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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 400x400, bnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3203327 No.3203327 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ I want to share this tip off with you because I love you guys.
If you are literally bullish on any of these coins

You need to be in on bancor right now, bancor is currently in final stages of gaining legal clearance to roll out their token exchangers, once the first one releases its a 10 min copy paste job for any other token that they add but these are the ones currently confirmed and partnered with Bancor. These token generators will trade Bancor at a fixed rate, therefore anytime these coins gain value Bancor will be automatically pushed up in price.
Anyone who was worth a shit in crypto knew Bancor was a true sleeping giant waiting to be unleashed in crypto and its literally just around the corner now.
Listen to my advice or wait and see it happen yourself, Bancor is days away from skyrocketing in value.

>> No.3203340

Can they afford to make a tweet about this?

>> No.3203341

do your lawyers know you're on this website shilling on behalf of bancor?

tsk tsk

>> No.3203405
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>> No.3203422
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>buy my coin goyim

>> No.3203425
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>> No.3203513
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shiet, was gonna buy some enigma but maybe now i should get more bancs

>> No.3203527



>> No.3203635

ready af holding 1200

>> No.3203668

sorry anon, I love my money more than I love Bancor

>> No.3203694

I'm on their Slack & Telegram groups. The place is as dead as Digibyte. Getting worse now as more longtime holders are starting to complain. Op might be on to something....

>> No.3203748
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Huh? That makes no sense. Explain yourself.

>> No.3203760
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haha nice FUD faggot
today Guy on telegram made nice update

>> No.3203765

Can this coin be pumped like the others or the contract thing just fucks everything up? Serious question

>> No.3203786
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>> No.3203792


What did he say, dicknose?

>> No.3203815

I will be polite anon, so take a read:

Guy @ Bancor:
There are lots of speculative comments here, which is understandable. The rumors of security reviews, etc are false. There is simply a lot of work to do.

The Summer since the TGE has been very busy laying the foundations for the protocols long-term success.
We've decided to work quitely on a number of fronts as we scale up the infrastructure of the team globaly.

Progress on legal reviews and regulatory frameworks takes a bit of time, especially in the Summer months. This is a non trivial international effort, and we're spending a lot of resources and time on it. We expect a very busy September full of many public developments.

In regards to messaging, we hear you. From the website to our public relations, we are rebooting everyhting to fit a post TGE period and reflect the more effective ways we've learned to communicate the innovation behind Bancor to a wider audience. We'll share more about the many exciting projects preparing to launch smart tokens with Bancor's protocol, shortly via our blog.

>> No.3203895

Shit usually starts mooning once it hits rock bottom and when their fanatic followers get broken. BNT is almost at the floor, but not yet.

I myself am getting ready to slam some coins into BNT after cashing out of ICO fiesta next month.

>> No.3203915
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No reasons to think it has reached bottom yet. That shit is still overvalued and is quickly becoming obsolete. Have fun with your bags bancucks.

>> No.3204152

>tfw bought BNT at ICO.

I've learned my lesson lads

>> No.3204163

>Bancor is days away from skyrocketing in value
Really? In a couple of months seems more likely.

>> No.3204171

this is a scam coin.

>> No.3204181

Nice, just bought 100...no k tho im po

>> No.3204185

I hope you sold low

>> No.3204209


what do you mean by ico fiesta next month?

>> No.3204238

Why do smartphones do this?

>> No.3204256


I think his last name is Guy

>> No.3204280


he means the only people participating in ICOs are dirty mexicans

>> No.3204600

>final stages
any day now BIZ!

>> No.3204619

I have 2K, bought it recently

>> No.3204711

Jewhales have bought up the entire sell off, we goin 10x from here heheheheh

>> No.3204721

The mods should wordfilter Bancor to Kikecoin

>> No.3204753


Dude, why are women so retarded... o_O

>> No.3204830

OP here, please let this thread die now guys.

>> No.3205255


Haven't you heard m8 they need legal clearance from the worlds top lawyers before they can make a blog post

>> No.3205296

Proud older of 500 Bancs.

This will become 1000 Bancs.

Thanks OP.

>> No.3205488

I know of a dozen projects that will use bnt as reserve

>> No.3206237
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>> No.3206259

Isin't BNT one of those tokens that could be worth a couple hundred per depending on BNT projects? Kind of like ETH, but essentially riding off of ETH? if this is the case, I don't see why people aren't putting 100% of their life savings in this coin just for the possibility. we all know they won't fail.

>> No.3206277
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what does this mean

>> No.3206307

What does this mean?

>> No.3206322

Yes without a doubt, the circulating supply is extremely low, even less than NEO and the coin will forever have a method of gaining value when any other coin currently using it as a reserve increases

But it’s al just hypothetical right now as no coin is using ban or and they haven’t released any updates on it since.. hence why it’s dirt cheap.

Bancor ICO caused the last massive crash we had don’t under estimate its influence so when/if this giant ever moons it’s going to be crazy gains

>> No.3206324

Heavy whale accumulation. It has been going on since day one

>> No.3206330




>> No.3206332


>> No.3206382

This is how whales scoop up cheap bancor by creating huge sell walls that scare way anyone else currently holding or thinking of investing before the official news drops, never seen it quite as bad as that.

Maybe OP actually does know something we don’t and this isn’t just a LARP..

>> No.3206392

happening with many coins right now that have sat levels in the 4 digits

>> No.3206453
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Oh looks like I'm not the only one letting this slip then.

Notice how the walls are the exact same number even down to the decimal point? Those are not natural sell orders..

It's simply just Bancor whales creating several huge sell orders to push the price down to accumulate before this news drops.
I'm being totally serious guys this is literally happening sooner than you think.

>> No.3206489

>tfw you are gonna take part in the pump of the century

feels good breh

>> No.3206514

wow its fucking nothing

sounds like they spent the 150mil on a nice vacation

>> No.3206566

>We expect a very busy September full of many public developments.

It's not nothing

>> No.3206954

>Can this coin be pumped like the others?

>> No.3207031
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This bancor team is getting more pathetic by the day with their posting on here. Why no unstoppable thread today? I didn't get to post the animated galia today.

>> No.3207034

>Heavy whale accumulation. It has been going on since day one

The same whales who promoted the ICO here are those who have putting up sell walls and spreading FUD to lower the price. This has been happening since Bancor got added to Bittrex. This is a long term play, folks.

>> No.3207158

Bought 5000 at ICO
Sold 5000 at a loss

This coin is so aggravating. Constant cryptic messages and never any real hard drops... I couldn't wait any more

>> No.3207185

What's the floor for this coin?

>> No.3207191

1 sat

>> No.3207210

>Why no unstoppable thread today?
I made on earlier. I'll have to make one now :)

>> No.3207241
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>> No.3207249
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>> No.3207268

So cute watching these whales push their sell walls back a few 100 sats the minute they start getting nibbled on.

Wish I was rich enough to just buy them all out and fuck over the whales, oh well they can’t hold us back forever. The minute news hits the fomo will be crazy

>> No.3207353
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There's no floor. We are at the all time low. Same price as late July, when everything was going down.

>> No.3207401

coins that will have bancor smart tokens

>> No.3207588
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comfy as fuck with my 4k banc

>> No.3207625

I bought early and high, so my 2 grand+ only got 680 bancs. It was all my money. I've held all this time. Is 680 enough to make it, anon?

>> No.3207697
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okay (((anon)))

>> No.3207709
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ask yourself anon if 680 ETH bought at 7-12 usd and hold till ath 300-400 was enaugh to make it.

But anon you need to hold banc like 2 years easly.
This is not a fast pump coin like let say OMG was but when 100+ new projects/ICOs will start to use BNT as reserve it will be fucking good

>> No.3207735

New Coiner Notice: Do not buy this coin, there's an army of Bancor bagholders in this thread. Honestly, this coin is so dogshit, it has absolutely 0 chance of going up. Your money is even better spent in CFI. Do not let this "whales accumulating" thing trick you. They are not accumulating this coin, at all.

>> No.3207968

Nice FUD.

>> No.3208028

this is how it feels to get in early, it's good innit. Not selling a single BNT until $300