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File: 154 KB, 1000x666, litecoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3224220 No.3224220 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to newfriends not to fall for this scamcoin.

It exists only to pump and dump on you

>> No.3224270

I have 10 of these in an encrypted wallet that I forgot the password for. What do?

>> No.3224279

Let me know your private key and I'll send it back to you ;)

>> No.3224343

Whatever, man. LTC is the opposite of what you describe, it's slow and boring and every so often it shoots up and stays there.

It's going up just like Monero because people are finding out that btc became a scam. It's the perfect coin for an uncertain market.

>> No.3224347
File: 2 KB, 224x164, 100k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice just bought 100k.

>> No.3224354

>every so often it shoots up and stays there
Anyone with a graph knows that's not true

>> No.3224359
File: 3 KB, 225x180, 100k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice just bought 100 more k.

>> No.3224364

I might kill myself I bought 1k worth of neo at 38. I should of spent that on ltc. I'm retarded

>> No.3224408

thx OP, i bought the dip for easy gains.

>> No.3224411

Just like Bitcoin.

>> No.3224439

I sold my 1 coin and the next day it went up by $9. I bought my coin back and I'm holding it forever. $50 is no big deal. why not just buy and hold a single coin?

>> No.3224479

You could say the same thing about a coin that pumps 100%

People should educate themselves on Litecoin and why it's a risk

>> No.3224665

>private key
If I had the private key itself, I would use it. There's no brute force program?

>> No.3224685

just hit up Charlie Lee he has a master key to all the ltc wallets

>> No.3224741


>> No.3224770
File: 32 KB, 885x421, ltc PR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2013 and July called

>> No.3224796

Looks like the pump is over

>> No.3224810


>> No.3224848

Move your LTC to Bittrex, last time it accidently got pumped to $70 while everyone got stuck at 54

Then you can start trading other coins instead of being stuck on Coinbase/GDAX

>> No.3224887

The only use for ltc is to dump your btc on to xfer between exchanges

>> No.3225012

Cool just bought 100k

>> No.3225021

LTC is actually the most reliable and stable coin.
If you're afraid of a crash, putting it in there guarantees you won't lose your money.

>> No.3225044

$4,000 in 4 years. Guaranteed.

>> No.3225075

ATH in 2013 was $48.92 USD, ATH in July was $55.39. It is currently at $55.21 but went higher a little earlier today.

>> No.3225135
File: 42 KB, 924x363, LTC BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2013 was $48.92 USD
Coinmarketcap says it was $53.10

>July $55.39
wrong, it reached 57.80~ on GDAX before falling back down to 55 a few minutes later. In fact it happened so fast that I can't even find it on coinbase, but I have sells for it.

And it technically reached 70 a few days ago on Bittrex before it came down to 54~

I'm not fudding, I'm just warning newfriends about this one coin. There's a reason it only goes up in the dead of the night over like 10-20 minutes and then drops down a bit. They bots pump it like crazy, then build buy/sell walls in a range they want people to put orders, and then they sell their stock they bought up into those orders. When they want more stock, they sell like crazy and crash the price downwards so they can get more, or just leave the market alone and LTC will lose value. Protip: Without the whales pumping, LTC always goes down in value over time. People are constantly trying to get out of it and into other coins.

LTCs best use right now is being a fast coin that can transfer from Coinbase/GDAX into other exchanges, and then transfer back so you can cash out in FIAT. I bet if GDAX put up a bunch of other fast coins with decent volume, LTC would die hard with normies. In fact, BCH is coming to GDAX/Coinbase in January, so maybe that will do some serious damage to it.

Not everything that's negative is FUD, Litecoin has some serious sketchy shit going on with it. Just play other coins, especially since the market is heading towards anonymous blockchains.

>> No.3225152

Do you really think BCH is as good as LTC as a 'fast' coin? I sent my BCH to Bittrex the other day when it was pumping to sell, and it took a few hours to transfer.

>> No.3225164

this sounds pretty FUDDy to me, what did litecoin do to you anon?

>> No.3225165

Also, should I set sell orders for my LTC at ~$70 just incase lol?

>> No.3225169

No, but it's another option.
Preferably I would like to see any coin, maybe Ripple since I'm pretty sure that's completely US compliant since it was made in the US. No idea what the transfer speed is.

The only reason LTC is on Coinbase/GDAX and because Charlie Lee used to work there... and his brother also owns an exchange in China

>> No.3225179

Do whatever you want, if you wanna hold and hope they pump it up to a good sell price, do that, otherwise you'll be chasing hype daily making those gains. Best scenario always seems to be to hold BTC long run.

Wasted my time in the past, I've moved on to better things. But everytime it goes up 5-10% someone starts yelling "OMG MOONING" despite it having fallen about the same over the last 2 weeks. Meanwhile other coins are going up 20-50% throughout the entire day or 100-150% over a two days instead of 10% in 5 minutes. Way more money to be had elsewhere.