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3199705 No.3199705 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else actually retired from this and not a larping faggot? I'm 27 and inherited a ton of real estate but the monthly income is only about 15k after property taxes, HOA fees, maintenance, etc which really isn't a lot after income tax and monthly bills/expenses.

I made 900k off crypto and now I'm just balling out of control because it's money I don't feel guilty about spending. I'm pursuing my passion (which is the greatest feeling in the world, it never feels like work) but I still have a lot of down time. I've travelled all over the world, banged tons of chicks and hookers ($1000/hour and above, they are cleaner). I'll drink alcohol with friends sometimes, but I don't really like it or doing drugs. I was thinking about going to tibet or some shit. What do I do? What is worth pursuing in life?

>> No.3199738

I think its important for you to try volunteering

I think by helping other you can bring out your true passion.

And you know what? You can start right now:

>> No.3199760

Buy land and dedicate it to a nature preserve. Mother nature swings a big bat, and she's winding up

>> No.3199838

is this one stale yet?

>> No.3199857

January Jones is gross.

>> No.3199876
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>Anyone else actually retired from this and not a larping faggot?
>is a larping faggot


consider my almonds activated

>> No.3199878

You can spare some btc then? 1AnAfbxHu4z3UtTY472dHJ2ai9ftwNq6L

I suggest picking a few crypto's and support them , not just for gains, but on principle

>> No.3199923

I lived a similar, but much more humble, lifestyle - mostly from sea service with the Marines. Got a shit ton of kicks out of it, which makes daily life seem rather boring and unsatisfying.

Nature, yoga, and the quest for knowledge are my passions. I quit my corporate job and now make premium wine for a living. The bio-chemical world is an amazing place.

These things have centered me and helped me find the true meaning of life - which I think is simply symbiosis

Please tip if this helps!

>> No.3199929

give me some, i ll use it to built school in 3rd world countries

>> No.3200130
File: 220 KB, 1920x1440, Gemma (120).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't you also posting yesterday? I remember the image.
Similar problems, only that I'm 28 and made 2.1 million Eurobucks and was set for a rather uneventful career somehow related to finance after finishing my business degree.
Since my family owned jack shit I was raised with the prospect of a wage-cuck life of saving forever for a house and retirement investing. Now I suddenly have the operational freedom to do what interests me and also acquire the proper skills.
I have cashed out almost nothing. Just 10k€ to buy a few things.
I noticed that it causes problems with me, my girlfriend and my family because I feel kind of bad that they're so poor (not literally poor, but lower middle class with no assets) but I read it's bad practice to give them money.
Also I would love to have more pussy while being able to keep my gf.

>inherited a ton of real estate but the monthly income is only about 15k after property taxes, HOA fees, maintenance, etc which really isn't a lot after income tax and monthly bills/expenses.
> monthly income is only about 15k
>only about 15k
>only 15k
You already won the game before you started crypto.
That must be in the region of 4 to 6 million dollars worth of real estate.

>> No.3200264

Audibly kek'd

>> No.3200293

with relation to
>Also I would love to have more pussy while being able to keep my gf.

Talk to her niqqa, don't buy into the richman with sidepussy shit, if shes actually worth it long term.

>> No.3200336

I'm jelly of your life OP, wanna take me with you on a trip? Anywhere but Europistan, please.

>> No.3200354

Sweet ur retired

>> No.3200374

You're right about not giving out money, always a bad idea unless you're investing in a friend's company or something. Also, don't cheat on your woman. If she's good then keeping her is a good investment. I know a lot of wealthy people who cheat on their wives and their lives are fucked up. Not worth it.

t. college student with 3,000 in my blockfolio, so my opinion might be not worth jack shit but whatever

>> No.3200694
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My parents (divorced many years ago) don't even know about it. They know that I did some stuff with crypto but likely have no idea my gains were galactic. This week, dad must have picked up some Bitcoin news article or something because he asked if I already was a millionaire which I answered with yes, but probably he thought it was a lame joke. So he likely continues to wire me 600 bucks allowance per month for college which I will save for him.

>unless you're investing in a friend's company or something.
Friends and money don't mix very well. If it's a friend I would do the due diligence twice as good and only invest if I would also have invested if the guy wasn't my friend.

>but I don't really like it or doing drugs. I was thinking about going to tibet or some shit. What do I do? What is worth pursuing in life?
Do some LSD or other psychedelics. They will show you the way if you use them once or twice per year. (they are some of the safest shit around) It's like the fast lane to cosmic insights. Also they are cheap as fuck and even legal in some countries (e.g, 1p-lsd.de in Germany is not regulated and costs like 3 bucks per trip) Of course, you could also learn shit the hard way and meditate for years in uncomfy tibet.

>> No.3200946

Find things that piss you off, or things youd like to see improve in your city or favorite vacation spot and git er done.

Is a small town near you full of homeless shacks and methlabs? Clean it up and invest in the local economy. You'd gain the satisfaction of knowing you are the sole reason that town looks good, plus thr people there eould worship you as a king for doing so.

>> No.3200954

repost faggot

>> No.3200971

Start a business

>> No.3201000

... jesus man, you realize the median income for a family in the us is 52k a year, right?
So yeah, you're "really isn't a lot after income tax" $180k/year fixed income is already independently wealthy/retirement.

So to clarify, it breeds dependency if you hand people cash, but buying them an annuity or paying for their college. Loaning friends/family money is just asking for strife.

Yeah, talk to your gf, if she's onboard it's not cheating.
LSD is unpredictable and can cause permanent issues.
Pursue a hobby that creates something, art, write a book, build/design furniture, become an expert in something, get a PhD (since you can literally afford to do college the rest of your life on your "not a lot")

>> No.3201001

900k. Is not that much

>> No.3201098
File: 67 KB, 1084x932, notmuch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich enough.

>> No.3201148

It's literally top tier until the age groups where inheritance-fags start to roll in.

>> No.3201185


900 million is not that much

>> No.3201225

900 billion is not that much

>> No.3201449

well, maybe if people focus more on neo nazis and Trump's outrageous personality then surely there be more income equality.

>> No.3201669

You're making enough money to live how you want, but not to really do anything useful with
If i hit 15m year i will invest heavily in AI development

>> No.3202013

I'm retired from crypto. I've started making youtube videos, reading books, chilling with people, eating where I want.
It's cool.

>> No.3202057
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>I made 900k off crypto

LOL okay, send me something please or your full of shit.


>> No.3202074
File: 2.24 MB, 3168x3020, 1503570163609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know the drill, plastic spoon in anus time stamped and "there is no spoon" written as well

.5 btc

>> No.3202098

>15k a month ist a lot
What kind of retard thinks 180k a year ist massive.

You literally haven't done shit and you're complaining about earning more than most high paid doctors and lawyers, for doing fucking nothing.

>> No.3202133

become your city's batman

>> No.3202879

thanks anon

>> No.3202898

I earn 200K a year (being a doctor) and after the taxes, mortgages and expenses are paid, it really isn't much.
All I'm saying is I don't NEED more money, but I'm very far from being able to afford anything I want.

>> No.3202944

>makes 900k off a once in a lifetime meme
>proceeds to blow it on $1k/hour hookers

You'll be broke and homeless by 35 anon.

>> No.3202968

>mortgages and expenses

you chose to buy an expensive house and live an expensive lifestyle. it's not fair to say "it really isn't much" when you're choosing to spend it all. if you rented an apartment for <$1k and drove a honda civic it would be a ton.

crypto is wasted on people like you. if you make a million on crypto this year you will probably literally buy a lambo.

fucking dumbasses are obsessed with living to the edge of their means.

>> No.3203023

Well, what's the point making a good wage then ? Storing it all so you can what .. spend it when you're old ? I don't know any people making good money and living way below their means.
And a house is also an investment.

>> No.3203074

>Well, what's the point making a good wage then ?

so you can retire early, IMO. you could cut your expenses way down and still live a great life. e.g. engineers who make half of what you make still live great lives.

but by all means go ahead and make like 4x the average family income and still retire at the same time as them. im sure it's worth it for those extra houses in your house that you never use and the logo on your car.

>> No.3203085


*rooms in your house lol

>> No.3203148

I get what you mean, but I'm not really able to cut my expenses, as I don't want to. I don't care working until I'm 65 because I really like what I do. And I don't see myself not travelling cconfortably, not having a nice house, not eating organic, etc..
To each his own I guess

>> No.3203199

>I'm not really able to cut my expenses, as I don't want to

>not really able to
>don't want to

I hope English isn't your first language.

>I don't see myself not travelling cconfortably, not having a nice house, not eating organic

you can do all those things for half your salary. it's fine if you want to, but again, people who make half of what you make live in nice houses and eat organic.

>> No.3203249

>I hope English isn't your first language.

Nah, I'm French :)

>> No.3203408


ah kinda understand you not minding working until you're old then. you guys barely work and take mad vacations.

>> No.3203482

I'll bite cause the girl in OP is sexy af and I like her lingerie.

I'm 29 and a millionaire I think (between 975k and 1.05MM I don't really keep track).

I have downtime but I never get bored, seems like there is always someone to see, a place to go, something to learn, etc.

I don't think anything is inherently worth pursuing, it depends on the individual, what they find meaning and satisfaction in. If that is art, or businesses, or family life, or fucking vidya, whatever. I personally think some ways to live are better than others, but people would shit on my own lifestyle that I think is great, so I can't really criticise anyone else's.

>> No.3203498

I'd recommend the four hour work week. Meme title, but he's got a section in there for people who retire early and don't know what to do with their time.

>> No.3203542

cliché. French workers work just a little bit fewer hours than german workers for example, and are more efficient.

>> No.3204160

Hey Anons,

I am not a millionaire. My net worth is about 200K but I do not spend it at all.

I too was afraid that if I would earn a bunch of money, I would get bored out of my mind. And of course, you can always find a good hobby or smth or enjoy nature.

But just some (I think solid) advice: start your own company! Start something.

Sit down with some friends, discuss ideas and use your wealth for active investments i.e. become an entrepreneur.

Lot's of people with a bunch of money have shit to do, so they are actually willing to work so they have smth to do.

I am 25 now, accumulated a shitton of "good" ideas and I've been usy for the past two years setting up small business hoping to grow one to a million dollar company.

It feels extremely rewarding working together with your friends and growing your own business from the bottom up.