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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3182416 No.3182416 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3182421

lol i bought in last week, sold today, 50% gains, never buy when its already mooning mate.

>> No.3182431
File: 138 KB, 555x424, whatacunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did.

>> No.3182459

u got scammed by biz lol

>> No.3182464

I'm watching my money being vaporised in front of me but I don't want to stop it because I naively hope it will change, and also because being financially dominated somehow turns me on.

>> No.3182487

Holy shit HAHAHAHAHA maybe it'll be the first crypto to make it to the core of the earth!!!!

>> No.3182490
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>> No.3182491

And I'm not joking, I actually got a boner watching this.

>> No.3182496

well tomorrow they are gonna do their announcement so if you are a gambling man you could just hold until then and hope that it's gonna be big. because if it isnt you are fucked. I am glad I sold when I realised the tweet didnt move it much anymore and glad I got out early because I have no interest in holding XRP longterm right now.

I mean even if the announcement is shit and you become a bagholder it's still not that bad XRP is eventually gonna have big news and go back to those levels so nothing much is lost apart from time.

>> No.3182544

buy the dip, guaranteed this will go back up after the announcement, just be quick to sell as it always goes down soon after.

>> No.3182585

when is the announcement?


>> No.3182632

yes but if it is a full blown announcement or just the announcement of a conference (where they might do a big announcement) is up in the air.

initially most people thought it was a partnership with a korean bank because the shape kinda looks like korea. upon further investigation it might just be the shape of a folded out cube. Which also explains the "3 days of mind-blowing #content and #speakers" tweet because it's gonna be a conference in a likelyness.

How close we are to that conference is unknown, if they will do their big announcement there is unknown and if they might drop sth else is also unknown. but as of now I personally didnt feel comfortable taking that risk so I got out once I saw the 3rd tweet not moving the price much anymore.

>> No.3182679

Literally bought yesterday and I'm still above entry maybe don't buy the top next time faggot.

>> No.3182881
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>> No.3183038

Why the hell would you sell it after less than 24h? That is not a huge fluctuation in price.

>> No.3183111
File: 76 KB, 1508x186, mynamejed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jed still dumping his bags on you guys and tanking XRP on purpose?

>> No.3183282

hate to go all faggy here but love you /biz/

>> No.3183302

Ripple never dissapoints with how many bag holders it creates.
What a fucking shitcoin, already in red.

>> No.3183330
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I felt devastated when I sold at 6200 but now I can only laugh at you faggots who still keep holding