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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3211443 No.3211443 [Reply] [Original]

>NEET for 8 months
>Very depressed
>Sent out few applications over the time, always put maximal effort into my applications and had a completely true and accurate resume

>Two weeks decided that complacent cucks make it nowhere in this world
>Made fake job listings on CL
>Got a bunch of resumes sent in to me by normies
>Combed through them to find the best ones and used their resume snippets to form my own
>Added other fake experience and a community college diploma depending on which resume version I was sending to which area
>Began sending them out
>Got a few interviews very quickly
>Called and emailed today
>Job offer, $23/hr

>Also researched a lot about steroids and have ordered some online
>received tracking, should be here early next week

Who here /ascending/?

>> No.3211465

What youre doing is illegal anon.

But I wish you the best.

>> No.3211470


Nice larp faggot.

>> No.3211476

Are steroids safer now or what? My brother was talking about buying some too but idk why everyone would want shrunken balls and die in their 40's.

>> No.3211479

Anabolic steroids are legal here tho

Nice cope faggot

>> No.3211480

If you can deliver, nobody will care. If you lie and fail, you're in for a world of hurt.

>> No.3211483

One day you may anon.

>> No.3211495

>but idk why everyone would want shrunken balls and die in their 40's.

Maybe because that doesn't happen? Hcg makes your nuts bigger than ever according to the internet

>> No.3211497

You getting Test e or what, any pct?

>> No.3211498

I already have a job making more than you, but I actually have a degree to back it up in the eventuality that someone asks for it.

>> No.3211504

OP this is what everyone does, you haven't figured out anything new. People lie through their teeth, hell most of them lie to themselves. People suck dick, just keep your head up.

I manage a large scale mechanic shop and I have never even turned a wrench.

>> No.3211508


He's dead now too btw.

>> No.3211515
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>He thinks his McDegree is worth anything

You & every other cuck that got conned into the university jew.

>> No.3211516

The fake resumes are illegal anon.

I study law you absolutely can get fucked for it. So whatever job you do make sure u can appear like you actually know what youre doing and not. Make anyone suspicious .

>> No.3211535

Resumes are just like drug tests these days. Employers don't even care if you fake it, in fact it shows that you are at least resourceful and desperate enough to do what you have to to get the job. They figure that same desperation will carry over to your work

>> No.3211536


It's already worth it, you dumb faggot. I make $45/hr and my loans are 80% paid off

>> No.3211551

>Ignoring the fact that Rich used much higher doses than any average steroid user

>Ignoring the fact that Rich Piana, as nearly all bodybuilders who have died early used a lot of recreational drugs as well

Test, dbol, arimidex and hcg and nolvadex for pct

I dont get your point. Why accuse me of being a larper

>> No.3211556

Whatever helps you sleep @ night, you cuck.

I know construction workers that make more than you holy shit my sides.

>> No.3211558

Literally 10kilograms of steriods and 15 scopes a day man

>> No.3211572

I know this isn't anything completely remarkable but it's significant progress for a neet like me...

>> No.3211587

They'll fire your ass for not being able to perform the job or have the skills necessary to keep it.

Plus side ineptitude isn't a good enough reason to actually fire someone. You'll probably get unemployment if you apply for it.

>> No.3211596
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That's high for a construction worker, meanwhile that's my starting point. Also I don't think they get to work from home.

>> No.3211605

only illegal if you lie about education

>> No.3211615

OP faked a community college degree per category of resume

>> No.3211634

I really hope this guy got hit by a car?

>> No.3211635

>What youre doing is illegal anon.
only matters if he gets caught
people in power constantly break the law
just weigh the risk (chance + penalty) against the reward and act on it

>> No.3211640

No one's gonna find out shit

And I dont care if they do. I'll just get a new job with a made up masters degree maybe PhD I dont care nigga call the feds lock me up I dont give a fuck. I'm willing to go to the pen for a half decade over lying on my resume.

Anything is better than being a neet

>> No.3211641

whoops, forgot my disclaimer
* all of my posts are satire

>> No.3211690

Seriously Lmao.

I tried to search for people who actually got convicted for fraud for lying on their resume. All I could find was fake nurses, doctors, and accountants getting in trouble.

>> No.3211696


Do what you need to do. Anyone who tries to steer you in the wrong direction is 1) failing themselves and 2) a gullible fucking idiot who is going to be taken advantage of by a smarter, more capable person.

It's really that simple.

>> No.3211709
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>Starting point

My man, you are on a roll.

>> No.3211710

>Some people break the law therefore it's okay for you to break the law.

Stupid nigger logic.

>> No.3211719

Some laws are unjust, you are the nigger who blindly follows. Not everything is black & white, you dumb nigger.

>> No.3211724

I don't care what you think. I guarantee half of the rich, famous, successful people you idolize are breaking various laws themselves. You probably break laws every day but think, "eh, it's harmless", but when someone does it to get ahead and succeeds you, you piss and moan about it.

Enjoy being on the bottom, cuck

>> No.3211729

>Business board
"B-but doing what it takes to win in life is for n***ers and jews!"

Look man I used to believe this. I was a goody two shoes and I think that was a major reason why I either worked shit jobs or was unemployed for such long gaps. I've realized now that you only do what it takes.

>> No.3211730
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>muh moral compass is determined by the government

>> No.3211753

Don't try to reason with a cuck like him. The greatest thing I ever did for myself was realize that anyone who tries to shame you for not following their own morals is a close minded idiot.

>> No.3211824


roads and lying about high-level qualifications do seem like losing strategies, though

>> No.3211838

>Stupid nigger logic.

do you even know what logic means?

>> No.3211840



>> No.3211846

I support everything you do anon. If you can put that kind of thought and effort into getting a job then you can do the same when you have the job. just dont ever get caught.

>> No.3211852

Roids are a winning strategy though

>> No.3211860

What if he has a fake id. He can just ditch it and thats it

>> No.3211862

trading health for vanity with no major upsides

>> No.3211890

There are many upsides though. Not really risking health either based on my research. If I do cardio, get regular bloodwork and occasional ekg I dont think there is much health risks.

>> No.3211908

what are the upsides? You can get quite swole/etc on your own without steroids, and people who are on steroids always stick out like a sore thumb
>giant gyno nipples
>roid head
>HGH/roid gut
>strange proportions

unless your goal is just to impress other men, I don't see what the upsides are

lots of downsides, you mention them yourself
>large chance that heart health will deteriorate
>sexual side effects

>> No.3211924


Are you guys seriously defending OP? You think blatantly lying on a resume is okay?


More stupid nigger logic. I don't idolize people. People like you are evil. It doesn't matter what excuse you use to justify whatever illegal acts you do.

>> No.3211956

i thought about doing this. good job. never let the normies know what you really are. they are far worse BTW

>> No.3211959

>what are the upsides?
I have rather low natural test so presumably there will be many for me mental-wise beyond muscle and strength.

>You can get quite swole/etc on your own without steroids, and people who are on steroids always stick out like a sore thumb

Stick out in a good way because most people in society are very fat or very skinny? Besides I dont think the average person knows shit about steroids. Normies really believe fitness models and physique/amateur bodybuilding competitors are natural.

>>giant gyno nipples
Aromatase inhibitors prevent this
>>roid head
>>HGH/roid gut
I will not be taking HGH or insulin so this will not occur.
>>strange proportions
Which? The muscles with the most androgen receptors are the most masculine. (Traps, shoulders, and upper chest)
What etc?

>> No.3211973


That's hilarious. Really think about that. Colleges are so deep into government pockets that it's a federal offense if you lie about getting a $80k piece of paper.

>> No.3211999

>You think blatantly lying on a resume is okay?
is this bait?

>> No.3212017

Daily reminder that the state is a ponzi scheme created with the sole purpose of introducing (((nations))) to the global market of which you have no power or decision over. There are two laws, law for the common man and law for the elites. So, in a way, we are just dodging the fake one.

>> No.3212021

This is a business board. Are you seriously surprised that some people dont want to stay cucked?

Everyone lies including your boss and your dad. Yeah maybe in a perfect world lying on your resume would be horribly immoral, but that would be an interesting world where employers don't exploit workers or where society's values and morals aren't totally misplaced.

>> No.3212073

>Stick out in a good way because most people in society are very fat or very skinny?
your assertion creates a false dichotomy, you can be in great shape and swole with regular exercise and a good diet, you don't need steroids for that
>What etc?
I wish I could better articulate my worldview to these idiots. I wonder what it'd take to get the message across.
The state is just the group in power at the moment, no different in principle from any street gang. It sounds like edgy, teenage philosophy 101 garbage, but it's the truth.

There have been so many government 'scandals' that came to light, I can't even remember them all
>DAs around the country care more about conviction ratio than justice
>anti-gun organization is actually running/selling guns to Mexico, gets caught, hundreds of people complicit, basically nothing happens... one guy takes the fall
>spreading muh freedom, toppling governments for various reasons
>literally dosing children with LSD and raping them (it's an experiment goy)
all of this and
>some faggot on 4chan thinks lying on his resume is bad, even though literally every other candidate is doing so, many of whom are like three layers deep in lies

>> No.3212106

I forgot:
>inb4 "b-b-but those are isolated cases and others committing crime doesn't justify you committing crime!" and other willfully obstinate retorts

>> No.3212113

>you dont need steroids for that
Correct. You dont need steroids. You dont need money you dont NEED ANYTHING BEYOND FOOD WATER AND A SHACK.

But the question is: How do steroids benefit me, and what are the risks? I've done some research and continue doing more and the answer for me seems the gains outweigh the costs overwhelmingly.

Ah yes here we go. Death from what cause exactly?
Ill get blood work done every 3 months.

Ill get EKG done to check for left ventricular hypertrophy.

What will I spontaneously die from?

>> No.3212121

Do this with a fake id and make up.If you get caught ditch your sfained identity and start over till you hit the lottery

>> No.3212142

>Are you seriously surprised that some people dont want to stay cucked?

I'm surprised that people are defending it. Lying can become habitual. It's a slippery slope to greater immorality. You will start lying to your friends, family, and everyone else, including yourself. Then you'll go further. You'll start taking advantage of people. Then you'll think stealing, murder, etc. is okay because you don't want to stay "cucked".

>> No.3212145
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Pure gold, thanks OP

>> No.3212149

>Correct. You dont need steroids. You dont need money you dont NEED ANYTHING BEYOND FOOD WATER AND A SHACK.
Are you going to argue in good faith or not? My point isn't about luxury vs necessity, it's that you can achieve similar benefits without using steroids. Yes, it takes longer, and yes, there's a clear difference, but within the context of what I'd say is the normal scope of attractiveness and utility, steroids basically have no upside and only potential downsides.

- get big muscles 2-4x as fast, quickly hit limit, only choice is to stop and then feel like shit since you're now low T relative to when you're on gear, where do you go from there?

- tons of health shit

>> No.3212174

>Lying can become habitual. It's a slippery slope to greater immorality

You're not seeing the bigger picture. Go LARP about being an upstanding member of National Socialist Germany on /pol/. If you want to /biz/, you have to live in the real world, where systems determine outcomes and believing that the morality of the individual actor is relevant you get left behind while someone else fulfills that role anyway

>> No.3212177

Try 10 times and attaining a look not possible naturally

>only choice is to stop
Studies show you retain the muscle nuclei you gained from the steroid usage almost indefinitely so you'll be way above a lifetime natural. And you can blast and cruise forever anyway as there's little reason to come off.

>> No.3212181

>and attaining a look not possible naturally
>within the normal scope of attractiveness and utility

>> No.3212188

So if you are about to be killed and you must lie to survive that is considered immoral? The state fucks you over with taxes and employs third world people for half the money and you are a criminal because you want to make ends meet? Bullshit. But then again, the power of the state is supplied by people like you who are so blinded that defends some faceless organization over his own fellow citizens. Pathetic

>> No.3212195

What degree did you make up?

>> No.3212214

I don't care man I weighed the benefits vs the risks and it's worth it to me.

If it stops being worth it I wont do it.

>> No.3212239
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anyway, good luck with your job search, don't forget to flirt with female HR if you're attractive etc
>mfw people are willing to 'embellish' but stop at some arbitrary point because mommy told them it was wrong

>> No.3212246

But I'm op. The job search was a success.

>> No.3212254

>21.33/hr + bonuses
>Financing mortgages

I literally browse reddit and make phone calls to give consumers confidence in the deal.

Make a ton more in crypto every day, though.

>> No.3212255

I know you're OP, I thought you were still looking and hadn't yet accepted an offer

>> No.3212306

Oh. I think I'll accept this it seems pretty good.

>> No.3212362

assuming you're not just pretending, is it something you're actually skilled at? I can't tell if you made this thread just to troll or if you're being sincere

anecdote time: I lied about having a degree in my field, quit six months into a low-tier job at a startup, then used that for work history/experience when applying to a higher up position at another company, this time without the degree on my resume. Got the job, plan on moving to another company in the near future.
>someone out there spent 4 years and probably tens of thousands of dollars on a CS degree and I am now safely two references deep into the field and making more money than about most of the college grads in my area

>> No.3212375

>quit six months into a low-tier job at a startup
less than six months*

>> No.3212392

Yea it's actually a pretty OK job for me, only issue is it's a bit of a long commute (1.5 hrs roundtrip).

Good work tho senpai. Life is a scam you're either the cuck or the bull these days there's no class collaboration or respectable jobs these days

>> No.3212443
File: 226 KB, 1400x946, Nuremberg, Germany, 1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no class collaboration or respectable jobs these days

Commutes aren't always bad, for a while I took the bus and worked on the way to work, but I had some bad experiences and gave that up

>> No.3212879

That's an excuse to fuck other people over?

>> No.3212892

Lying on your resume while actually fulfilling the job needed isn't fucking anybody over. It's a retarded system and you can't honestly expect it to work when HR departments set ridiculous "requirements".

>> No.3212901


Good for you OP.

The entire job formality is bullshit anyway.

Resumes are only supposed to get you to the interview.

You are brilliant, I might do the same. Except I actually have a degree. Thanks OP.

>> No.3213377

OP, what did you actually claim to be able to do, and where was it at?

>> No.3213445

You are fucking over people who actually went through the process

It's basically like cutting in line, extreme edition

>> No.3213467


Lines are social constructs.

They are for losers and cuckerinos