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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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320991 No.320991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that economists are useless and deluded.

>> No.320994
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Holy fuck this guy.

>> No.320999

All economics are full of shit.
Every single one of them. You name it, he is full of shit.

The only thing that only matters, the only that matters is WHO holds the political and military power.

The british empire didn't get rich by selling and buying , free market bullshit blabla.

It's always who is the most powerful and manages to get ressources/spy on others. That's it. There is no free market. It never existed in the first place.

>> No.321001


But who else will tell the government how to steer the economy? How can a free market function without being manipulated by bureaucrats? Someone has to do it!

>> No.321018
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>There is no free market. It never existed in the first place.

There are retards that actually believe this.

The roman empire had all the power in the world.

Why were their people poor as shit and lived to age 35?

>> No.321033


Show some respect you damn pecker heads

>> No.321070

>have lemon tree
>have water
>have wood
>create lemonade stand
>I give people lemonade in exchange for helping me make more trees and more stands
>free market

>> No.321098


Haha, all of modern capitalism's technology comes from Nazi Germany's military research programs. Technology more than anything determines longevity and supply of goods. The roman empire just didn't have the tech. They would have if they were a stable enough society to last long enough to produce a rationalistic philosophy which would encourage scientific research.

>> No.321101

what is planned obsolescence

>> No.321151

Where the fuck do you think we get the values for these mathematical problems? Why do you think we solve these problems?

Goddamn you're dense.

>> No.321296

They definitely had the tech. Ancient Greek/Roman technology was the equivalent of Rennaisance-level technology, they just had different priorities. Had the various barbarian invasions not happened, we probably would be sitting here discussing economics through the Internet at least 200-300 years in the past.

>> No.321321

>let's solve economic problems with discussion rather then maths! Also flat tax on the he rich

What a sham

>> No.321323

>talking out of your arse
nazi tech was only really good for space and a few military projects. World Wide Web, antibiotics, nuclear enrichment etc all the wests doing.

>Roman Empire fell because low tech
Impossible to say, but almost certainly not as black and white as your portraying it

>> No.321332

scientificity is the best ificity