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3171246 No.3171246 [Reply] [Original]

I was trying to drive the price of OMG down earlier by dispelling the Apple rumor.

I've been spreading this FUD all day and it hasn't had any effect.

It seems OMG will shoot to $10.55 over the next day and nobody can stop it from happening.

Just to clarify, the Apple rumor is still in play. What I was talking about isn't really relevant.

>> No.3171268


>> No.3171280

your attempt to subtle shill OMG has failed too, just sold 100k

>> No.3171287

I always fud the coins that I hold, don't really know why.

>> No.3171302

shits not gonna see 200k sats unless some big news arrive, so dream on buddy

>> No.3171319

Oh you idiot.

Apple just released the facial recognition news.

Omise will release the news by 10am chink time.

>> No.3171324

I'm butthurt that I have a car payment coming up and won't have that much left to buy into omisego more before the august news happens. I can get in more before September news though hopefully. I've been dumping every cent in besides what I need for gas/bills/food

>> No.3171358

Apple using facial recognition doesn't mean shit yet unless they announced they partnered up or something.

Honestly best bet is omisego is the one of the first 3rd party apps to use their hardware. Either way once transactions start going through omisego on a mass scale like they will shits going to pluto so hard apple news won't matter

>> No.3172150

I bought 100 at 210k

I'm not worried terribly, it's a long term hodl but FUCK I wish I had waited a day so I could ride these waves.

>> No.3172190

bought at 195k and now again

>> No.3172192

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.3172258

It's called shitposting anon. Most addictive substance known to man.

>> No.3172320
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>Most addictive substance known to man

shitposting is more destructive to my life than drugs alcohol video games and masturbation combined

>> No.3172355
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anti fud fud is the oldest jew trick.

>> No.3172389

no that's anti-anti-fud

>> No.3172479

Thats just fud you retard

>> No.3172641

if that's just fud then what is anti fud fud?>>3172355

>> No.3172698
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>> No.3172721

i believe it will be big news
or do you really think they just want attention? if they wouldnt come out with anything exciting why would they say so?
i am in with 6btc.