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3220514 No.3220514 [Reply] [Original]

who else /nogainz/ here

turned 0.2 btc to 0.1 trying to chase pumps im fucking losing it m8's, have made literally over 50 trades on bittrex this week

>> No.3220543
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stop being a dumass

>> No.3220550

i've done the same

eventually ended up ignoring "mooning" coins altogether because apparently i'm too retarded for that shit

>> No.3220565
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I started with 0.2 at the beginning of the week. I now have 0.2. I haven't invested in shitcoins but the prices just stay the same.

>> No.3220567

only 2 types of people make money here

1) day traders who are actually good and know what they're doing (not you)
2) patient holders who choose the right coins and wait (this can be you)

>> No.3220583

There's been about 3 coins where I buy in, wait for 12-36 hours and I sell right before they moon, or spike.

>> No.3220619

Wait...it's possible to lose money in crypto? What?? Fucking HOW?

And I was here through the July/June madness. Been here for about 9 months. Still can't figure out how the fuck anybody loses money in crypto.

Just fucking HOLD that's it!

>> No.3220628
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how does it feel to be a week handed bitch?

>> No.3220642

are you mad ?
if its not shitcoin why are you selling at loss ?are you hate your money so much ?

>> No.3220643


Rule of thumb is, if theres a thread about mooning, you're already too late

>> No.3220653


>> No.3220660

>Rule of thumb is, if theres a thread about mooning, you're already too late
this is about 98% of the shit shilled on biz

>> No.3220667

>tfw haven't gained nor have I lost in the 3 months I've been doing this

I think this is even worse

>> No.3220680

>Rule of thumb is, if theres a thread about mooning, you're already too late

yeah its time to sell or short. in 9 out of 10

>> No.3220701
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>> No.3220721

lost $30 by hodling too long on ripple the other day, and I haven't really made any profit so I'm $30 down

>> No.3220727
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>buy $100 worth of BTC on Coinbase
>sell it for $95
>only get $91 after Coinbase takes their cut

>> No.3220733

im too dumb for crypto

>> No.3220747

why the fuck you sold btc ?

>> No.3220753

you fucking retard, you don't "trade" on bittrex.
you get the fucking coins BEFORE they hit bittrex from smaller exchanges and then when they hit bittrex they pump and then you sell that crap to losers like you on bittrex

>> No.3220757

Buy a coin on an uptrend and hold for 24 hours lmao. Don't buy at the peak retard

>> No.3220758

Started in June when everything was pumped. Invested 550 (inc fees) still not made a profit yet. <at all>

Thanks digibyte

>> No.3220768

>Just fucking HOLD that's it!
Holding is a meme, sometimes its smarter to cut your losses. DGB for instance, I tried to warn people that it was clearly going to keep tanking and not recover but some people think that if you hold some shitcoin long enough it'll eventually go back to its price. Anyone who's been in crypto for a reasonable length of time(a few years minimum, 9 months doesn't count) knows this after shit like panda coin and BBQ coin.

>> No.3220776

there was lots of moonings of coins even after they was added to rex.

>> No.3220781

Because fuck buying it right now. If it dips, I'll buy it then.

>> No.3220786

>have to use candian "money"
>$100 of bitcoin ends up being $75 of usd on my bittrex

>> No.3220793

Yea...I learned my lesson the hard way.

>> No.3220828

got in on monero after a mooning post. if you move fast and it's not a shitcoin theres better chances you'll make it out ok.

>> No.3220837

I've been holding these dgb, rdd, sia and xvg.

They going to moon yet?

>> No.3220886

Should I just quit?

>> No.3220904


>> No.3220934

SIA could, the others are doomed.

>> No.3221027


Crypto oldfag here. You dont buy in an uptrend if you are a HODLer , you buy when its flat or going down and THEN comes the HODLing part. You hold until it moons. Then sell. It will obviously go down for a long time before mooning again if ever. If you follow this strategy, you MUST buy good coins, not shit.

>> No.3221167


Holding works if you actually do your research on the team and know that the coin is going to have an use and that there are markets for the product and you believe that the people behind the project can get the product to the markets.

Patience and research are the key to make profit. I got in to crypto just a little over month ago. Already made 2000% gains, I bought ANS on 3.5$ and OMG on 2.5$, before the hype, because I believed in their projects and their teams and personally thought that they were undervalued.

Sold my NEO at ~40$ and moved my profits Lisk at 2$ and AdEx at 0.40 cents. Still holding OMG because I believe it isn't done yet. Going to hold Lisk at least until rebranding news and AdEx and OMG stays a bit longer.

>> No.3221745

Do you really think you can still make big gains with Bitcoin?