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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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317537 No.317537 [Reply] [Original]

Hey 4chan. What's your favorite economic system? I'm doing this for a school project. Thanks.

>> No.317572

Trust fund

>> No.317590


>> No.317591


market imho

>> No.317606


>> No.317619


>> No.317634


>> No.317641


>> No.317685
File: 176 KB, 1200x1050, url67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State Capitalism

Though people keep saying China has to collapse one of these days. They keep praying and praying, because God wouldn't allow such a horrid mockery of the free market capitalist system to work.

>> No.317701

Market capitalism. No other system has been consistently successful thus far.

>> No.317718


Technically it has been varying shades of state capitalism for since the 1930's.

I mean there was the whole WWII 2 thing.

Sure the US doesn't have state owned corporations like in China, but they bail out companies and manipulate interest rates for the benefit of its corporations.

But then again its still sort of market capitalism. Just not free market capitalism.

>> No.317725


Since when it shitposting on /biz/ a valid school project?

>> No.318077


>> No.318094
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>> No.318135


>> No.318144
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>> No.318181

all I know is that the free market is completely retarded and anyone who mentions it as a good thing is retarded to me

>> No.318186

Soziale Marktwirtschaft
because it's rational

>> No.318191

I love how people think that free market capitalism, at least in the microeconomic tradition is some kind of outlier.

Mainstream economics and mainstream economists are overwhelmingly pro-free market. It's people like you, who would condemn doctors for believing in germ theory instead of miasma that will doom this world.

>> No.318194


>> No.318197

Shouldn't you be off eating shit and disregarding basic hygiene because "hurr durr germ theory is for returds"

>> No.318201

wow, your retardness keeps increasing

>> No.318203

I'm sorry I can't understand what you are saying due to the large amounts of shit dripping off your lips

>> No.318206

at least I'm not a retard who thinks the free market is something good in any sense

>> No.318208

Free markets improve the quality of living substantially from every empirical standpoint. trying to post hurr durr free market bad without making any argument is like trying to justify why gravity isn't real without an argument. The burden of proof falls on you.

>> No.318209

according to the free market, you don't need regulations
so according to that, I can sell poison
and kill 10,000 people
but oh boy, the free market will make sure I don't sell anything anymore! so the free market works!

>> No.318215

Why would anyone buy poison you retard? The free market just means that government intervention and regulation is minimized. Not only that, but if you did sell poison you would be liable for fraud and prosecuted, much in the same way you would be with regulation.

>> No.318221

because without the regulation, I say that this poison is a miraculous juice that will make you thin and handsome and rich.
easily more than 10,000 retard americans would buy that
no one can stop me, until after I have sold them

unless there is regulation, who can test for poison in the juice and make sure that consumers are not killed by the free market

regulation saves lives, free market kills people

>> No.318222

>government intervention and regulation is minimized
so that plant with chemicals that blew up in some place recently, and poluted the river (only drinkable water for a small town)
is ok?
the industry regulates itself!
no, it doesn't
the industry doesn't care about the people, only profits.

>> No.318224

But then you would be liable to prosecuted for fraud and conspiring to commit murder. You would still go to jail. The before and after part is not relevant. Odds are you wouldn't sell 10,000 you fucking retard. You would probably sell less than a hundred.

And even now, we're talking about theoretical losses from some idiotic fantasy, while RIGHT NOW, the FDA has certain beta-blockers on their banned list that approved in virtually every other first world country. Estimates say that if those same Beta blockers were available in the USA, they would actually save 10s of thousands of lives.

So here we have a choice, do we de-regulate and save lives right now. Or keep this regulation in hopes that someone doesn't somehow manage to create a fast acting poison that they suddenly use along with a fully functional and capable firm to try and sell for no other reason than to kill people and knowing full well that they will go to jail and make no money. Oh, by the way, regulation is not constant, someone could easily do exactly what you're describing after they check product. Ever hear of the cyanide in Tylenol incident? That was fucking tylenol and it didn't kill 10000 people.

So, here we have 10s of thousands of real lives that would be saved if we de-regulated tomorrow, and some possible lives that may or may not be injured by a man that sounds about as plausible as Santa Claus.

And I'm the retard?

>> No.318225

Not Ok, there's also a free market solution to that. Define polluting the towns as an act of corporate aggression and allow for a class action lawsuit. Literally a theory that's older than you.

>> No.318226

>The before and after part is not relevant
> tell that to the dead people
this is where we apparently won't agree
to me, the fact that a corporation was able to sell poison to people without having any sort of checks is bad enough to not accept it.

> Odds are you wouldn't sell 10,000
Really? this was just an example, you know, not with real data, imagine a big company that uses led for something because it's cheaper. Oh wait, you would be dying now if there wasn't any led regulation and anyone could do whatever the fuck they wanted.

what you are arguing it some failure in the regulation, which I am not aware about. But then the problem is with the FDA for being retarded/corrupt
but the system of "let everyone do what they want, if they suck, they will sell less" is completely stupid.

>> No.318237

>wanting the government to have the power to tell business where they can and can't store their chemicals

Slow down there comrade, this isn't the USSR.

Seriously, why do lil' libbies think they're entitled to clean drinking water? If you don't like what's in your local tap water, then either clean it yourself or move somewhere where the water is clean.

>> No.318238

jesus christ dude. why do you assume that people would automatically act like retards the moment government doesn't tell them not to? Seriously, I bet you think drug addiction would sky-rocket if drugs were legal.

>imagine a big company uses led because it's cheaper
Why would a big company use led, why would the purposefully kill of their own clients? Why would a store stock its shelves with poison? Are you saying that they lied about it? Well if they lied to everyone else, not only is it illegal but they could very well lie to a regulator as well. You seem to have this conception that regulation is a guy sticking his finger in every batch of medicine. It's generally a one time deal, where if you are approved by a regulator, you continue to operate. Under virtually every one of these circumstances you are talking about things that could sneak past regulation anyway.

>Some failure in regulation which I am not aware of
Regulation is built on corruption, the origin of licensure for doctors? Corruption in the AMA. FDA? Corruption. SEC? Corruption. Regulation and corruption can be used interchangeably. Those beta-blockers I mentioned? Just the start. Germany has access to drugs that can virtually eliminate heroin addiction, fucking Mexico had access to prescription drugs for HIV long before they were legal in the US. The price of that? Thousands of dead in the first few years of AIDS.

And for what. So you can feel safe from this fantasy where everyone acts like an idiot and nobody does anything even remotely in their own interest. And on top of all that shit, it isn't even something that regulation will necessarily fix? Are you fucking retarded? Do you not see how dumb this is?

Your argument is so devoid of any kind of thought that I struggle to conceive the methods by which you keep yourself breathing.

>> No.318239

fuck off shill.

>> No.318240

>Why would a big company use led
sorry but I stopped reading there
my talk with you is over, maybe someone else can take over me and teach you some history

> why would a company use asbestos?
you win, ok? you win, I don't live in america so I don't care if you all die there, so yeah, go die from asbestos and led poisoning and shit, because you want to suck big corporation dicks because you like the taste of your shit

>> No.318241

I don't live in America either fuckwad. Do you wanna know which countries have free markets? Chile, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Hong Kong, Switzerland.

Notice anything about these countries? They're a lot nice than whatever shithole you're posting from.

>> No.318243

This is how you know you've lost an argument. When you literally cannot post a counter-argument.

>> No.318246


>> No.318334

Eh, no. None of those countries have "free markets", there are loads of regulations in atleast Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland. Hong Kong might be the freest of them all.

The governments of these nations still function as guarantors in big business deals and they give out loads of financial support to big companies while fucking over the smaller ones who are trying to enter the market.

You are a clueless fuck.

>> No.320112


I know this will never happen in my lifetime though. So I tend to favor right-wing conservatives.

>> No.320113

small scale communism

>> No.320121
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aka Niggerism

>> No.320150


It's not very good at competing with other economic systems, because it's very slow growing, but in isolation it's the best system. Very stable and consistent.