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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 780x532, wizard-ethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3211248 No.3211248 [Reply] [Original]

assuming 100% efficient 800w pull
24/7 run time average 4.33 weeks per month
747.44 hours per month running.
take that times 1500w and you get 1,121.160 kw/h
where i am it is ~$0.16 per kw/h
that means running a rig 24/7 will run you $179.39 per month
*take a mental break here i know some of you have short attention spans

as it stands, a founders edition 1080ti will have a 947.18 mHash/s rate
its price is around $800 now ballpark estimate.
double it because you will be using two.

using this link
and using above hash rate x2 at 1500w
you will still profit mining ethereum at $4,472.54 per month

if you factor the cost of this example rig
your first month profit is $994.81

that's a 53.68k job to maintain this pc assuming perfectly stable or average market.

the exact wattage used is a ballpark guess and is actually lower due to efficiency and the fact that not all of it is used by the hardware.
also factor replacement of graphics cards and cost for cooling equipment to preserve the 1080ti's
your electric bill rates may vary

minus initial costs, there is literally no good reason you are not at least chasing half that money right fucking now.


>> No.3211265

Very good post once you're set up how the fuck and how do you "mine"

>> No.3211276


here is one example

>> No.3211285

How sure are your numbers kid

>> No.3211292

Stopped reading at crypto compare.

>> No.3211295

Are you positive that is the correct hash rate?

947.18 MHash/s rate is like having 37 RX 580s

>> No.3211323

>What is money down drain

>> No.3211330

Wrong. It hashes 35. What a waste of brain power

>> No.3211344

кyдa ты лeзиш, дeбил, co cвoим плaтным элeктpичecтвoм
нe пытaйcя кoнкypиpoвaть c Poccиюшкoй гдe вce вce вopyют

>> No.3211358

>947.18 mhashes

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3211371
File: 660 KB, 709x462, IMG_0688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>947 m/h

Oh my sweet sweet nigga

>> No.3211883

except on average 1 mh/s of eth mining power costs like 25 bucks, where the fuck are you getting this 947 number