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3176517 No.3176517 [Reply] [Original]

I have 2k to spend on crypto.

Here are my requirements
> No blacks, south east asians, indians, middle easterns, slavs, Americans, Canadians, Brits, and Latinos on the team board (Only Russians, Northern Europeans, and East Asians)
> The total market cap has to be under 100 million
> Under 10 dollars

>> No.3176591

>allowing your racial sentiments to get in the way of monetary gainz
Not gonna make it.

>> No.3176600


>> No.3176608


>> No.3176628

Go all in on MAGA

>> No.3176634
File: 6 KB, 250x230, 1498480211647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Slavs, but Russians are okay.

>> No.3176698
File: 20 KB, 323x118, Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-23 um 03.15.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He obviously meant that he is okay with Tartars. American ignorance is off the charts. Unless it was bait.

>> No.3176732

dubdubs confirmed
get all in on niggercoinc

>> No.3176736

Goo all in dgb and im telling you so as an arian master race

>> No.3176755

How about you go open up a bait shop in some backwoods hick town instead?

>> No.3176761

I'm from southern Russia and look like a turkish roach. Russia is a large country geographically if you haven't noticed.

>> No.3176767

No leafs?
Vitalik is Russian-born Leaf raised and educated in Leafland, started ETH in Waterloo+Toronto

Literally all of Qtum started in Leafland until chinese investors persuaded them to move to China

There's more on the list but those are the leafs i'm invested in so far

>> No.3176778


Currently sitting at 24 cents a piece and about to break the F@H team record in about 8 days, which should push the price up.

Look into it at least.

>> No.3176788

I am white with black skin im telling you buy beancoins it will be worth 1k by the end of 2017

>> No.3177329

Buy some Bancor. Truly made by the WHUT MUSTARD RAYSSE.

Fucking nupol autists.

>> No.3177851

>Not gonna make it.
Exactly. OP will stay poor.

>> No.3177865

OP is such a fucking loser, I'm embarrassed for him

>> No.3177871

isnt bancor literally the jew company?

>> No.3177879


>> No.3177881

OMG is exactly what you want.

>> No.3178182

>Russia is a large country geographically if you haven't noticed.
How could anyone not notice unless they need glasses because of their shitty eyesight.

>> No.3178222

he's right tho

I only deal with japanese, chinese, and israelis - they're just better - would you seriously trust a company run by a nig?

>> No.3178357
File: 137 KB, 1000x500, 1499129925887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signatum gonna double here senpai

>> No.3178381

Racial sentiment seems to make sense though. Every coin that's made by a subhuman gook seems to have failed or was a scam

>> No.3178417

>No slavs


>> No.3178614

>hurrr we r all da same!!!




>> No.3178625

ignore this pajeet scamcoin run by Adam Guerbuez

>> No.3178644

>I can only think in polar opposites: the post
If you're not willing to make money off Chinks you're not gonna make it. Do you need a star wars or harry potter analogy to understand this?

>> No.3178652

yeah you definetly belong on reddit

>> No.3178668

Nigger you can't even read.

>> No.3178889

It depends on how long you want to HODL. i would say SONM is your best bet imo

>> No.3178901

correct, It is known as jewcoin.

>> No.3178920

>muh star wars n harry potter!!!!
yeah back to r3ddit kiddo

>> No.3178988

I think you're the one who needs to go back kiddo

>> No.3179107

Oh you're actually retarded

>> No.3179135


Racism has no place in investing, it belongs behind a wheel.

>> No.3179161



Thank me later.

>> No.3179181

NEO was made by a gook wasn't it?

>> No.3179193

> Strg+F Waves
Cyka blyat idi nahuy not one is shilling Waves.
Fucking gobniks.

Go all in on Waves!
Burger King just created a Whooper token on their chain for affiliat programm.

Hop on the train to infinity Vodka tovarishch!