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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3207218 No.3207218 [Reply] [Original]

Is Anarcho-Capitalism the official /biz/ ideology?

>> No.3207243


Tax is theft.
Physically remove leftists.

Join us.

>> No.3207247

Is there any other ideology that logically makes sense ?

>> No.3207264

>having ideologies

>> No.3207292

Nope, pretty sure /biz/ ideology is closer to Judaism.

>> No.3207330

/biz/ is a NatSoc Board OP
also daily reminder that NatSoc is against taxation and Ancap fags are welcome in the fourth reich (if theyre not degenerates and obey the law)

>> No.3207360

>national *socialist*
>against taxation

>> No.3207367
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the soc in natsoc isn't just there for show

>> No.3207372

Biz is pro-whatever is good for biz at the time.

>> No.3207377

Pretty much this, too many criptofags not to be
Maybe before the criptocurrency age it was different

>> No.3207381
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>> No.3207396


read pic related, straight from hitlers chief economist who redpilled him on jew bankers and interest slavery

gottfried feder was in favour of abolishing all taxes
the state should be lean and finance itself through postal services, natural resources and railways

he even runs the numbers in his book and calculated that the state could easily sustain itself without collecting any taxes
IF they break free from jewish interest slavery and stop paying gazillions in taxes to the jew bankers

the endgame of NatSoc was literally a self-sustaining white utopia with zero taxes.

>> No.3207417
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forgot to include pic related

>b-b-but its called national SOCIALISM

you dipshits hitler himself said it has nothing to do with socialism. natsoc is the golden middle ground beteween communism and full ancap retardedness, both jewish scams to take control of a national economy

>> No.3207420
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Ancaps fall for efficient markets meme and lose money though

Ideology will cuck you out of coin

>> No.3207423
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>> No.3207434

The official /biz/ ideology is counter-semitism. Ancaps and Natsocs welcome. We just don't like jews.

>> No.3207437


Possibly Fascism.

>> No.3207447


>> No.3207502


Very underrated based book right here.

>> No.3207593
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Every decade since they lost, in every sphere from finance to culture, vindicates them more than the last.

>> No.3207595

>Implying it isn't crypto-anarchism

>> No.3207675


The more I think about truly free markets, the less sense they make in regard to long term prosperity, moral health, and familial cohesion. It may be that the corrupt society in which we live is distorting my perception, but I do not see how a functional Libertarian society can come about without there first being a massive dying away of the immoral, the impulsive, the gluttonous, and so on. The present conditions are not right for a Libertarian society to be established and thrive.

>> No.3207695

Nazis are disgusting human beings. Kill yourself

>> No.3207729


feder was a legit economic genius
he was also the main man behind the NSDAPs 25 points plan
they applied his thinking and literally transformed germany within three years from third world status to being the richest country in europe (aka hitlers economic miracle)
and no this was not financed by bankers
too bad mast ancap fags rather read jews like rothbard instead of picking up this book


ancap and communism are both jewish schemes and they are two sides of the same coin
they both lead to jewish supremacy
communism by the state controlling the entire economy
in ancap you have jew corporations that exploit the unregulated market to form cartells and take over everything. it leads to oligarchy by default.

why do you anons think its jew intellectuals that came up with communism?
and also jew intellectuals that are behind ancap?

>> No.3207762

All of my This,

>> No.3207809
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Political identity is a spook

>> No.3208533
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>> No.3208614

too bad i cant read any of that

>> No.3208650

that trump guy looks so gotdam cleeeeen breh, no wonder he won, had that slick business aesthetic for reals

>> No.3208683


>> No.3208712

Can someone explain this Stirner spook shit to me? I never could grasp it on wikipedia.

>> No.3208715

wouldn't it be zionism?

>> No.3208723

Either this or Anarcho-Individualism

>> No.3208734


Yes, indeed.

>> No.3208745


this is the real reason why the jews pushed for war against germany
germany was blowing the jew scam wide open and showing the entire world how to break free from their rule

today the same shit is still happening
gaddafi got axed because he wanted to leave the petrodollar for the gold dinar
saddam was also threatening to leave the petrodollar and got killed over this

read the book "confessions of an economic hitman". this has been going on for decades in dozens of countries.
and its always the kiked out US playing enforcer for the jews
a sad state of affairs really

can you imagine a world where great britain would have refused to attack germany? hitler reached out to GB many times and there were many powerful people who wanted to ally with germany.
but of course then churchill and his clique of jews pushed for war and the rest is history

now great britain lost its empire and is a muslim caliphate
the United States is a mess
germany and entire western europe is turning into a complete shithole
hundreds of millions of people had to die for jew bankers to keep making their profits
its a real tragedy

we could be living in a world ruled by germans and anglos and instead we got this mess.

>> No.3208782

it's pretty basic
a spook is essentially an idea or an entity that, for some reason is given physical essence and treated as a truth, despite being based off of layers of rhetoric and presupposed bias

>> No.3208783

heres a good podcast that explains in detail the economic program of the NSDAP that was respoinsible for hitlers economic miracle


>> No.3208821

Fair enough, it's a good point.

>> No.3208824


sounds like typical jew relativism
nothings ever real, theres no objective truth, everything needs to be deconsructed blabla

I dont know much about max stirner but wasnt he affiliated with the jewish anarchism movement?

stuff like this usually has one purpose only, to confuse the hell out of the goyim and poison their minds

>> No.3208850


>thinks nazis are disgusting human beings
>tells others to kill themselves

>> No.3208855

>everyone I don't like is a Jew
jesus dude

>> No.3208863
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>> No.3208877
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Almost OP

>> No.3208939

Not quite. Ancap gets a lot of things right and generally is the ideology I agree with the most, but you're making a serious mistake in judgement if you think society can work without *some form* of government.

Pure anarchy would invariably result in the bad actors ruining everything and fucking others over for their benefit. The best political ideology will be the one that figures out what the government equivalent of "proof of work" is.

Governments are fiat, we need to discover the 'bitcoin' of politics.

>> No.3208968

Syndicalism is actually a great idea for manufacturing based economies, but doesn't work well with modern high tech ones. Plus more small organizations are shifting towards cooperatives, which are essentially the same thing as syndicates.
Read a book of his. They're good.

>> No.3209255

what could it be?

>> No.3209315

Im a libertarian too, thinking the gov should take care of law & order and military and impose a 3% VAT for it.
But given the current state of the west I see no point im arguing with ancaps, since our goals are so close compared to where we are.
Its like we both agree on going to the beach in Italy, and while we are arguing wheter or to park in the parking lot or outside on the street someone else is driving this car in the opposite direction, being a few countries away from Italy.

30% of workers work for the state. The average guy pays 70% total taxes of what he earns here in western Europe. Thaz means we already have 30-70% communism here!

>> No.3209325
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This right here is mine.
You can be whatever you with tho.

>> No.3209344

PS: AnCap is a Corporatocracy, and it will simply be an unelected central power.

Not good.

>> No.3209386

No, all variants of anarchism are synonymous with monarchism since that is the natural conclusion of anarchism.

>> No.3209399

lol, but instead of quarters, it shouldve been QR codes

>> No.3209424


>anarchism is monarchism

I really have a hard time taking you an-whatever fags seriously lol

>> No.3210211
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Imagine the full might of the Nazis, freed from the suicidal torment of their Anglo brethren in the West, falling upon the murderous Communist hordes, with the only advantage of the Mongolized bastard spawn, born of rape, being their numbers.

Imagine now, that the Anglo not only does not fight his Germanic brother...but joins him. All the power, the somber, sullen determination of the Anglo, who in times past marched to sound of gunfire but now surrenders to the sound of his sisters, daughters, wives, and mothers being fucked in the next room by 3rd world garbage. Imagine the British resolve of old, joined with the willpower, the pride, the wild ambition, and the technology of his Germanic brother. Imagine it all coalescing into the most powerful, unstoppable military force in European history, utterly annihilating the Communists.

Imagine the camaraderie, the brotherhood. The Swastika and the Union Jack flying side by side.

That's all you can do, is imagine.

>> No.3210322
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>After the General Election of 1951, Churchill again became Prime Minister. His third government—after the wartime national government and the brief caretaker government of 1945—would last until his resignation in 1955. During this period, he renewed what he called the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States, and engaged himself in the formation of the post-war order. He tried in vain to manoeuvre the cabinet into restricting West Indian immigration. "Keep England White" was a good slogan, he told the cabinet in January 1955.[10] Ian Gilmour records Churchill saying to him, in 1955, about immigration: "I think it is the most important subject facing this country, but I cannot get any of my ministers to take any notice".[11]

>> No.3210328

>current year
>unironically endorsing nazism

okay dude.

>> No.3210378
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>> No.3210757

Kek how have I not seen this one before?

>> No.3210881

>I love getting fucked by my boss so much I want 0 protection when doing it!!
No thanks, faggot.

>> No.3211293

You really should pay closer attention to your reading comprehension friendo, i was not advocating for anarchism but against it, saying it's impossible and will naturally lead into monarchism.

>> No.3211368
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Welcome to Minarchism brother.

>> No.3211601
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Nah, I like NatSoc for industries vital to the nations economic and military security. Nationalize utilities, banking, transportation, resources and arms, leave everything else to the market.
The basic idea is if taxes pay for it there shouldn't be a profit margin on it.

>> No.3211768

...which is pretty much always free market capitalism

>> No.3211808

Minarchist libertarianism
Ancaps can suck my dick

>> No.3211878

ChanCoinism is

>> No.3211889

ffs hweres my dubs moot

>> No.3211899


>> No.3211918
