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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3217048 No.3217048 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do after the fork in November?

BTC Core
BTC Cash
BTC Segwit2x

Do you expect most people to remain on legacy? All three chains cannot survive.

>> No.3217062

why do someone stays with the 2mb when you have a bigger block?

>> No.3217077 [DELETED] 

I will follow Core since their innovations drive the market forward.

>> No.3217097

>crypto cannot survive.
The miners will be going back and forth between them, causing more crashes and instability. This fork was surely a brilliant idea, we pretty much just might as well move to IOTA or some other blockchain fully, because core and its dividends are all trash.

>> No.3217102

Space requirements are no joke dude. Long term this will be important to keep in check

>> No.3217177 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 675x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500GB for a year full of 8MB blocks

a single hard drive could hold 10-15 years of full blocks

>> No.3217198

lol not with BCH's hyperinflation

>> No.3217235 [DELETED] 


if it's hyperinflating then the blocks aren't full

>> No.3217425

>I don't know how bitcoin works: the post

>> No.3217443 [DELETED] 

if it's hyperinflating that means that 8MB blocks (which aren't even full at 10 minutes) are going to be even less full than normal. If the mempool was full then this could even be a good thing, full 8MB blocks at sub 10 minute times

but in reality, this will just mean even emptier blocks

>I don't know how bitcoin works: the post

I've been in bitcoin since 2012 you moron. Please explain how hyperinflation will cause the blockchain to grow any faster than it normally would

>> No.3217478

>if it's hyperinflating that means that 8MB blocks (which aren't even full at 10 minutes) are going to be even less full than normal.
how full the blocks are has literally nothing to do with BCH's hyperinflation. It has to do with the EDA coded in BCH which is pretty much just a tool to attack bitcoin to temporarily steal hashrate from it so they can claim "hurr durr bitcoin is slow"
>but in reality, this will just mean even emptier blocks
BCH blocks will be empty regardless
>Please explain how hyperinflation will cause the blockchain to grow any faster than it normally would
are you retarded? More blocks mined = blockchain gets longer faster. That means more coins get mined at a faster rate.

>> No.3217491

Why do you people think that most holders of BTC have any clue what a blockchain is? Probably 80% couldn't give a fuck, the only thing they care about is the value.

Few days ago a normie at a btc atm machine was slamming money into it, you could see by the way he handles the machine that he has no clue what technology is in general, but someone shilled him hard enough.

>> No.3217495

Not quite.
They can compress empty blocks if it gets around to it

>> No.3217504
File: 80 KB, 1333x900, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU all are RETARDED because bitcoin IS SHIT NOW BECAUSE BLOCKS ARE BEING FILLED YOU FUCKING TWIT. there is nothing wrong with emptier blocks thats what makes everything less congested and which leads to cheap fees and fast confirmations.ever since BTC started filling the 1mb blocks it became congested slow af and high fees go fuck yourself brain washing pussies. either that or your just stupid as fuck

>> No.3217521 [DELETED] 

>More blocks mined = blockchain gets longer faster

Here is where your confusion stems from. A block is only 8MB IF IT'S FULL. If there aren't enough Txs to mine because the currency is hyperinflating then then the blockchain just grows based on the size of the mempool, as is usually the case when there isn't an artificially low limit set causing the mempool to grow to 100MB like in the case of btc

>> No.3217579

The oscillation are an annoyance to bitcoin bit it is killing Bcash. They are dumping coins on the market currently at 33 blocks per hour. As the value goes down it will take more EDAs to become profitable making it inflate even more.

Bcash if it isn't dead long before then will hit having before year end.

They will mine all 21 million coins before any coffee shop even accepts it as payment.

>> No.3217588

Are you fucking retarded? I am speaking about coins mined while you speak about transactions. I repeat, you have literally no idea how bitcoin works

>> No.3217601 [DELETED] 

>I am speaking about coins mined while you speak about transactions


>> No.3217614

Ignore core shills
Hide core threads
Report core shitposters

>> No.3217615

10 TB HDs are like 300 usd, any sha256 mining operation can afford to buy hundreds of them.

>> No.3217661

this is your mind on r/btc propaganda ladies ang gentleman. Actually study how bitcoin works before making a fool out of yourself. Bitcoins are generate by mining, not by transactions you fucking moron. Transactions are included in the different blocks but they do not generate new coins, the mining of the block they are included in does.

>> No.3217680

big blocks means higher latency, so people can double spend, which beats the whole purpose of bitcoin in the first place. Jihan is selling you coins made out of thin air and you are buying that shit like the good goy you are. I guess building mining farms in Tel Aviv taught Jihan how to exploit the weak minds of cashcucks.

>> No.3217700 [DELETED] 

mining generates bitcoins AND processes Txs

If bitcoin cash production is hyperinflating because of the retargeting mechanism that means that blocks (AND THEREFORE Txs) are being processed more rapidly. If the blocks were full then this would cause the blockchain to grow faster (AS YOU CLAIMED), but if the blocks are not full then it makes no difference

\end of story

I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to explain this to dunning-kruger retards

>> No.3217766

That makes the problem even easier to solve. Keep the blockchain on a zfs partition with lz4 compression enabled. This will compress all empty space in the blocks.

>> No.3217774
File: 436 KB, 664x1000, 1444087365899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit are you really intellectually incapable og grapsing the simplest notion? Is this the power of pajeet intellectuals?
>mining generates bitcoins AND processes Txs
yes, but the processes are distinct from one another. Miners earn by mining new coins, and they include transactions in the mined block to earn a fee from the transaction.
>If bitcoin cash production is hyperinflating because of the retargeting mechanism that means that blocks (AND THEREFORE Txs) are being processed more rapidly
> If the blocks were full then this would cause the blockchain to grow faster (AS YOU CLAIMED), but if the blocks are not full then it makes no difference
Even if blocks are empty you generate new coins by the simple act of finding the block you fucking moron. The number of transactions in the block does not change that fact at all you fucking cashcuck pajeet.
>\end of story
why is it so hard for you astroturfers to admit you are wrong and you are full of shit? 2012 my ass, I bet you didn't even know about bitcoin two months ago you kike faggot
>I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to explain this to dunning-kruger retards
lmao pot calling the kettle black

>> No.3217906

I'm leaning towards Cash, but I won't go all-in until a new difficulty algorithm is in place.

>> No.3217944

If the LN thing about it becoming a bank like entity is true bitcoin cash will win anyway.

It's not difficult at all for the miners to just switch their mining power to cash and for people to trade their bitcoins.

>> No.3217958

This muh inflation cause fast blocks argument is stupid. It's still set at 21 million. The only disadvantage to that 21 million being reached quicker is that the price will go down.

But considering that nobody really cares about the BCH price at this point (it was free money niggas), it's technical superiority is more important.

>> No.3217987

dont worry, it will be better soon with LN
>b-but LN wont work
Just stfu and wait for it instead. chinks and altcoin devs begin to be really scared that LN will work, it will kill their business

>> No.3218017


I'm going to sell my free dividend of 2x shitcoin for BTC, much like I did with BCC.

>> No.3218300

I'm going to sell my free dividend of 2x shitcoin for BTC, much like I did with BCC.

Wrong. 2x has no replay protection. You can't sell them.

>> No.3218556

BCH will have hyperinflated out of any kind of profitability by then.

SegWit2x will be met with absolutely massive resistance - expect several toys to be thrown out of prams and possibly even some high-profile rage-quits.

BTC - seems like a really safe bet for a bit of stability and dependable growth, compared to the other confusion and risk.

>> No.3218772

I think no matter what happens with BTC, ethereum is doing its own thing with its own massively successful ecosystem and will be here to stay.

>> No.3218837

You can, but you have to be really careful - I think some companies will offer services to help with this if it does actually happen. This will cause massive confusion and it'll probably be better just sitting it out and watching people get REKT. Meanwhile, just HODL your BTC.