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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3189393 No.3189393 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else actually retired from this and not a larping faggot? I'm 27 and inherited a ton of real estate but the monthly income is only about 15k after property taxes, HOA fees, maintenance, etc which really isn't a lot after income tax and monthly bills/expenses.

I made 900k off crypto and now I'm just balling out of control because it's money I don't feel guilty about spending. I'm pursuing my passion (which is the greatest feeling in the world, it never feels like work) but I still have a lot of down time. I've travelled all over the world, banged tons of chicks and hookers ($1000/hour and above, they are cleaner). I'll drink alcohol with friends sometimes, but I don't really like it or doing drugs. I was thinking about going to tibet or some shit. What do I do? What is worth pursuing in life?

>> No.3189407

Nothing. Life sucks.

>> No.3189421

>15k a month passive income
>not enough

>> No.3189424

Do ayahuasca. Smoke some DMT. Live on a kibbutz for three months. Plant some trees. Come back and be rich.

>> No.3189428
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>> No.3189436

This >>3189421
You could easily retire if you wanted.

>> No.3189438

delet this

>> No.3189457

I live in a major city and the cost of living is extremely high here. I might want a family someday if I meet the right woman, and private schools are 40k a year here for high school. If you have two or three kids, that's over a million dollars in school fees BEFORE college. I'm saving up most of my money and also investing in new properties with helocs... money goes fasters than you think, which is why I love crypto because it was easy gains therefore I can really enjoy it. I didn't build this mini real estate empire, my parents did, so I feel very bad about blowing that money on hookers, etc

I've done it, very fulfilling and a great religious experience. Looking for other stuff now.

I don't understand.

>> No.3189460
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If I were in your shoes I'd probably just buy a bunch of retarded clothes and spend a couple months trying to go viral as a meme rapper like lil windex (pic related)

>> No.3189468

Get a job bruh, an actual enjoyable one though. Better than piss arseing about in Tibet. Jobs make a man

>> No.3189469

You should join a fighting sport. Get in touch with people through it. And feel alive while getting good at something.

>> No.3189470

Make more money from crypto and get into philanthropy. You will feel like you life has purpose if you are bettering the lives of others.

>> No.3189478

Im retired at 23 because im a neet living in grandmas house making 100 a day off swing trading

>> No.3189482

I essentially am "retired", but I've made my favorite passion my full time job and actually make a small living from it.

risk of injury too high. I just run and lift weights.

>> No.3189484

Meet someone and pay for their surgery they cannot afford.
Making desperate people happy is a nice feel.

>> No.3189486

>What do I do? What is worth pursuing in life?
I would seriously consider trying death to experience how it feels if I were a faggot like you.

>> No.3189490
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holy FUCK

>> No.3189492

Time to get a wife then mate

>> No.3189493

with how much capital are you trading?

>> No.3189497
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>Making desperate people happy is a nice feel.


>> No.3189504

Depends on what you compare it with. Soccer has a higher rate of injury.

>> No.3189505

I would seriously consider trying death to experience how it feels if I were a faggot like you.

>> No.3189514

is this the larping vegan again?

>> No.3189519

my move is taking girls out on really nice dates, treating them amazingly for a few weeks, then I ghost them. It really confuses them and they will keep texting me for months after trying to get back in touch. It's probably the one really fucked up thing I do. I don't know why I do it.

If I met the right girl. I got burned hard by a girl I loved a few years ago, haven't met anyone worth it since. Still looking but this tinder stuff is bullshit.

I started with 80k.

>> No.3189522
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>> No.3189528

>my move is taking girls out on really nice dates, treating them amazingly for a few weeks, then I ghost them. It really confuses them and they will keep texting me for months after trying to get back in touch. It's probably the one really fucked up thing I do. I don't know why I do it.
Yeah thats pretty fucked, but I guess its just the thing rich people do for some reason.

>> No.3189530

If I were like you (a faggot), I would seriously consider trying death (to experience how it feels).

>> No.3189534
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If you avoid sports like football, boxing and horse riding you'll be fine.

>> No.3189536

Cool larp man, where do i subscribe?

>> No.3189542

I chatted up a high class lady in an airport once, she was wearing this skintight suede outfit that must've cost $2k at least. As soon as i said hello, I noticed every other dude in the place was watching. I must've been 22 or so, didn't even realize until later she was for hire. I though I was just getting out of my shell, saying hi to a pretty girl. She said she had to catch her flight and left after figuring out I was just another poor dumbass.

>> No.3189545

Sure, but for the average girl landing me is better than winning the lottery. I'm good looking, tall, a pretty good person, and they basically don't have to work. I can't afford the private jet lifestyle, but it wouldn't be a bad life. I'm not going to let just any flooze dig in talons into my shit.

>> No.3189556

In this thread:
Rich kid who hasn't accomplished anything himself looks for attention.

>> No.3189559
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>> No.3189568
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Stupid kid.

>> No.3189569

My advice is learn wealth management. Learn how to make it grow, that alone is a good enough hobby. I guess you don't have the hunger for making piles of money since you were just given it. I too am a real estate trust baby. currently thinking about teaching and making that my lifes work.

>> No.3189580

go to europe, find yourself a fine member of the female genus. Fuck her three to four times a day, travel the world with her. Return home get some kids, open your crypto wallet and buy some nice house with 5 lambos at the seaside

>> No.3189676
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dont go to a jihad country, ask /pol before you travel abroad
>wins lotto in life
>captured by some hillmen
>killed for 50$ usd taking too long to reach the middle of fucking no where

>> No.3189696

I would recommend remembering your true, original self then everything you do will take on a new light, whether it is doing drugs or helping the poor.

>> No.3189824
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>I made 900k off crypto

LOL okay, send me something please or your full of shit.


>> No.3189838

Or instead he could just sign a random message instead of sending retards like you anything.

>> No.3189870

quit my wagecuck deskjob in december
made more in june alone than i did in 2016 as a whole

>> No.3189926

time stamp the handle part of a spoon in your ass and I'll send you .5 BTC

>> No.3189967
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im not the other guy but all i have are plastic spoons

>> No.3189986

plastic spoon in ass with time stamp and also write "there is no spoon" and I'll send btc.

>> No.3189998


>Nothing. Life sucks.

pretty much this OP
I get seriously depressed whenever I hit a new goal because it never really fulfills me

I guess if money wasnt an issue I would get heavy into gardening and start a family. maybe pick up some martial arts.

>> No.3190026

kk 1 sec

>> No.3190125
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here u go, its a lot harder to get those pics than i thought. started sweating trying to get a good shot. plz sir that was almost my last plastic spoon

>> No.3190140
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>> No.3190172

OP, can you get two hookers at a time?

Can you get them to do really dirty stuff with no fuss or will that cost extra?

>> No.3190189


>> No.3190251

> $100/day
> retired
> grandmas house


>> No.3190411


>> No.3190719
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fbpb tbhqhwyfamalam

>> No.3190731

Prove it, how did you make 900k?

>> No.3191373

I hope you die in a learjet crash fagit.

Your dead parents are fuckheads for handing the keys of their properties to you

>> No.3191428

Read the Diamond Sutra

>> No.3191447

I "retired" a bit younger than you off of my own business just through hard work growing up poor to having enough where I could just stop working.

My goal in life is to continue creating projects that make the world better. I think a lot of people hear that and think non-profit or something but at the end of the day its anything that just adds value to people's live and you can extrapolate that to making the world better in some way.

I got burned out balling and partying after ~3 years or so. I still travel for new experiences and business.

>> No.3191478

>the average girl landing me is better than winning the lottery
This guy is so unlikeable.

>> No.3192204

Hey Op, here's the thing...
Happiness isn't related to finance.
Happiness isn't related to hookers.

You are looking outward for happiness, but there is none to be found outside oneself, or in Tibet for that matter.

You have to look inward, and if you feel like there's no point to life, it just means there's no point to you, not that there's no point to life.

Other people (like myself) could help you, but you are rather unlikeable, so you'll likely have to pay for that help.

>> No.3192261
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Have a good face.

>inb4 im good looking