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File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-the-dream-reveals-the-reality-which-conception-lags-behind-that-is-the-horror-of-life-the-terror-franz-kafka-329890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3175650 No.3175650 [Reply] [Original]


Supposedly odds of being below 40 and being rich are 1 in 55.

Is this because the task is excrutiatingly difficult? Laziness? Are many people actually, truthfully, 100 percent trying? Improper and ill advised ventures (failure)? Is there even a main ingredient (all of the above)?

>> No.3175669

A majority of people in the first world do not try. They do not like change so they work their shit office job till they retire and sit at home doing fuck all till they die.

Humans are lazy once they get comfortable

>> No.3175673


>> No.3175681

the jews use flouride and xenostrogens to make us lazy and stupid.

>> No.3175689

>people have to pay rent
>most people are wageslaves
>spend all your free time working to pay rent and bills
>if you're lucky, save 10% of it
>enough to maybe one day buy a shitbox and mortgage it for 30 years
>no money to launch businesses, if you miss too many days are wageslave job you get fired
>no place to live, can't pay bills, end up homeless
>drop out of society

most people in the world are barely hanging on, use this info to your advantage i guess

>> No.3175695

Reliable wealth takes a long time to build, anyone in finance can tell you that

>> No.3175699

Welp, lets hope this crypto shit works out

>> No.3175713

I would say fear is the leading factor followed by ignorance.
Most people are too risk adverse to invest in anything other than bluechips and many accept they will work until they die instead of looking for a way out.

>> No.3175762


"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with their song still unsung."

Not us.

>> No.3175764

Well said. I would also add

>most people lack ambition, creativity, passion
>most people arent very smart
>most people would choose the perceived "security" of a 9-5 versus doing their own thing
>most people live based on what they think they should be doing according to society.
>most people have given up on their dreams by 25
>Most people dont believe in themselves

Its funny because when i was younger i saw all the preppy/basic/douche people in HS as complete idiots and the people i liked were the weird quirky nerdy kids.

All the douchey upper middle class people ended up going to college and at least trying at life versus all the weird kids that are too afraid to do anything and ended up working at some shit retail job.

You're more likely to be rich if you come from money. Not just because the increased opportunities but because if you've had money you want to retain that standard of living.
The "Alpha" chad type at least believes in himself enough to bullshit himself to the top.

>> No.3175812
File: 55 KB, 624x1024, 1474049661069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're more likely to stay rich if you're already rich

it's easy to risk a shitload of money on a crazy business idea knowing that you will still have everything sorted and plenty of other opportunities later even if you fail. it's even easier when that wealth is inherited.

and if you're from families like that, you automatically have connections. you'll likely go to top-tier education, and gain even more connections from there.

a normie is going to have an extremely hard time breaking into those circles.

i could work a year and scrape every penny and have 10k saved, but that doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. if i put that into a business, i am most likely to fail, and it would be a far bigger impact on me than a wealthy 20 something college kid just "trying stuff out".

that seems to be my perception on how things work, it's not good or bad, it just is what it is. i think being born into the pleb serf classes and then swallowing all the propaganda about pursuit of wealth, it's all what you make it etc. is sad because you see it gives hope and then decimates it later on

basically money blackpills you

>> No.3175872

>most people arent very smart

There are dumb people who think they're actually smart and believe their intelligence can't be measured because they watched some movie or cartoon or play some video game then believe that they have untapped potential/power like those fictional characters.

>most people lack ambition, creativity, passion

Dumb people are more likely to think they have all of the above three.

>most people would choose the perceived "security" of a 9-5 versus doing their own thing

Most people don't have a choice. Not everyone has parents that support them financially to pursue their own dreams.

>Most people dont believe in themselves

I would say a lot of people believe in themselves, to the point where they're completely delusional of their own abilities.

>> No.3175922

everything you mention is obviously true. But what im getting at with
>You're more likely to be rich if you come from money. Not just because the increased opportunities

People who have had money REALLY like having money. They'll work harder and try harder then the average person to be successful

I had friends in college whose parents are successful accountants, lawyers or Doctors. They all grew up privileged in 500k-1M dollar homes

But none of them were filthy fucking rich. They went to a regular University, lived pretty modest/normal college lives. The difference is instead of choosing the fun meme degrees they woulda liked(which is what i did), they all went into Accounting, Law or STEM fields. They kinda know a certain path is laid out for them, so they just follow it.

I have another friend whos Dad is a top Advertiser guy in Brazil. He IS filthy fucking rich, had a shitload of connections etc.

The dude works hard trying to climb the ladder at an ad agency. Makes 100k right now and any extra job he gets offered like bartending and retarded shit like that, he'll take.

My point is, people who come from money try their hardest to keep having money.

>> No.3175957

Work ethic

And yes you're right. My theory on it is parents play a huge role, for example, I have a friend who has a somewhat successful father, and he forever lives trying to surpass him. It has fucked over his health but at least his job title and salary are higher than average for a 20 something year old lol.

>> No.3175967

We're on a board dedicated to crypto. Anyone who invested in ETH 6 months ago when it hit mainstream news and research made it obvious it was the next big thing would have gotten a 20x return on investment.
Say you put some of your savings you saved over years of wagecucking, 1 or 2 grands, that's a cool 20k to 40k falling on your lap (minus whatever taxes).
This was the most conservative and low effort option, available to everyone. Crypto is full of bigger moonshots. Yet go ahead and take a look at this thread painting a narrative of oppressed serfs unable to rise against an unforgiving environment.
The vast majority of the first world will never know hunger, thrist or homelessness. These things are mostly solved by the societies we live in. More importantly, we have access to the world's knowledge in our pocket. The potential for an individual to get rich is close to limitless these days. Most people will always choose to squander their opportunities and make up excuses for that,

>> No.3175975

>Most people don't have a choice. Not everyone has parents that support them financially to pursue their own dreams.
If you live in a first world country and dont have kids thats not really an excuse. It takes time and hard work but if you're not an idiot and you live in the US for example you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want.

Most people believe "i dont have a choice" which is believing you'll fail if you try to do something else. Im just going by the shit i see in my hometown in Florida. Its different in bigger more cutthroat cities. Most people i met in NYC were pretty driven, creative, passionate and had actual goals.