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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3216620 No.3216620 [Reply] [Original]

What made you happy this week /biz/?

>Invested 16K into a mutual fund
>received my dividend payment of $129 today after waiting a month.
>I realized its totally passive income, I didn't move a finger to earn that money.
>I'll input $320K next year and receive $2400 per month in purely passive income.
>Realize that I could technically move somewhere in South East Asia and live a free man if I want to but don't because I want more passive income.

Don't tell me your's is crypto related. That's overdone.

>> No.3216636
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one word: compound interest

>> No.3216648

there is no compounding interest if he pulls it out pie brain

>> No.3216655
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literally nothing

>> No.3216658

129$ per month.....with 16k you could make 300$ per trade.......
>.t brainlet

>> No.3216661

>what made you happy this week?
My $20k in monero tripled in value.

>> No.3216673


>> No.3216685

Spent a pleasant evening with friends.

>> No.3216686


I had two choices, one of direct debit of dividend payments or to compound the gain. I chose the cash option, because if I choose compound I won't be able to touch that money for years.

Not sure if I'm doing a dumb thing...next year when I put 320K into my fund i'll choose the compounding option.

>> No.3216700

What's your problem?

>> No.3216708


Bought a house on 15 year note at sub 3% interest. Can rent it out cash positive.

>> No.3216721

if you are young you can compound 70% and risk 30% of your savings without having to worry too much.

>> No.3216749


I'm 27 right now.

Can you please explain the 70/30% you just mention?

So you say I should compound 70% and choose 30% as cash option from the 320K?

My goal one day is to gain $13K in passive income a month eventually.

>> No.3216755


you shoulnt be mad at others success.

>> No.3216757

>Put 20k into Antshares in May,
>Generating $100+ worth of gas passive income

>> No.3216760


>gas passive income

It's not real money till it's in your bank account.

>> No.3216787

>it's a "can't cash out" meme

I don't advocate coinbase, but as far as normies in cryptos are concerned that's about as basic as it gets. If you're in a metropolitan area you can just use a bitcoin ATM, literally have one at my mall.

>> No.3216803


>> No.3216835


what I saying is that if you are young you can take more risk. you can put 30% into more agressive investments [allways diversify to protek though. risk =/= dumb]

allways have some gold to balance your portfolio. between 5 and 7%. and 5% to "gamble": crypto, tech ventures, high risk bonds even lottery is a form of investment. it's just extremely risky and extremely profitable.
use common sense and create a gradation of percentage to risk that allows you to sleep at night. never forget why you are doing all this.

>> No.3216877


i would go with the "couch potato" method of investing, your mutual fund could be eating up your long term profit with high MERs. But also depending when you want to access this money..
Im 200k into that in an aggresive portfolio allocation (100% stocks), im young as well so i can take a hit and wait for it to recover.

>> No.3216930

which mutual fund?

>> No.3216941
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>tfw only 4k saved up
Where do I put that money, guys?

>> No.3216963

thats almost a 10% yield is that like a high yield cooperate bond fund or something?

>> No.3217289



>> No.3217298


I'd be mad too if all I did was talk shit about xmr and this happens. Wouldn't you?

>> No.3217312

The fuck man? I missed the Monero train too but calm down, there are others. At least I didn't miss the ETH train back in March. There will be others.

>> No.3217323

It's less than one percent. Like 0.8%.

>> No.3217477


>> No.3217835



>> No.3218144

are you retarded

>> No.3218449


it doesn't matter how much you have compared to other people. what matters is how much you can save in your particular context. if you make 10$/h and you have 4k, it's pretty good.

also, how much you can add per year to your portfolio? steady contributions are key in the long term.