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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 24 KB, 1000x1000, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3210805 No.3210805 [Reply] [Original]

> Buy the dip?
> Buy the dip.

>> No.3210918

The Ark needed to stop for gas. Journey to Pluto will resume shortly.

>> No.3210960

is 1000 Ark enough for my Lambo?

>> No.3210965

I have .58 ETH to play with. Should I put it all into ARK?

>> No.3210970

Next few months are gonna be big for Ark. Do it

>> No.3210999

300k in three years... maybe if you get a used one...

>> No.3211051

Nice trips DUMB

>> No.3211151

Trips of truth never lie.

>> No.3211165

Fucking top kek, but I agree

>> No.3211354

>big announcement coming up
Could it be ETH being updated to interact with smartbridges I wonder?

>> No.3211378

I put in 1 bitcoin into ARK. Do it.

>> No.3211381

Ark seems to be a lot of peoples first altcoin, mine included.

>> No.3211450

i think 35 is the right buy in point here

>> No.3211537

>Could it be ETH being updated to interact with smartbridges I wonder?
Ark already has a working ETH smartbridge though, so how would that be an announcement?

>> No.3211591

Pretty sure it doesn't work yet.

>> No.3211619

there was a tweet that had a screenshot of smartbridge actually working with ETH, but i cant find it. i wish someone could find it again

>> No.3211671

It works but only for devs. They're working on a UI for the normal fags to use

>> No.3211675

It does work, anon. You can look it up yourself

>> No.3212038

So what kind of progress have Blocknet made? Are they a threat?

>> No.3212240

Interested aswell^

>> No.3212366
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>> No.3212406

Whats a good wallet to keep my ark coins, the desktop one on their page do the job?

>> No.3212415

That's how eth was a year ago. Felt good like this too.

>> No.3212426

Yeah that wallet is amazing

>> No.3212461

>BLOCK was 4 cents in March
Fuck...... I wish I knew about it then...

>> No.3212538

try ZRX it's the same opportunity

>> No.3212776

I don't like 0x though because that Cornell study said it was trash and ZRX has no reason to exist.

>> No.3212787


Lisk is MOONING at the moment. ARK will be left behind biting the dust.

>> No.3212792
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>> No.3212819


>> No.3212835

thats the best wallet in all of crypto lol

>> No.3212845

Liskers pumped and dumped ark to accumulate more Lisk. ARKERS BTFO!

>> No.3212992

So what kind of progress have Blocknet made? Are they a threat?

Threat? They are going to be the fucking bank. Wish I got in early.

>> No.3213010

The ARK devs still own literally millions of Lisk. Everytime Lisk pumps it is good for ARK, and ARK's time is coming.

>> No.3213102


>> No.3213405

Lots of roadmap announcements coming up for ARK in September and the price is dipping back down, nice window to accumulate

>> No.3214208

DEX/mainnet going live this week.

I've a few thousand ARK and same for BLOCK. Gonna get one of each lambo by 2020.

>> No.3214256
File: 31 KB, 292x306, 1313208155081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy because today I woke up to the tip of a spike and sold it, then set a near perfect buy and got 10% more ark than I woke up with.

>> No.3215295

Anybody have a good place I can buy bitcoin or eth,ltc today ? $100 or so? Verifications in the US are not making this easy I got coinbase and thats taking forever too.

>> No.3215381


>> No.3215626

It's happening

>> No.3215638

I have 2 arks. Is that enough for a lambo?

>> No.3215660

Can't find anyone who would just want to sell $100 or so on there unless im doing it wrong

>> No.3215688

Maybe in 20 years

>> No.3215714

that seems like a pretty average amount, if it was like 20 bucks or 50 maybe not but 100? you shouldnt have trouble meeting someone nearby and getting btc

>> No.3215735

what's happening?

>> No.3215747
File: 139 KB, 540x745, 1454959558532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Production chain going live September 1st meaning 6 million unclaimed coins will be burnt reducing supply to 3.9 million. New staking algo+dex trading will be live also.
The ui is also being finalised and a payment of $150,000 is being sent to the developers working on the ui. Should be a pretty exciting time for BLOCK in the coming few weeks. Exciting times :'^)

>> No.3215753


>> No.3215758

how much will it be worth in 3 years?

>> No.3215766

12.8B USD

>> No.3215778
File: 49 KB, 524x700, comfy-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw bought this at 2 dollaridoos

>> No.3215786

A piece?

>> No.3215787

So does Blocknet actually work? Seems like it must work if it's at $15.

>> No.3215819

Fuckin A. Debating whether I should go half in on block.

>> No.3215821

yea new wallet with DX is already on github

chainswap is 1st september

>> No.3215828

$100+ if they deliver on all the things on the roadmaps & people begin to adopt it for multiple projects.

>> No.3215842
File: 127 KB, 964x700, DH7C1niXcAAyFW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is functioning and you can try it out using the testnet wallet. When the production chain is launched on September 1st, trading will be live and ready to use by everyone.
No trading interface at the moment but Blocknet is to coins as 0x is to erc20 tokens.

Here's a video of it in action using the current wallet:

>> No.3215860

Fuck me, 20 now

>> No.3215881

Fuck. Hopefully it dips so I can pick some up but I guess it won't.