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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3212662 No.3212662 [Reply] [Original]

>Most successful ICO ever.
>Raised 150 million in hours.
>Yet its market cap is stuck at 100 million.

What happened with Bancor? If people were willing to invest 150 million there must be some value to it, right? The whitepaper hasn't changed since the time of the ICO.

>> No.3212676

Nobody is falling for the crypto meme anymore

>> No.3212721

Have you seen the total market cap chart for August? It increased over 50%.

>> No.3213114
File: 83 KB, 478x535, bancor7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3213222

>Raised 150 million in hours.
Vitalik`s money

>> No.3213224

You're in the wrong coin if you think it'll moon overnight. Bancor is in development, hence why it has an ICO. It's new. Just like you, cuckboy

>> No.3213230


>> No.3213676

This. Take the time to research you can find at least 5 new ICOs that will have smart tokens using BNT reserve.

>> No.3213697


Nobody wants bsnker coin.

Retarded brandname, retarded reputation.

Zells u about the importance of a propper, positive brand name.

Obviously 50MM

>> No.3213714


A bunch of naive speculators got duped, nobody with any crypto nous wants to touch bacdor because of its shady devs, shrill shills, and anti-crypto philosophy

>what if we get everything that people hate about fiat, and make it into a crypto?

>> No.3214077

I participated in the ICO.

Investors were irritated with the 1-hour unlimited cap ETH raising. But then they extended it to 3 hours which infuriated investors. For about 12 hours the hype surrounding it was high and price increased up to 60% but then dwindled when peopled realised Bancor had nothing but vaporware. You were trading precious ETH for something that didn't do anything except give you a useless BNT that doesn't do anything...

>> No.3214098

>severely overhyped, shilled as the next big ICO, price actually dipped far under ICO and stayed there.
>flip flopped on ICO terms.

>40 lines of code.
>backdoors to remove balances, add coins, change the smart contract.
>paid shills and bagholders spam /biz/ with lies and forced memes.
>team of nobodies.
>economic masterminds: made a smart contract to protect the price floor that lost them 10s of millions and got exploited. Price floor is now gone.
>resorted to blame racism and mysoginy for it's failures.
>literally 100s of better crypto projects out there.

Yeah great investment you got there bucko. Top kek.

>> No.3214173

>no jew posts itt
the answer is jews

>> No.3214649
File: 333 KB, 804x1135, crypto SJW galia benartzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is accurate.

>> No.3214662


>> No.3215079

Are there people on /biz/ that still haven't figured out that this was a jewish scam?

>> No.3216149

>mfw created my own Ico
>mfw not as successful as bancor but it was successful enough to get 100k worth of ETH

I'm fucking rich and I scammed a bunch of retards. My token is worth nothing now.


>> No.3216164


enjoy your karma

>> No.3216180
File: 153 KB, 1024x537, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>economic masterminds: made a smart contract to protect the price floor that lost them 10s of millions and got exploited. Price floor is now gone.
Lol I didn't know that one yet.

>> No.3216532


>> No.3216574

> team of nobodies
> founder of metacafe
> architect of the euro

You fell for the fud anon.