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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3183113 No.3183113 [Reply] [Original]

Less than 48 hours /biz/

God i hope you have your buy scripts ready

This is your second chance at crypto

>> No.3183121

show me your script.

>> No.3183169
File: 542 KB, 1279x888, shut-avalon-down-the-goys-know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The call that saved crypto.

But seriously my blood pressure is through the roof right now

>> No.3183218

fuck off retards. the amount of shill this shitcoin getting from /biz is absurd. dumb idea, below average team, meaningless commercial. fuck this shit

>> No.3183223

How much you throwing in? Im thinking about buying some.

>> No.3183256

Who /gold membership/ here?

>> No.3183258

Do you write your own scripts?

>> No.3183263

No point fudding my dude its an ico so everyones gettin the same price
5 btc made a bit off of dnt

>> No.3183274


Still going to put some money, dump shit are mooning all the time

>> No.3183292

Im rather new to ICOs. What type of gains do you think this will get?

>> No.3183299

DELET this thread, not trying to tell the world homie. let's make sure we eat first.

>> No.3183313

If you get in at ICO price - think Augur

>> No.3183342

What this guy said

Buckle up

>> No.3183345
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>he's not going for platinum tier

>> No.3183360

t o o l a t e t o d e l e t

>> No.3183365
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Can I get a rundown?

>> No.3183367
File: 313 KB, 1224x1200, 48 hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closer to 24 now actually.

>> No.3183388


>> No.3183400

I'm in simply so i dont hang myself for missing another ICO thst pumps ;_;

>> No.3183405

Augur wasn't a shitcoin though..

>> No.3183409

Is "buy scripts" a meme or will you in fact have no trouble sending them funds when the ico goes live?

>> No.3183420

How much do you get for 1 ETH though?

>> No.3183427

1 ETHs worth

>> No.3183448

>btc will crash on aug 1st
>bch will crash to 0 because everyone will sell
>dnt will moon on binance

>avalon will moon

yeah, i don't trust you guys anymore. this shitcoin will do the opposite and sell for lower than ico on exchanges.

>> No.3183468

Price is $1.10 so do the math there approx 270 AVAs or whatever the price of eth is atm

>> No.3183495

Your loss pal
Biz is not one person plenty of people told you to sell dnt because coins plummet there once listed

>> No.3183514

no, there were a lot more people who said it was going to moon. it's the same shit with avalon right now. a lot of people are saying it's going to moon but i bet it's going to crash to nothing.

>> No.3183539

The shilling is too intense and obvious.

>> No.3183554

I literally bought dnt at 600 sats and sold at 6200

Trust me theres more diversity of opinion on biz than it appears

If you got burned on dnt feel free to make your losses back with avalon

>> No.3183581


I'll be honest I was going to buy into this ICO, but I just went through the white paper right now, and it seems like this shit is nothing but marketing and hype. It's very "gimmicky".

Now does it still have a chance to moon? Yes. Does it have a chance to dump? Yes.
Is it a good long term hold? In my opinion...no.

Anybody else agree or am I the outlier here?

>> No.3183624

this is as much a shitcoin as i've ever seen one. it won't get used by anyone and it's market cap will plummet to nothingness. a solid no for long term, even for mid term.

>> No.3183627

Its an impressive enough way to bridge consumers and business normies to crypto tech with a realitic enough goal for the platform and a low supply

I aint sayin its a new paradigm just a solid investment

>> No.3183641

Meh it'll probably still do alright

>> No.3183674

It will only be impressive if it's used. It needs to succeed to attract big money from companies imo, and people buying in are only talking about how many lambos this is going to make them, not how excited they are to buy discount coupons.

>> No.3183688

What's the symbol? I want to keep track of it when the first wave of pink wojaks flood this board.

>> No.3183694

Trust me when i say businesses are already in the mix

Hence a working test platform ready Q4 this year which is fast turnaround for an ico

>> No.3183702

Isnt that the case with almost any crypto? You need participation for anything to really work.

>> No.3183738

>they don't know whose really attached once the ICO is over


>> No.3183859

We've entered the next level of crypto, implementation in e-commerce. Much much potential, that's why every fucking ICO in that area is pretty much guaranteed to at least give you some profit.

>> No.3184052

Alright if you're all that sure I'll bite and throw in a little cash. Certainly better odds of returns than a lot of bets I've made.

>> No.3184055

Pretty much this

>> No.3184159
File: 19 KB, 382x273, 8713858ce5a31111af182a41797082df805ebc9d_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough rowing, 28 hours until we bring it home!

>> No.3184181

How do you buy icos. Newfag to biz and slowly learning. Just start buying crypto this week

>> No.3184182

The amount of shilling on /biz/ is actually scaring me. Compound the fact that I don't actually understand the concept

>> No.3184203

Lol u biz people r funny. You see all these shit ICO's "moon" or whatever with shitty ideas and shitty teams and they stil fucking moon. Crypto is a speculative engine and these avalon people seem to know how to market themselves . I'm only buying into this to flip some ETH as i have enough to speculate but jesus biz u think a project needs to be amazing to flip it for double profit hahaha after all you have seen in this space. go in on all of them i say, they all have their moon at some point, no coin dies.

>> No.3184236

saw the video
>immediately turned 360 degrees and walked away and invested

>> No.3184304

Its what got me too. Marketing is definitely on point.

>> No.3184308

Pre-sale just finished! How many did you guys get? I managed to get 80k.

>> No.3184321

lmao. that video was probably the dumbest shit i've ever seen

>> No.3184343

Lol theres no presale champion
So bitter my friend

>> No.3184363

So whats the chance of getting this without a script?

>> No.3184419

Video is cool as fuck. No money to invest, but you're just being edgy if you can't recognise that videos quality. Especially for a startup.

>> No.3184430

was this cooked up by a woman?

group discounts crypto LOL

>> No.3184467

exactly. video tries to be cool so fucking hard that it's painful. and it doesn't tell you anything about the actual project. because there is no project. nothing to tell becuz it's a dumb fucking idea to begin with.

all hype 0 substance. a classic vaporware.

>> No.3184483

t. Armond

>> No.3184572

This. It'll moon, they always do

>> No.3184600

don't see this selling much outside the usa desu. looks like a take your profit and never look at it again kind of token

>> No.3184637

I'll probably take half profit first month, then lock away the next half for 6 months and 're evaluate

>> No.3184675

How the fuck do I buy? what is erc20?

>> No.3184728

Im ICO noob, so there is this gas when sending eth right? Does increasing it help alot?

>> No.3184994

pls respond, I don't want to miss out on this coin

>> No.3185102

dude learn the fundamentals

>> No.3185173

shitcoin for sure. Who shills a capped ICO these days?

>> No.3185281

whales pls go. Normies only

>> No.3185585

ICO PSA reminder:
Regardless of the project please ensure you type in your erc20 address is entered correctly.
Good luck, have fun

>> No.3185593


>> No.3185599

Just to add,
This will work with MyEthereumWallet, you may need to add custom token though

>> No.3185611

basically groupon for crypto

>> No.3185627

AVA is already added to myether, just search for it. :]

>> No.3185650

Do you even /biz/ bro? That's all this board is.

>> No.3185804

24 Hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3186061

I've been trading for a while but this is the first ICO I'll buy.

How the fuck do I buy it and what is a ERC20?

Pls respond

>> No.3186546

go to my ether wallet. Access your wallet. Add 0xeD247980396B10169BB1d36f6e278eD16700a60f

then you'll donate via the tokenlot dialogue box and itll ask you wehere do you want your tokens sent?
put the My ether wallet address.

once thats inputted, you can pay anyway you want

>> No.3186776

Oh shit, I see it! thx anon

>> No.3186830

Comfy telegram <3

>> No.3186891

so when it becomes available i enter my MEW address into the "destination address" on their website and how much i will be sending to them on their website as well and then i just open a new tab and go over to MEW and send them the amount of eth i told them i would be sending? my first ICO, sorry for the noob question

>> No.3186937
File: 215 KB, 437x438, 14434258589262-screen-shot-2012-10-19-at-11-48-40-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CEO has 11 connections on LinkedIn.

Seems legit lol.

>> No.3187122

French guy obviously made a US LinkedIn for the launch. Plus he's not the CEO, nobody is titled as CEO as far as I can see.
Back to your bitbean threads :^)

>> No.3187189

this raging piece of shit groupon filth nigger coin wants you to pay to subscribe to buy bullshit you would never buy on your own. this dumb niggercoin will pop before its real and then dump everyday on bigger exchanges. same as everycoin. down everyday except for four nigger pajeets on etherdelta on the first day

>> No.3187373

calm down bro. Theres money to be made as an investor, no need to get racial. :^}

>> No.3187419

We'll get ours first brother. ICO price is good for a pump. npz

>> No.3187439

The Russian thread is getting spicy. Good luck getting in before them

>> No.3187561

Best erc20 wallet? any recs?

>> No.3187581

who said nigger is racial. jews are niggers but they look kindaaa white.

>> No.3187737

myetherwallet - google it

>> No.3188267

The crypto TOR chan has targeted Avalon and (oddy enough) starbase to gobble up. Expect a sell out. Those guys are fucking insane

>> No.3188545

How much does one Avalon cost?

>> No.3188549


This shitty ICO has dedicated paid biz shills, thats how you know its gonna suck ass.

>> No.3188556

.0035 per token according to Twitter

>> No.3188586

teamliquid coin?

>> No.3188599
File: 98 KB, 640x1026, IMG_0526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many AVA do I need to get a gf like this?

>> No.3188659

just get in early brah that's my strategy

>> No.3188660

Which currency?

>> No.3188737

100 in 2018 price

eth I reckon. 1.10usd per

>> No.3188754


I have slept with this woman in that bed. I can provide a name, facebook account and address.

>> No.3188776

She has good feet.

>> No.3188790

hold up, so that would be $1.10/.0035=$314.3. according to their website, they would use whatever the value of eth was 24 hours before the sale starts. the price of eth was $318 at the 24 hours remaining mark, yet they priced eth at $314.3 dollars. what gives?

>> No.3188837

is she for sale?

>> No.3188856

do you have a recommendation for the gas limit and gas price? i have no idea what to set those at

>> No.3188906


What exchanges will this ICO be dropping on? Can't seem to find it

>> No.3188940

What is "around 1.10"
What is fluctuation

ask in telegram, I'm curious myself

It's a US based company so they aren't allowed to officially state info about exchanges, but bittrex

>> No.3188947


Cheers mate

>> No.3188971

Heads up for those of you smart enough to listen:

This ICO is a pump and dump scheme lead by a shoddy team and carried by hype alone. Do you really trust a team that would pump their funds into a Hollywood style movie trailer? Is there really a need for a crypto discount deals secret club? Is this solving a legitimate problem?

No - its an absolute sham.

This isn't just my opinion, I'm in a Skype group with some big guys who have labeled this ICO as poison. Stay the fuck away or prepare your pink Wojaks.

>> No.3188991

It's almost as if some people recognize this as over marketed trash.

I can tell none of you read the whitepaper, go check out the 14 dumb ideas they want to roll into one on this project. It's groupon plus massdrop plus charities plus advocacy plus their own little cryptoboyz clubhouse. Why does this need a blockchain or token?

Protip: it doesn't and they're not going to build or do any of them well because they're doing a million things.

Like you said, no need to fud. It's an ico. But i won't leave my /biz/bros behind

>> No.3188993

You making the assumption that the trailer was expensive to make

Anyone with existing gear and an understanding of after effects could do that

>> No.3189003

Its almost as if youve got bags you dont want the attention drawn from

Chill out brother

>> No.3189008

You guys are are wasting your fucking money.
Be a leader, not a follower. Quit stevie wondering this shit and blindly following the masses,

>> No.3189009

Thats a small part of a much bigger problem. The entire mentality behind that trailer is poison and exactly what the crypto space needs less of: empty, bullshit hype that says nothing about the problem and proposed solution.

>> No.3189033

Its literally just marketing material and having that puts it above most crypto projects in actually promoting their project

Look at DGB and NEO
Both had a rebrand but one actually did it well whereas Jared from DGB stuck a sharpie up his ass. The marketing material isnt for you its to educe to businesses on the platform that theyre not going to be misrepresented

That said if you dont like the project dont buy

>> No.3189050

Oh I don't plan to. I'm just warning others who buy things blindly without actually looking into the project. Anyone who has done their homework knows that this is not a project with much potential for success.

Anyway, I'm out. I hope I'm wrong and you guys make some money from this.

>> No.3189059


I'd take a visual trailer over some slavs talking about "solutions needed from the beginning of time" (basically yelp) roleplaying as characters from Silicon

>> No.3189071

All the best with your picks bud best of luck to you too

>> No.3189100

Fuck you, shill. I don't have bags, because I don't buy dumb shit that an old man on Twitter liked.

Please identify yourself when posting your wojaks, and I will reward you with one more (you)

>> No.3189119
File: 216 KB, 1268x1280, 1503376637870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hostile

>> No.3189135

Dear /biz/,

I sense danger.

I want you guys to succeed as fellow pioneers of crypto and I want to try to talk some sense into all of you considering this coin, much like I hope someone would try to talk sense into me if I was considering a poor investment. You *might* make 2x ICO if you can dump it fast enough on an exchange but everyone else will be holding worthless bags. There are better places to put your money.

To those who choose to proceed anyway,
May the odds be ever in your favor.

>> No.3189944
File: 463 KB, 1850x980, Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 5.46.27 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its registered in the states so it really isnt possible for them to pull off a scam like foreign ICOs

danger is inherent in crypto but there's a fair bit of due diligence at play here