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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 900x300, blockcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3206214 No.3206214 [Reply] [Original]

Anomaly Whale here, looks like CAT has dropped once again.

Please do not sell your CAT, as soon as we hit exchange we will all be headed to the moon :)

I'm about to pump the price back up, please hold onto your CAT, the liqui/bittrex announcement could come at any time, don't be stuck without CAT :)

Why buy BlockCat?

-Recommended by Youtubers such as Suppoman, Ian, and other prominent figures
-Smart contracts made easy, the Wordpress of smart contracts
-Under $30 million market cap. Expected to rise well above $200-300 million by Q4.
-Already selling at 4x initial price in under a week. Hasn't even hit a major exchange yet
-The CEO is like a young vitalik. Founder coins are locked up, not a pump and dump.
-Eric Huang has also been mentioned in Forbes as one of most 'promising and up and coming entrepreneurs'
-Has no viable competitors, solves a huge problem in the cryptocurrency space. Acts as the right-hand man to Ethereum
-Wonderful and friendly community to answer all of your questions.
-Adds more functionality than Agrello. Agrello is for legal contracts, BlockCat is for the everyman

If you have any questions, you can always check out our official discord channel on the website.

Let's say we bring this CAT back up again?
Time to take down those walls. Now then...let the pump commence in....12:30 Beijing Time(8 minutes)!

>> No.3206227


>> No.3206233


I'm only pumping, not dumping. No sell orders from me!

>> No.3206236

KeK you can only lose if you sell

>> No.3206243


I said HOLD your cat, not sell :) if you didn't sell you could benefit from the pump right now

>> No.3206264
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im glad i sold this coin at a comfy 200% gain, bought in at ICO

its a good coin, but etherparty is the better normie version, and agrello is the best enterprise version

it might do good in korea since the team is a bunch of gooks, but that also means they are more likely to scam the waito piggu

>> No.3206267

Im hodling.... Im just poor... And stressed....

>> No.3206274


It was up 400% at one point, why be happy with 200%? It will go 10x on Liqui/Bittrex

>> No.3206292

ICO price was like 1$ - 1 CAT

i sold at 3.12$, a little over 200% gain

i dont think it went up much higher than 4,35$ for a few hours before dropping down to 4$ again, that would only be a 300% gain

it was never up 400%

besides, if the developers actually begin to talk again, i'll buy back in for them exchange pump gains

>> No.3206300


You can ask the team anything in the discord and get a fast response.

>> No.3206306

and im generally only interested in holding ether, and since its currently increasing, its better to store profit in ether than let it stay in a stagnant eth token thats stuck on a crappy exchange tbqh DESU

>> No.3206308

When exchanges will be late for no reason

>> No.3206319

oh you don know bittrex? coins only go down on bittrex , its a scam. only if coin is going up on legit xchages do they go up onbittrex

>> No.3206320
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>Whale here

>> No.3206331

they are pretty active in their discord and the ceo said they are in the process of hiring someone just to be active in their social media

>> No.3206350

Pls help, it keeps getting lower

>> No.3206353

we are the meowrines

>> No.3206362

fuck u jew

>> No.3206372

Really when Eric said that? I want to be CATs SMM

>> No.3206373


>> No.3206377

Ceo dude is canadian or something

>> No.3206385

in their discord, just yesterday

>> No.3206387


>> No.3206391
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>> No.3206395

Yesterday I was off.. I'm gonna ask him today if there is any possibility.

>> No.3206599

Pump has started guys

>> No.3206629
File: 222 KB, 500x700, 1503007027021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was unfortunate enough to buy at the ath of 4.35, but i still believe in this coin.
>cute logo and name
A cat is actually memorable in a world of overly digital, futuristic, scifi-ish names (muh ethereum, muh obsidian, muh digibyte, muh neo, muh iota)
>passionate devs from a first world country
>trying to stand on the shoulder of a giant rather than on its own and having a clear, simple, yet useful objective
There are hundreds, if not thousands of shitcoins out already. It has become impossible to sort through all the wannabe revolutionary trash. While a great deal of coins are trying to build a platform from scratch, CAT is the equivalent of a browser extension to the already most successful shitcoin.
And then you got your standard /biz/ shill qualities, which do not guarantee success but still apply
>low marketcap
>there aren't a gazillion coins in circulation

It's also possible to rationalize why the current losses don't NECESSARILY mean it's done forever
>it's up 3x from ico price, many ico buyers only cash out partially
>btc has been on the rise, buyers are returning to btc
>eth has been on the rise, buyers are returning to eth
>us-based exchanges have not been adding many coins lately

All in all i'll hold because i dont sell at a loss because im not a retard, and you should too.

>> No.3206642

You wouldn't get dubs and lie to us would you?

>> No.3206657

atleast you have the privilege to post pink wojaks unironically

>> No.3206711

sure, do it and post it here

>> No.3206812
File: 950 KB, 3523x3304, 1502413160730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no better catharsis to losing money than posting a bunch of demented pink wojaks, it's better than masturbating
>those are rookie wojaks, you gotta pink those wojaks up

>> No.3206813


Can I have some eth so I can buy a few CAT before the great 10x moon?

>> No.3206832

sent ;)

>> No.3207028

Thank you generous man. I will pay you back when I sell! Don't tell me not to!

>> No.3207035

two whales manipulating the price of a low market cap coin.... great... guys the real moon mission is for the power players in this coin. plebs be gone

>> No.3207689

Just bought 60 CAT. Am i gonna make it?

>> No.3207719

Heading back over $3 imminently

>> No.3207741
File: 62 KB, 300x300, dd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got like 200 of these.
My 600€ transfer to CEX just cleared (took 2 weeks fucking fiat bullshit). Should I drop that in this shit too?

>> No.3207856

im sorry to inform blockcat bag holders but agrello is just better. Compare agrello developers Linkedins to blockcuck devs.. makes them look autistic

>> No.3207869

>liqui is great

>> No.3207877

agrello isn't better in any conceivable way, dummy

>> No.3208027

Why is the price lower now than when this thread started?

>> No.3208058

Yeah a bunch of old Estonian lawyer guys compared to a boy genius computer science kid who was featured in Forbes when he was like 16. I know which one I'm investing in idiot

>> No.3208135

I understand the appeal of a smart contract GUI, but what does the CAT token itself actually do? Why couldn't this simply be an app?

>> No.3208143


>> No.3208152

Are you currently providing a product? Is it under development? Do you have customers?

>> No.3208184

Are people actually buying this retarded coin?

>> No.3208194

Yes, just waiting for it to hit real exchanges.

>> No.3208240

You can stake on smart contracts made on their platform and receive profits.

>> No.3208365
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>> No.3208553

> I'm about to pump the price back up
> $2.50

>> No.3208565

if he keeps pumping like that I might just buy some

>> No.3209019
File: 10 KB, 377x208, catt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.007 cat for 4.197 eth.
nice pump OP

>> No.3209105
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>> No.3209117
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>> No.3209230
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>> No.3209995
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>> No.3210032

thanks for the 4 eth, "dj2ball"

>> No.3210069
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>> No.3210101

Etherdelta is a huge pile of fucking shit.

>> No.3210134

This. If a coin is only trading on etherdelta its price will never significantly increase.

>> No.3210183
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, cutehappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Anomaly Whale aka Adam. You have literally ruined my life by convincing me to invest 10000 dollars into this shit at the ATH. If you have any fucking humanity at all, please help cover my losses. This is literally my life savings I've invested into this shit.


>> No.3210204

stop lying

>> No.3210219

Etherdelta wont even let me make a purchase. I tried 5 fucking times. It would only give me .0000000002 of a CAT even though the buy was much more. Thankfully the price was correspondent so I didn't lose anything. But I tried to buy the fucking dip and this shitty site wouldn't let me.
I had never heard about it before I tried to buy this coin, but it's been one of the most frustrating experiences I've had. I can't imagine designing a site so fucking poorly.

>> No.3210222

I fucking wish I was lying.

>> No.3210251

It was your own decision. I am sorry but you can't hold him responsible in any way whatsoever.

>> No.3210258

>the coin is at a new fucking low and the site won't let me buy the dip

>> No.3210263

I actually want some of these just cause its a cute logo.

I only trade on bittrex so far though.

>> No.3210273

Well, he is manipulating the market, so I kind of can actually.

>> No.3210275

They're never getting listed on any exchange by the way. Everyone pulled the plug on it after those children went blabbing about it in their discord.

They're literally children fresh out of school.

>> No.3210286


>> No.3210301

Hahahhahahahahahahahah I love watching you unskilled shillers desperately try to keep your shit coins inflated. There was no greater shiller than me, you guys don't understand psychology.

>made 800k off DGB

>> No.3210304

>never getting listed

>> No.3210311

dafuq dudes
buy the dip and give it some time.

>> No.3210315

nice larp. We believe you, totally bro.

>> No.3210343


>> No.3210354

it's getting listed on every major exchange, guaranteed. the BlockCAT team just asked people to stop fucking spamming Bittrex and YUNBI with messages asking for a specific date and time (see blockcat twitter)

it's gonna happen, just be patient you retards

>> No.3210368

I'm still holding. I'm actually trying to buy the dip but etherdelta is a literal pile of fucking shit, so I guess I'm stuck where I'm at.

>> No.3210369

Why do you people listen to these "Whales"? Its pretty obvious by reading the orderbook that CAT wants to rise but there is a whale(s) that are suppressing the price and pulling it down. This shit is going to get wrecked, I suspect its going to hit .005 by tonight.

>> No.3210372
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>powered by AI

>> No.3210428

I've already written off my worthless bag of CAT. ZRX is the only thing that can save me now.

>> No.3210443

>-Recommended by Youtubers such as Suppoman

>> No.3210463

but desu alpha release looks like fucking piece of shit.
this is some amateur bullshit and can't even dream to compete with agrello.

just ride the waves. buy the dip, sell the peak and get the fuck out becuz it's gonna sink eventually.

>> No.3210486


>> No.3210555

> $2.35
I hope you all learned a valuable lesson

>> No.3210616

Learned that I am a retarded idiot, trips confirm.

Looks like my kids will never be going to college.

>> No.3210851
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>> No.3210865



>> No.3210934

I have.
Never fomo. Never.
Guess ill dump my bags and put it in zrx

>> No.3211045

Fuck what you say. As developers, they are just fine and have done a lot already. They get a pass for that.

Not being listed has never been a problem for any cryptocurrency. In a month from now, you can get worried about a top tier exchange listing them, but it that truely fails, there are many second tier exchanges that will take them on immediately.

>> No.3211065

>can't compete with coin made by estonian lawyers that will only help technically advaced paralegals in cities that recognize smart contracts as legally binding

talk about a booming market

>> No.3211103
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