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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3200630 No.3200630 [Reply] [Original]

How to stop caving to peer pressure and be /frugal/?

>> No.3200636

why arent you using a credit card and receiving literal free money in rewards and cash back?

>> No.3200643


fuck off kike you won't trick me today

>> No.3200644

Man I miss dutch bros so much.

>> No.3200647

How do you spend $50 @ Chipotle on the same day?

Do you weigh 350 lbs? I can't even finish one burrito in two sittings. Much less 5 burritos in a day.

>> No.3200655
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I feel you. I'm very anti social because all normal people just want to spend money as an activity. I guess just find friends that don't spend money stupid.

>> No.3200658


I paid for a girl ;_;

>> No.3200663

Aha ahahahah ahahahahaa

>> No.3200671


>> No.3200673

>can't stop spending money on worthless things
>no social skills, have to buy things to maintain friendships
>hates jews
Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.3200676



Like... a date with a girl or you're so far in the friend zone you're buying her dinner before she fucks chad?

>> No.3200681


>buys a burrito for a girl on a date

>> No.3200687

Are you guys such turbo virgins that you've never been on a date?

>> No.3200688

are you literally retarded? do you not know how to pay a credit card bill? judging by your spending you're probably a teen too

>> No.3200689 [DELETED] 

>Start working out.
>Care about your body and what you put in it. . >Go grocery shopping and make your own cost-effective and healthy meals.

Or keep spending 50 dollars a day on burritos you lard ass

>> No.3200690



>> No.3200707

I spend $25 a week on food. Holy fuck bro.

>> No.3200710
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A chipotle burrito has 50% of my daily BMR with a perfect macro ratio and 1/3 of my daily protein requirements. I eat them post-workout


Why the fuck would anyone willingly expose themselves to debt?

>> No.3200713

>Start working out.
>Care about your body and what you put in it
>Go grocery shopping and make your own cost-effective and healthy meals.

Or keep spending 50 dollars a day on burritos you lard ass

>> No.3200714

You are a fool for paying for a "girl". are you in a coital relationship with this "girl"?

>> No.3200718


probably because the only people who care about 1% cash back are sheep

>> No.3200720


did you seriously post, delete and repost your post to fix a single grammatical error also >>3200710 was replying to you, nigger

>> No.3200734

Well if you're eating a single burrito post-workout why is there 50 dollars in charges from Chipotle? A burrito meal costs 10 bucks tops.

Either way it doesn't take away from my last point. You can easily go grocery shopping and get all the nutrients that burrito gives you and put it into 3 meals for the same price

>> No.3200735

Oh is your entire post just things you bought for your date? Because I see a burrito and a ton of garbage that you conveniently lumped together. Your mindset makes it pretty clear that you are meant to stay poor. At least you'll always have just enough to buy burritos your dates for the rest of your life.

>> No.3200751


>burrito for dinner, postmated for $10 fee
>burrito for lunch next day
>burrito for me and burrito for date at dinner
>burritos interspersed with coffee and cigarettes

That's how my days go. All my friends always want to eat at chipotle and I feel like a loser for saying "sorry this burrito could buy me 4 ARK"

>> No.3200779
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Why would you bother working out if you're just gonna smoke anyway?

>> No.3200788


>not working out solely to smash pussy

>> No.3200800
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>> No.3200814

wow fuck, you are an idiot

>> No.3200831

You sound like you have an addiction.

>> No.3200841

Just eat out less. No other way to put it. I used to eat out twice a day for 8-10 bucks a pop for the longest time until I got my shit together. Saved a lot of money right off the bat.

And if you're going to drink coffee/smoke cigs simply cut back on how often you buy that shit. Smoking is bad anyway so that should be minimized to as little as possible. For coffee buy grounds, a portable coffee mug, a coffee maker, and make it yourself. Or at least buy a 3 dollar cup of black coffee instead of whatever you pay 7 dollars for at Starbucks.

>> No.3200857


Thx anon. Are keurigs worth it?

>> No.3200883
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>sorry this burrito could buy me 4 ARK

>> No.3200928

>Why the fuck would anyone willingly expose themselves to debt?
Its not debt if you pay it off every month, and save the selfies for twink threads on /fit/, you look like a faggot. A faggot with no credit score whos too dumb to get 3% cashback.

>> No.3201286


You need some tom leykis in your life.

>> No.3201312
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Being on a date, doesn't mean you pay.

> be me
> have date with girl
> mfw girl leaves to check your phone
> tell waiter to open up two tabs
> girl comes back, sits down
> asks me if she should buy this drink or that drink
> egg her onto try this $100 drink
> she orders 3 of them
> bill time comes
> tmw waiter hands her the bill
> tmw working on a strong chub at that reaction
> she suddenly sobers up
> starts panicking
> waiter walks away
> she gets up and starts heading for the door
> sit back watching it all go down
> waiter chases her and demands she pay
> cops are called

Wew that was a good day.

>> No.3201348
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Absolutely devilish

>> No.3201379
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When you're buying gas...

$30 * 52 = $1500 * 0.01 = $15 * 10 yr = $150

When you're buying groceries...

$46 * 52 = $2400 * 0.01 = $24 * 10 yr = $240

When you're paying rent...

$1800 * 12 = 21600 * 0.01 = $216 * 10 yr = $2160

When you're paying insurance...

$200 * 12 = $2400 * 0.01 = $24 * 10 yr = $240

Total yr: $279
Total 10 yr: $2790

In a year you've earned 9 weeks of gas for free.
In a year you've earned 1 month of groceries for free.
In a year you've earned 1 month of insurance for free.

> not including 2% cards
> not including 5% cards

But instead you'd rather use a bank debit card to withdraw cash and tell yourself "NOT TODAY JEWS".


>> No.3201409

>forget to pay once and lose entire year's rewards

>> No.3201419

Stop being a degenerate.

>> No.3201430

>$3k over 10 years

>> No.3201443

>forget to pay
You know you can pre approve debit transactions for your credit right? Moron. And thinking youll lose years of cashback if you somehow miss a payment (aka youre a nigger or chug, even pajeets know how to use credit)

>> No.3201444


>be me
>have a date with guy
>date going well
>get an urgent text from mom, excuse myself to answer it
>come back and we look at drinks
>really not sure what to order, don't go out a lot
>date insists on a drink
>not sure
>date is being really pushy for me to try the drink
>don't really know what it is, but what the hell?
>say okay and order 3 drinks for us
>date isn't going that well, the guy just sits there waiting for me to get drunk
>fucking weird but okay
>guy is just staring at my drink
>really creeped out
>decide to call it off early and leave the bar to pay for the drink
>look at the bill, realize the fucking asshole pressured me into buying $100 drink
>I look at him, and he stares back with gleeful expression
>oh what the fuck
>he has a visible boner
>mfw i don't want to be raped tonight
>run outside, explain to waiter about the creepo

>> No.3201455


listen to Dave Ramsy faggot

>> No.3201476

I personally put 3k a month threw on my 3% cashback visa. 90 bucks a month, thats paying for a date night with my broad. This is finance 101, unless you want to keep being a cuck and pay 100% for everything like a good goy.

>> No.3201520

>Dave Ramsy
Fucking this. The man speaks nothing but common sense but is a god amongst the financially retarded.

>> No.3201542

>when you're paying for a hotel for 5 months, + meals, + dinner for 20 people every day, + gas
>then getting reimbursed for all of it by company
>all the points

>> No.3201554


It's very fucking simple. Just don't cave into peer pressure. Only a jackass spends that kind of money. That $8.18 you spent on one stupid overpriced meal could literally be a weeks worth of groceries.

No one is too good to eat Ramen noodles or peanut butter sandwiches, it just depends how bad you want to have the upside.

>> No.3201610

You will pay in the long run eating shit food. Colon cancer won't be cheap.

>> No.3201627

Kys norm

>> No.3201655


> yes hello dank you for calling VIP Member Card Services
> ye i forgot to pay my bill
> oh no problem, let me take care of that for you
> thank you
> please hold
> 30 seconds later
> your late fee has been removed
> thank you
> is that all?
> ye, have a nice day
> you too


My nigga.

>> No.3201662


> implying she didn't drink all 3 drinks HERSELF

Kek'd nonetheless.

Nice digits.

>> No.3201671

I apologize. Low t gains checking in

>> No.3201688

Are you being serious? Grow up and stop being a nigger.

>> No.3201836

thanks my dude

>> No.3201843

You might consider spending less on candles

>> No.3201957

Put your entire check into ARK immediately so you're not tempted by unnecessary things like food.

>> No.3201978

just do what i do, occasionally take shit from the supermarket without paying for it to balance it out

>> No.3202136
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Just listen to your colon. It's begging for mercy.