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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 400x400, ava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3196617 No.3196617 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys prepared? Here is why the Avalon ICO is GUARANTEED to 1.5x your money, and that's being conservative:

> Solid concept and team
> 10 million coins minted at genesis, with ~8.7m available to public
> $1.10 per
> $11 million marketcap when it sells out
> Tokens distributed 3 days after sellout

Look at the trifecta: low circulation, low marketcap, hardcap ICO.

Now, I want you to look at the marketcaps of other coins in the ~$10m range, and tell me how this wont AT LEAST 1.5x after it sells out at ICO. I'll wait until 8 PM (ICO start), and if you convince me (you wont) I will hero oncam

Your welcome faggots

>> No.3196631

Stop shilling

>> No.3196635

I'm gonna miss the ICO aren't I. I don't have a script. Hold me anon

>> No.3196639

>10m coin supply
>1.5x your money

lmao. worst shilled scamcoin ever

>> No.3196652

I've got $4k of student loan money locked and loaded. Easy fucking play. Enough time to pull profits and put them in the next ICO (got eyes on monetha and the red pulse neo shit).


>> No.3196690

Its not like we havent heard of it before

>> No.3196707

hey doods i'm a javascript developer but cant be fucked to write a script for this ico send me one plz il
be a able to figure out how to use it jpcool666@hotmail.com

>> No.3196713


no cheating allowed senpai

>> No.3196735

You're either reversing me, or you're shortsighted as fuck. Read the writing on the wall - the profits are made in the front when the early adopters get doubles and triples. If a sick announcement comes, then a coin has a chance to triple or more POST ICO, but that's impossible to predict. Be smart.

>> No.3196892

>solid team

>> No.3196910

good token and im buyin but stop posting it reeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.3196964
File: 542 KB, 1279x888, shut-avalon-down-the-goys-know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DELET THIS THREAD reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Stop telling normies

>> No.3197272
File: 152 KB, 741x568, 1502850209140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the ICO starting?

>> No.3197302

you know its a shit project when they had to paid shills to advertise on /biz/, the moon missions are never posted here before the ICO or the whitelist.

>> No.3197320

>moon missions are never posted here before the ICO
so doesn't that mean this is a shot of getting in early?

0.05 AVA has been deposited into my shilling account

>> No.3197375

it is a bit worrying honestly... I doubt it will hit exchanges at the $1.13 asking price

>> No.3197377
File: 1.52 MB, 1294x678, 1503472184980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what will you guys be setting as your gas limit?

>> No.3197458

Idk, when I went in the waves ICO it was around 30,000sat at buy in stage

When it took off and got onto exchanges it shot up to about 200,000 - and btc also doubled since that time, so made 12x return.

Hoping for something similar here.

>> No.3197472

Stop shilling

>> No.3197492

What are you trying to achieve?

>> No.3197496

My personal take is that its a decent concept, a good team and a legit project. I just don't see the need for what it's trying to do to be decentralised like can anyone explain why a GPO needs to be decentralised?

>> No.3197521

When is this ico taking place?

>> No.3197545

It's already over, sold out in negative 1 hour. Don't bother participating, til like Sunday. :^)

>> No.3197584


its over dont check

>> No.3197648
File: 9 KB, 200x150, icon.200x150.gendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who gets in the ICO will make money.

But I still cant help looking at their plans and thinking its a bit odd.

>membership program
>will features surveys and videos you can interact with to earn cryptocurrency
>you have to pay to join

>will get you % off purchases
>just like sites like ebates
>but you have to pay to join the membership program

I appreciate they want to expand to doing this tying in crypto businesses but there really arent a lot of crypto businesses out there selling stuff. Maybe they have first mover advantage.

I do like the idea, its just odd they want to charge people to join. To complete their scheme they should let people refer their friends and get a cut of the membership fee they pay.

>> No.3197691

They're trying to make it look professional and elite, but honestly the membership is one of the biggest reasons I wont be buying

>> No.3198168

the membership is dirt cheap my dude
as time goes on the decentralisation aspect will become more apparent when payment structures are implemented with the business and infrastructure

>> No.3198422
File: 285 KB, 1600x1200, HOLYSH1ITTT LADS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit boys Get IN HERE!
IT is live!!


>> No.3198887

why does it keep saying "Please enter a valid token amount!" i want to buy this shitcoin

>> No.3198985

try it with firefox

>> No.3199001

Why is there so much shilling for a low cap ICO

Makes it feel like the coin doesn't actually have any fundamentals at all

>> No.3200148


>> No.3200370

can i send ETH from my metamask wallet?

>> No.3200536

Yes you can

>> No.3200755

clear cache brah

>> No.3200925

just picked up 5k AVA. reunion with our lambos 2018?

>> No.3201386

you guys got scammed. your money is going to be stuck in this shit for at least a month lmao!

>> No.3202411

>GUARANTEED to 1.5x your money

basically you pay $100 to get $150.

who the fuck (and why the fuck) will add those $50 to the game to let you cash out?

every fucking altcoin is a Ponzi scheme where the real winners are those retiring before the last bunch of faggots enters the game.

>> No.3203334

>who the fuck (and why the fuck) will add those $50 to the game to let you cash out?

The idiots who didn't buy at the ICO who are now clamoring to buy at exchanges means it'll increase in value

DNT took a while to sell out and even after the dip it's well above ICO price

>> No.3203660

i'm going to be honest. i've been spreading fud about this coin. because i want it to only reach the minimum cap. if it doesnt go any higher, the rest get locked up, making the supply extremely small, and the token extremely valuable.

>> No.3203954

That's not necessarily true, my friend. A small supply doesn't mean it will have more value. Take a look at the coins with around 3m supply to see the huge variance in prices. The only things that matter are market cap and volume. If no one is buying this shit, it's just a dead coin even if you set a sell order of $100/coin.

>> No.3203968


You dont even know how this works lol

>> No.3203981

>3 flash sales, 1000 BTC total, all sold out in under 3 seconds

>24 hours, they're literally begging people to take the coins


>> No.3204034

>muh speed is everything

Take a look at DNT

>> No.3204124

Same shit with most investments though. If it doesn't pay dividends either the seller is a dipshit who sold early and missed out or the buyer is a dipshit who wasted his money and moves to a poorer position. You can't even rely on fundamentals anymore with all these worthless tech companies being speculated in solely for unrealized advertisement or data mining potential.

>> No.3204199

Well at least if it doesn't reach the cap of ~3m coins, they'll refund you guys and shut down the project. So there's still hope for you bagholders.

>> No.3205133

this was a prime example of a /biz/ shill coin, I mean it's all hype from the trailer, to the stupid idea with no real backing at this point. Nobody likes groupon unless your a chick looking for a haircut or get eyebrows done
fuuuuuck this shill coin not even selling lmao

so glad I went with my gut on this one

>> No.3206279

I get in on every ICO, you only need one to blow up. Who knows where this will be in 5 years?

>> No.3206638

Am I too late already to get in? The ICO lasts for 20 more days doesnt it? Does it change anything to get in now or after 19 days?

>> No.3206676

They can't even raise their 35% goal. I honestly thought this was going to go quick like tron and was hovering the keyboard trying to get in yesterday, wish I saved my mula

>> No.3206760

Fairly new to the world of ICOs. Is this a pretty pathetic showing so far? $300k doesn't seem like much to get this project off the ground.

>> No.3207230
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1502285024656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solid team

>> No.3207246

Obsidian has been going on for over a month
And it's still not hard capped, so this is fine.

>> No.3207323

obsidian: 7764 eth in 41 days.
avalon: 941 eth in 16 hours.
Why is the fud so strong with this?

>> No.3207492

I'm comfy sitting with my 1270 AVA
let fud make this really low cap coin 3,5 mill and we will see fucking moon