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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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32222 No.32222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's a good business idea to exploit lazy NEET's and capture the welfare market??

>> No.32255

Like we'd tell you.

>> No.32280


>> No.32331

Importing Chinese Fedoras
Importing fake LINK cards

>> No.32348

The 4chan pass.

>> No.32384

buy mlp plushies and sew vaginas into them.

>> No.32404
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dubs themed merchandise

>> No.32426

anime figures

>> No.32427

Isn't the point that they don't have any money anyway?
How could you possibly exploit what doesn't exist?

>> No.32442

>Isn't the point that they spend their parents money?


>> No.32845
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>capture the welfare market??
I own a pawn shop, while it doesn't exactly pull in the NEET bucks, it does exploit the low income market.

>tfw pay 50 cents on the dollar for gift cards

>> No.32871


Most NEETS in first world countries get neet/autism bux

>> No.32896

custom print plastic figures from their chinese animu

>> No.33158

What's it like owning a pawn shop? Do you have to deal with break ins or druggies a lot?

>> No.33318
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>> No.33330


>> No.33365
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>> No.33415
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>> No.33450

NEET here, I'm pretty much unexploitable because my NEETdom has made me a master of frugality.

>> No.33548

im out

>> No.33586

You can't cash in on NEETs. They will find a way to pirate everything even if it's a solid object.

>> No.33598
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>> No.33614
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OP your product needs to be pictures of cute bears doing cute bear things.

>> No.33632

so all you have to do is run a solid object pirating business

>> No.33668

Selling Chinese cartoon subtitles.

>> No.34779

Pretty much, I'm trying to get my GF into making sex toys so I can get her learning math/ chem. Anything related to sex isn't a bad idea

>> No.35724

>break ins
Every fucking day. If you are an obvious druggie/thief/scumbag I will jew the fuck out of you. If you are a straight shooter I will do everything I can to make the pawn process as smooth as possible, and by that I mean cutting huge breaks on interest. If you are a straight shooter and are trying to sell me something outright, I will buy it at about 80% of what I think I can sell it for, if you are a piece of shit, 40-50%. I have done handshake deals with people on things I wasn't sure of and found lightning in a jug, called them up and paid them for 50% of the profit I made, not even kidding. I want to put criminals in jail, I want to do business with legit folks.

>> No.36548

Why the fuck would anyone tell someone else their great idea?

>> No.36554


>> No.36571

provide $10 a month vpn service

>> No.36916

the first time i yelped at reading a text

>> No.36997

thanks jay pee

>> No.37303
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>> No.37328

Lots of cheap anime/video game merchandise, especially of popular waifu figures.

>> No.37334

advertisements that circumvent adblock

>> No.37364

That post was in the 90 millions in 2013. /jp/ is still only in the 10 millions now. It was probably an /a/ poster.

>> No.37370

>what are crossboarders

i use /jp/ as a pejoritive to mean NEET clubhouse

>> No.37462

Sell companionship and/or education in the ways of love. For a fee, women will teach virgins how to navigate the female body, so they'll gain valuable experience and not embarrass themselves when it counts. But it's not sex, it's just touching, and it's purely educational. If you're lonely, they can just cuddle with you for a night and give you advice from a female perspective.

>> No.37503

Well that's not very accurate since some /jp/ posters aren't NEET and a /jp/ poster typically wouldn't crossboard to /a/. In fact it would be the other way around with /a/ crossboarding to /jp/ while still mainly being an /a/ poster.

>> No.37525

NEETs were run out of /jp/ during the /q/ epoch.

>> No.37531
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>> No.37918

you don't really believe that do you?

>> No.37976

Ah that smell is so disgusting and erotic at same time. I havent bathed like 2 weeks. When I cum I dont wash or clean my dick too.Smell is powerfull that it sticks on my hand.

>> No.37979

Where are you from fellas?


>> No.38353


afaik I'm pretty sure I remember this from one of the loli/sadpanda threads on /a/

>> No.38561


F2P videogames with huge premium prices.

>> No.38935


>> No.41497
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What the actual fuck

>> No.41515

Those worms were like his babies, his offspring.