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3227671 No.3227671 [Reply] [Original]

New to shitcoins

So i have my multiple wallets for ETH and BTC. When I go to purchase is the only way to get coins into my wallet to

1: buy on an exchange like coinbase and them move them to my wallet?
2: make a in person exchange with someone.

>> No.3227707

Your question doesn't make sense.

To get eth or btc into a wallet, you have to send it from anywhere else you have it from. Doesn't only have to be the two listed below.

>> No.3227728
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Ok well i am confused as shit. Been trying to learn this shit for the past day I have alot more reading to do.

Right, but if you were going to buy ETH or BTC which websites would you use? Is that the way it normally goes? You buy from an exchange such as coinbase etc ( i only say that one because its the only one I know currently) and then transfer it off of there to your paper wallet?

Sorry if I am still not making sense senpai. I am never going to figure this shit out.

>> No.3227805

pls halp

sorry to be "that guy" this morning but its earlier in the day and shit posting is slow so i thought yall might could answer.

>> No.3227843
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The only way to get coins into your wallet is to mine it yourself, duh. Get with the program retard.

>> No.3227874

Well, basically yes.

In order to buy ETH or BTC you'll have to find either

a) somebody who will deposit it into your wallets in return for a service or fiat money

b) a website who will take your fiat money and then give you cryptocurrency in return

I guess there's many such websites, personally i only know (and use) Coinbase.

>> No.3227881

and for the "somebody" side theres localbitcoins or variants thereof, if u think u can trust them

>> No.3227908

Sign up to coinbase, buy ETH or LTC (not bitcoin it's slow as fuck), send from your coinbase wallet to an exchange wallet such a bittrex, trade your ETH for shitcoins, or trade your LTC into BTC and then buy shitcoins

>> No.3227924


Ok thanks so much. Is the fee associated with the purchases on coinbase being paid to the miners? Or is this administrative shekels for the coinbase owners?

>> No.3227936

How safe is bittrex? Like, if I wanted to trade with a certain amount of € just to play with the sell high buy low what would be the max i could safely keep on there?

>> No.3227954

administrave shekels probably but i havent used coinbase.
fees paid to the miners are for transfers between bitcoins wallets

>> No.3227956


Since you are asking more advanced questions than me I am going to hit you with one.

So you buy on coinbase, move to a paper wallet which is like long term safe storage.


You move some ETH or BTC to places like bittrex and actively trade ETH and BTC for smaller coins right?

Do most places only take fiat for ETH and BTC? not for shitcoins? ETH and BTC is the entry barrier for shitcoins?

>> No.3227958

It was my understanding that the transfer fees for cryptocurrency go to the miners, but the fees incurred when exchanging my EUR to crypto goes to coinbase. But i'm just a newbie like you so IDK.

for more info https://support.coinbase.com/customer/portal/articles/2109597-buy-sell-bank-transfer-fees

be sure not to send coinbase any fiat that you don't intend to buy crypto with, though, because i think it costs quite a lot to transfer it back to your bank account. Basically forces me into hoping that my crypto will go up in value more than it would cost to exchange it back into EUR and then let coinbase deposit it back into my bank account again...

>> No.3227982


Well shit, thats good to know. I was going to transfer a good deal and sit on it til I made a move and conditions were right to jump into crypto. I haven't pullet the trigger yet.

>> No.3227994

I wouldn't know about 'most places' because I'm less than 2 weeks into this stuff, and i've only used Coinbase and Bittrex so far.

My experience was like this:
1) made an account on Coinbase, had to send in pictures of my ID card to get verified
2) made an account in bittrex, had to activate through mobile phone to get verified
3) Deposit EUR to coinbase via online banking. 1st time took about 4 hours to show up in my coinbase dashboard, the 2nd time it took about a day.
4) Bought BTC and ETH on coinbase with said EUR
5) Transferred most of BTC and ETH to my hardware wallet. Transferred some BTC to bittrex, exchanged for OMG, sent OMG also into my hardware wallet

Stuff was pretty easy to set up and use, however there is the intial fear of things going wrong or getting scammed because it IS a lot of money. But int he end it worked.

>> No.3228074

yes you have to pay the goy tax (~4% if buying directly from credit card) and then the turbogoy tax when you transfer it off of your online wallet on Coinbase and into a desktop wallet

>> No.3228214

Which hardware wallet are you using?