, which is a DAPP, why couldn't Phantom exist as an Ethereum Dapp?

SHIFT's Dapps are written in js which would be syntactically/functionally pretty similar to Solidity. I can't foresee any issues to a straight port of Phantom to Eth, unless SHIFT does something which Eth can't. So, at that point, is it just trying to out-ethereum Ethereum?

>> No.3230115

>IPFS as a CDN
But IPFS is a CDN

>might as well host everything off Sia & put a heavily caching webserver behind a .onion
Well it's doing the reverse thing as SHIFT, instead of building a monetization system on top of IPFS you want to build of web protocol on top of Sia.
Result is the same.

>> No.3230140

If that's the case, thanks, OP. You can chime in a month from now and brag about telling us, I'll probably join the thread and bow to you.

I just bought a few more. $1500 for a coin I know nothing about, you're the first person here I've trusted blindly and I have no idea why.

>> No.3230142


>> No.3230145

>Result is the same.
That was the point. This task can be accomplished in other, more established and potentially cheaper, ways which eats its potential marketshare.

>> No.3230196

Holy shit at 18m market cap this will easily 5-10x. FeelsGoodMan.