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File: 12 KB, 220x245, 220px-Floyd_Mayweather,_Jr._at_DeWalt_event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3224316 No.3224316 [Reply] [Original]

apologize /biz/

>> No.3224324

Did that nig win?

>> No.3224336

It was like he was fighting against a schoolkid. Dauyum

>> No.3224341


>> No.3224351

After the 6th round maybe. It felt pretty even in the beginning but floyd is world class for a reason

>> No.3224357

was close until 9th round tho, pretty impressive, May nigger would of died in 5 seconds in an octagon

>> No.3224370

Was never close. Mayweather knew the irish would get tired, so first few rounds just took a more passive style. Mcgreggor got tired and mayweather raped him.

>> No.3224374

Professional boxer won a boxing match? Color me surprised

>> No.3224385

he was toying with potato head lmao. honestly wish the ref didnt stop the fight, wanted to see potato get knocked the fuck out

>> No.3224390

mayweather literally just put his head down the whole time

>> No.3224393

You guys are retards if you think this wasn't scripted. The Irishman wasn't even good at acting exhausted.

>> No.3224397

shoulda used a flying armbar

>> No.3224623

>It felt pretty even in the beginning
You know how Mayweather's strategy works right?

>> No.3224641

He's 50-0 because he has a strategy and uses it.

It's kinda like trading crypto. You're only gonna lose money if you're irrational and without a plan.

>> No.3224981

It was scripted faggots, lmao at people who thought it was real

>> No.3224992

'twas loosely scripted, agree.

>> No.3225016

mcgregor threw all of his shitcoins in the first rounds at an ATH but mayweathers a chinese whale so was accumulating as the fight went on and started pumping around round 6 and mooned round 9 by round 10 mayweather had a lambo

>> No.3225026

This made my night. You beautiful sonuva bitch.

>> No.3225054
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and people say /biz/ is the worst board...

>> No.3225320

I fucking love this board

>> No.3225329

lmao accurate af

>> No.3225471
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>> No.3225474
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>> No.3225493

The news just said Floyd got 300 million for the fight and McGregor got 100 million

>> No.3225683

floyd didnt need this money but mcgregor yes. his networth went from 2.5M to 100M overnight.

>> No.3225696


>> No.3225706


It was fixed.

They jew'd us all.

>> No.3225709

>the jews
Can't trust anything they say dude.

>> No.3225721

theres a reason the odds were 40:1

>> No.3225722

Almost looks like he would swallow his pride and agree to lose for that kind of money

>> No.3225740


>> No.3225766


I bet one hundred dollars on mcgregor hoping for a quick knockout

Didn't happen

Knew he would be outboxed after the first 3-5 rounds

no regrets

Bitching about scorecard fixing means nothing when he took defenceless punches to the face for a minute straight

>> No.3225796

he didnt lose any pride. I expected floyd to KO him instantly. he lasted 10 rounds against the best boxer of all time. now would floyd step in an octogon? of course not he's a pussy.

>> No.3225830

McGregor lost that is a fact, but it is embarrassing that pro boxer couldn't defeat him in the first round.
People wanted this fight to happen and McGregor accepted to fight on the boxing rules knowing that Mayweather will be in the advantage because everyone knows that Mayweather doesn't have balls to step in the octagon.
Also it was the win-win situation for both of them considering the money that was in the game.

>> No.3225838


> Expecting a 40-something year old man with fucked-up hands preventing knockout victories and strenerous grappling to compete against a 28-year-old in his prime in a sport he has never practiced

McGregor going to the boxing ring was the reasonable choice for this match-up

>> No.3225855

Floyd best boxer of all time???

>> No.3225976

this nigger is 50-0
his style is boring as fuck but its because of the boxing rules which are retarded. he just exploits the system
*turns back at you when getting his shit pushed in*
heh nothiing perssonel kid

>> No.3227172

So what you're saying is I should have sold my BTC to buy some McG coin yesterday thanks /biz/

>> No.3227298


Yes. Anyone with even a basic knowledge knew he would win easily. Boxing is a sport and mma is backyard wrestling.

>> No.3227317

Why apologize?

It was obvious

>> No.3227320

Boxing is the ultimate pump and dump. Every few years they have one of these meme matches that will "bring back boxing". The normies all take the bait and surprise its another boring shitty fight.

>> No.3227391

Thank you for explaining in terms we can all understand.

>> No.3227421

>everyone knows that Mayweather doesn't have balls to step in the octagon.

He would LOSE.

>It is embarrassing that pro boxer couldn't defeat him in the first round.
Except it isn't

>> No.3227426

long boxing short mma

>> No.3227661
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just showed mma fighters are ragdolls and street fighters while boxing have longer history, better coaches and more sophisticated strategies. 40yo boxer made a bigger fighter look like a fool

>> No.3227696

Now I get it

>> No.3227704


great summary. and a 5 star post

>> No.3227708

Boxing is literally crippled fighting. For one you can't catch a punch and grapple
Kickboxing is more realistic in that sense

>> No.3227911

Mayweather's depth perception and awareness is just that good that he knew he didn't need to be afraid

>> No.3228559
File: 138 KB, 437x524, 1485616482430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I bet .1 btc on mayweather