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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3170960 No.3170960 [Reply] [Original]

White paper

Quick rundown on ARK
>released on 21st of March this year
>slow steady climb, virtually no major dips
>largely ignored by /biz/
>ARK continues its ascent
>Uncle Chang and Moon Man found the highly successful biz_classic delegate, grouping together millions of $ worth of ARK from /biz/ making it /our/ coin

How is ARK different from all the vaporware coins?
>Smartbridge technology will LINK TOGETHER blockchains, allowing them to communicate with each other
>Smartbridge tech has recently been tested and executed an Ethereum smart contract successfully
>IPFS technology is being developed by ARK
>IPFS will be the successor to HTTPS
>IPFS is a peer-to-peer data storage protocol that will decentralize the way we exchange data, much like cryptocurrency decentralizes the exchange of money
>ARK lead dev and founder Francois Xavier is a renowned software developer that has created oceanographic SatNav software for the European Union and NATO.
>ARK team has actively been networking and supporting other teams through the hosting of many new ICO AMA's on their popular slack channel (Aragon, Mysterium, Navcoin to name a few)

Why should I buy it?
>it has a relatively low marketcap/total supply ratio
>total supply is around 97 million ARKs, which is relatively low compared to the rest of the markets
>the price of an ARK, when the above is considered, is very low
>this coin has been VERY stable, steadily increasing and finding a new floor with each pump, while the market has had bull/bear pumps and dips. ARK has yet to have its upward correction
>just look at the daily/long-term charts, it is on the cusp of a huge uptick

Come sail the ARK my brothers and sisters. It is time to choose the coin that takes us to greatness. This is the one.

>> No.3170981

>largely ignored by /biz/

Cmon I love ark but how the hell can you say that, we have like 20 threads a day and our own delegate for over 2 months now

>> No.3170989

I'll buy when it hits $1.30 in a a few days when the hype has died off a bit

>> No.3171116

Concur on this, only because /biz/ collectively has about $3M in ARK

Threads will be popping out by the dozen when the real moon mission starts

>> No.3171759


Even with all the accomplishments of biz_classic I still say that ARK doesn't get the attention it deserves. ARK threads mostly get slid, and only after this last pump did people really start paying attention (ie more than 2 threads a day)

Meanwhile, take a look at coins like DGB and XRP and NEO and etc. They get dozens of threads a day, not to mention whatever new trendy vaporware coins are topping the volume charts atm.

Maybe I exaggerate. But I just don't see it. I create MOST of the ARK threads and when I stop, they just don't get created. DAYS without ANY ARK threads have gone by when I haven't posted any.

Not trying to say I'm the only one, but there are probably only a handful of us.

>> No.3171794

>Even with all the accomplishments of biz_classic I still say that ARK doesn't get the attention it deserves. ARK threads mostly get slid, and only after this last pump did people really start paying attention (ie more than 2 threads a day)
Many ppl think its a meme, the meme was born during a huge pnd in june which created several '''bagholders'''

>> No.3171829

HODLING until $10

>> No.3172345


So I have 100 something ARK... How do I get them dividends?

>> No.3172534

>only $10
Enjoy your minimal gains

>> No.3172809

Download the ark wallet, add the delegate biz_classic and vote.

>> No.3172912

So how do these dividends work

>> No.3172956

If you vote for biz classic, you can register your wallet on classicdelegate.biz and adjust your payout to either daily, weekly or monthly from your next payout date. The ark is then sent to your wallet whenever your next payout date is

>> No.3172964

First, you "vote" for a delegate, the cost is 1 Ark. With this act, you're staking your Ark to support that delegate. (The coins are still yours, but the amount you have matters).

A delegate is someone who mines the coin and keeps the chain working. The 51 delegate with more votes get to work and generate coins. They decide how they split the gains with their voters, but long story short, voters with more Ark get more Ark back for staking.

That's pretty much it. Make sure to join biz_classic.


As a poorfag, any Ark donation is appreciated.


>> No.3173011

Does it make any difference how much you get from biz_classic between setting it to daily/weekly/monthly? If not why would you not set it to daily?

>> No.3173048

Oh alright thanks for the info. How much is the payout usually?

>> No.3173049

The thing is theres a 0.1 Ark fee for transactions. So, a daily setting would end up consuming your profits.

>> No.3173058

each payment costs 0.1 ark, so weekly saves you 0.6 ark each week

>> No.3173136

Can I get a quick rundown on the fintech thing from today?

>> No.3173157

Speaker wasn't the best.
Said pretty much everything we already knew.
Promised "great news" in 2-3 weeks.

That's it.

>> No.3173161

It was basically stuff we already knew; what the coin does, what purpose it serves, it's potential...

Hinted at that a few features were finished and that we might seem the implemented soon

>> No.3173198

Sounds like good exposure at the very least.

>> No.3173211
File: 15 KB, 153x222, ChinSong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to be retarded to invest in this shitcoin. Look at the dev team, literally a bunch of braindead kids.

>Lars is the head of our financial department with background in the construction management, where he was cost estimator.

>Chin is an Entrepreneur living in Northern California. Careers include an Online Medical Cannabis delivery service owner, Restaurant owner, 4 Years in the United States Marine Corps and 6 years in the United States Army providing Communications, Planning and Execution for top echelon exercises and operations. He has a wide range of interests from 90s Alternative music to Virtual/Mixed Reality future interactive systems and is always willing to be a helpful force within the community. Semper Fidelis.

>> No.3173214
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>> No.3173225
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>Travis is a crypto currency investor/trader/miner/podcast producer/website operator and all around crypto enthusiast. He has been involved in Bitcoin mining and trading since summer of 2013. Shortly after getting involved in crypto he built dontmine.com. It’s purpose was to help new people find bitcoin and spread awareness of bitcoin to the masses. While being a producer for a blockchain podcast, he helped produce podcast interviews for some well known figures in the crypto world, including Paul Snow of Factom and Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum. His day job consists of leading and managing large heavy metal manufacturing operations in the steel industry as a subsidiary of Metso Minerals.




>> No.3173261

Why do you spend so much time fudding one coin?

>> No.3173286
File: 159 KB, 563x490, IMG_22082017_234429_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying, I'm not going to invest my money when one of its main developers looks like this and thinks a career in 'ONLINE MEDICAL CANNABIS DELIVERY SERVICE OWNER' is appropriate.

>> No.3173311

they aren't even developers, they are business owners.

What about online medical cannabis delivery strikes you as inappropriate? Sounds like a booming business, given USA's recent legalization efforts.

Besides, just so you know, the main devs of ark were the creators of crypti, and lisk is a fork of crypti. Ark got better devs than lisk, look where lisk is now. That's where ark is going, and beyond.

>> No.3173327

lol the attempted fud by educating us on the team members just had the exact opposite effect. 10 year logistics vet, a forward thinking chink, and a steel industry guy are something I would generally trust especially since they have a working product (this is better than 90% of alts can say).

actually pretty comfy with this coin.

>> No.3173330

HURR WEED DUUDE, yeah what a great business owner

>> No.3173342

Salty about missing your rebuy much?

>> No.3173347
File: 239 KB, 750x1334, 30 - pC9Uz8p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I did all the instructions and added myself in.

What now? Does the amount of Ark I have in this wallet increase daily? And by how much?

>> No.3173348

i actually lol'd

>> No.3173351


>Lars is the head of our financial department with background in the construction management, where he was cost estimator.

Head of the financial department's only relevant work experience was a "COST ESTIMATOR" for a construction company. NICE MAN, YOU'RE INVESTING YOUR MONEY INTO SOMEONE WHO WAS A 'COST ESTIMATOR' LOOOOOOOOL

>> No.3173359

1000 ark in wallet gets you ~2 ark per week.

>> No.3173360

Let me guess, you never had a real job or worked in a business before.

>> No.3173365

medically speaking it's kicking in the door of traditional pharma. like it or not it's gaining a huge acceptance in the healthcare industry which is an absolute Cash cow esp in the states. one of the only things that makes me think potcoin and associated acts could have a potential worth.

>> No.3173385

Imagine being down so much money on a shitcoin that you get deluded into thinking that their dev team has ANY potential. Keep holding, you'll regret it soon enough

>> No.3173391
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I have 2370.

So if I'm being paid out daily automatically, I should be getting... 0.68 Ark a day?

>> No.3173405

>t. never dealt with supply houses

if you had any idea what you were talking about you wouldnt be typing this garbage.

>> No.3173423

Minus transfer fees, you're better off going monthly

>> No.3173444
File: 179 KB, 1041x749, 03 - SFQiyRc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transfer fees are what, 0.1 Ark?

How do I change it to monthly?

>> No.3173459

I've been holding since 10k sats, I'm way in the green and you're not the first deluded fud spewer we had in the ark threads. So far every fud has been proven wrong and my gains speak for themselves.

>> No.3173478
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Will ARK support subchains for greater scalability?
Are subchains and sidechains the same?

>> No.3173496
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>> No.3173567

Did you just not read the thread?

>> No.3173577

This isn't anything close to Digibyte-powerpoint-presentation tier and you know it

>> No.3173589

I work in an architecture office, estimating is a really fucking important part of construction.

>> No.3173850

K, I did it.

>> No.3173882

Dope ass table wrap

>> No.3174439

I used to hold 5k+ Ark. At some point, I realized that the project is a pipe dream and a scam. There is no point to this project. It's like: "Well, we can't figure out a good idea by ourselves, let's just try to link up every other good idea!"

That is why this coin will fail. It's a way to delude normies with no technological knowledge or background into thinking it's shiny or cool - "This will be the one crypto to reign over all other cryptos!" It's pure delusion.

I am honestly shocked that this coin has anything near a $100m+ market cap. And I say this as someone that used to be seriously big ark holder like you guys. I am literally not even trying to be mean, I'm trying to help you guys move your money into a more serious coin.

I moved almost all of my Ark into Monero last month because:
1. It's a serious project.
2. No dev premine.
3. It solves a problem: privacy.
4. It has an actual use case.

Can you say the same about Ark? That's how you know it is a scam project. I'm sorry guys, but someone will be left holding the Ark bags. Hope it isn't you.

>> No.3174592

> he sold his ARK too early and can't get back in.

I would say I feel sorry for you, but you're a sinner who deserves his punishment

>> No.3174616

You don't have to feel sorry for me friend. I went all in on XMR at $40 USD. And I know it's going to be the next big thing. Much bigger potential for extreme gains over time compared to the scam coin that is ark. Your fate is controlled by pot heads and low IQ retards. Do you really trust them?

>> No.3174629

I trust what they say more than someone who bought XMR when it was already $40 and the only reason it's up right now is because it's being used for money laundering. Can't wait until XMR dips again and you realize how stupid you are.

>> No.3174638

>this is what arkies actually think
/biz/, this is the thought process of your average arkie. Remember this when making a trading decision involving this coin.

>> No.3174641

these bag holders are almost as bad as sigtholders.

Congrats on the monero gains bro.

>> No.3174649

Yes, I would feel sorry for them if I didn't loathe them for their stupidity.

>> No.3174652

>he thinks XMR has a use other than Drug Cartels and Money Laundering
>he thinks ARK has no use

holy lord I thought you were better than this

>> No.3174694

When you want to calculate just how stupid some people are, just go look at Ark's market cap. People really believe they should invest in Ark!

This is why IQ eugenics should be instituted.

>> No.3174721
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>this definitely isn't just some random pump from tax dodgers trying to get away from the IRS
>it has a future
>slow transaction times don't mean anything pal
hey man have fun with this glorified shitcoin.

>> No.3174740

>stays at the same price for days
God, arkies are more retarded than I thought.

>> No.3174760

>he probably bought DGB too

lmao when ARK is worth more than ETH I'll make sure to give you some in exchange for a sharpie pic

>> No.3174773

>more than eth
How can you keep displaying your stupidity over and over again like this? Are you really this retarded? What did you get on your standardized tests?

This has to be a joke.

>> No.3174789

>he's trying so hard to FUD ARK

why are you still here? You know how I know you're a retard? You're replying to people in a thread for a coin that you supposedly hate. I already know anything you say is bullshit

>> No.3174808

I came here to laugh at delusional arkies. And trust me, you've given me what I wanted. Thanks, arkie.

>> No.3174832

>haha I'm here to laugh at other investments
>haha I am definitely NOT an idiot for selling my ark early

wew your mental gymnastics to make yourself feel smart are impressive.

>> No.3174850

Meh. You look like an autist wasting his time and the thread. So good job I guess.

>> No.3174861

I am literally crying laughing that arkies are so deluded and self righteous about their coin that they feel like it needs a general. I mean, how much stupider could a bunch of people be? Lmfao

>> No.3174871

You are horrible at FUD man. Just accept you sold too early and buy back in so you don't miss the moon to $10 and beyond

>> No.3174879

>says Ark is a scam
>uses Monero as an example of a non-scam
>Monero, the coin who lied about being partnered with Visa and was threatened with a lawsuit if they didn't remove all Visa imagery from their site
Post proof that you had 5k+ Ark.

>> No.3174903

>at the end of the conversation, he tells me to buy ark.
This is how delusional arkies are. All they can do is repeat "buy ark! buy ark! buy ark! who cares about the technology and feasibility, we're going to the moon!"

>he thinks monero is a scam
Arkies are retarded. It is now solidified in my mind. I still have the seed to my wallet but I don't feel like downloading that shitware wallet. So no, I won't give you proof.

>> No.3174946

Post your bittrex transactions for Ark, dummy. Also are you really going to pretend like the Visa stuff with Monero isn't a red flag?

>> No.3174965

Go fuck yourself, Arkie. You aren't worth my time.

>> No.3174987

Another failed FUD. Kill yourself my man

>> No.3174990

Apparently Ark is worth your time since you FUD it so much

>> No.3174997

Haha, I got the Arkies pissed and had a great laugh from it to. Arkies are like that kid everyone made fun of in high school. It's so fucking easy and just makes you feel so good about yourself to see them struggling helplessly to make a buck with their scamcoin.

>> No.3175031

Your show is pathetic, MaLISKie

>> No.3175037

does this only work with a specific Ark wallet? or could i just connect my Bittrex wallet?

>> No.3175045

Ahahahahahaha! Another one comes! One more Arkie for the burning fire pit! This is my new favorite past time. Shitting on Arkies for their stupidity and delusion.

>> No.3175048
File: 14 KB, 112x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only here who thinks Malarkie is one of us LARPing as a fudder to keep the thread bumped by baiting people? Might also pull some people over to buy as some sort of weird reverse psychology thing.

>> No.3175061

I'm not Malarkie you dumb chink. I'm just one of the many people on the board that agrees with his sentiment. After all, someone has to keep the arkies in their place while he's not around.

>> No.3175154

You are a fucking idiot. Weed is a business, and high inhib, limp wristed, straight faggots like you, weighed down by your scruples as you are, scorn many opportunities when you could be exploiting them. You harm only yourself with your disdain.

>> No.3175161

most likely. idk - always gotta be wary of /biz/ psyops.

>> No.3175176

The only psyops here is the ark marketing team and their delusional followers making generals to market this worthless scamcoin run by a pothead. Buyers beware.

>> No.3175198

You're so autistic that you can't hide the fact that you're our court jester Malarkie, even when you're LARPing as a new character.

Is it really that fucking hard for you not to type like a basement dwelling neckbeard?

>> No.3175212

Ahahahaha, here comes another Arkie, ready for his spanking. After I spank you, will be be a good boy and hush up, little Arkie? I've already given out 4 of these today.

>> No.3175320
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>Tfw I've already over tripled my initial investment with Ark

Meanwhile you're sitting on the sidelines salty as fuck because you sold too early. Do what you gotta do to cope though.

>> No.3175347

That's even better. When ark hits 50 cents your salt is gonna taste better than the salt im getting in this thread. Im about to orgasm just thinking about it.

>> No.3175415
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Well considering the fact that I bought a majority of my stack for 50 cents or less, I'll still be comfy af.

>> No.3175478

Lol don't even waste your time, this guy's delusional. The 4 spanks he's given out today were probably forced out of him by his gay fat sex master whipping him into submission.

>> No.3175887

shill absolutely owned

>> No.3176376

Ark is down. Should I buy?

>> No.3176450


>> No.3176468

I wish I could invest in cringe.

>> No.3176545


>> No.3176581

I've done it. I hope it doesn't shit the bed.

>> No.3177081

You'll be fine, if you got in under 42k you'll enjoy nice profits in two weeks time. If you got in under 41k, then you're laughing

>> No.3177116

bought at 40.6k

>> No.3177118

>Smartbridge technology
AKA 64 character string

>> No.3177406

how dar eyou?

>> No.3177818

ARK Keynote at Fintech Week New York 2017 (Tuesday)

>> No.3177887

I've seen screenshots from the discord circlejerk you partake in

>> No.3177891

you son of fuck... you have any idea how angry you just make me

>> No.3177914

I don't have a discord account hunny bunny

>> No.3178079

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $1.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $1 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all ARKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex.

The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in ARK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels.

From that day forward the deluded Arkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

Deluded ARKies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto.

I warned you ARKies. There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be an ARKie.

>> No.3178104


>> No.3178105

>The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10
I'd buy some at that price point desu senpai

>> No.3178114

Jokes on you I'm unemployed and all in ARK

>> No.3178126

holy shit you're right!! gonna sell everything I have before it all goes down the shitter. Thanks for saving my skin!!!

>> No.3178195

Is this a pasta? This is pretty good—I think this should be a pasta.

>> No.3178239

i hold ark but god damn did tht travis guy blow it on the presentation. He totally buried the lede. The lede is "ARK CONNECTS BLOCKCHAINS. THIS IS INCREDIBLY USEFUL AND WILL REVOLUTIONIZE CRYPTO." Instead this mumbling mongoloid blabbed on about POS and a bunch of other bullshit that is not the core mission. What a numb nuts. Is he the best speaker they have? If so they should hire someone to speak for them because he's trash.

>> No.3178252

depends how much they have in it... that'd still be at least a 5x

>> No.3178298


>> No.3178434

You're dreaming, hold for a month. Stake your coin and got for biz classic. You're gonna go far kid

>> No.3178459

arkkiddos are getting increasingly annoying

no wonder the chink from biz classic unloaded his bags

>> No.3178654

This sounds sarcastic. Is it sarcastic? I think I'm on the spectrum.

>> No.3178745

Mike is the best speaker they have. I really don't understand why they didn't have him do the talking. If you need to be convinced that the project is legit, he has some fantastic interviews on YouTube. Travis should stick to working behind the scenes.

>> No.3178761

its just another altcoin cult following

>> No.3178779

Absolutely cringeworthy. You have nothing to back up your claims.

>> No.3178909

This will be the official /biz/ pasta when ARK is $100+

>> No.3179057

They're gonna have another shot at it on Thursday I think

>> No.3179064

How do I fucking stake my ark? I'd like to vote for biz delegate. Spell it out for me.

>> No.3179087

you missed the boat

now its no longer 100% sharing, look at all the pools now.

>> No.3179225
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>too brain dead to know cannabis is an industry

How do you carry on knowing your life is so pointless?

>> No.3179270


That's not true but also not what I was asking. How the fuck do I even do it?

>> No.3179278

yes yesterday was the last day you could get full 100% sharing from the biz pool

you missed the boat kid

>> No.3179296


the absolute state of arkies, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3179339

So what was Vitalik known for before Eth?

Oh, he was a blogger/writer for Bitcoin Magazine and other crypto-related bullshit?

Hmmmmmmm, really activates my almonds, really knocks the noggin', really sparks my synapses, really stakes my Ark. Sure am glad I have you telling me how to invest my money!

Pure. Genius.

>> No.3179397

Do you realize what an important job cost estimating is for construction companies?

Seriously, a cost estimator is a key part of ensuring projects come in on time and on budget; they're equal parts project manager, financial analyst, and managerial accountant. This is exactly the type of skill set I'd want in an employee working as my "finance guy" if I were planning a start-up. They're going to know how to get the most bang-for-buck in purchasing, they're going to be able to manage cost projections/over-run/budgeting, and they're going to know enough about project management to identify critical path items that need to be sourced in order to keep projects on timeline.

This is some seriously garbage FUD.

>> No.3179426

Anyone who hasn't doubled their money at this point is late to the party. Most of us have been holding since 20k sats, since this has been shilled on here since easily April.

I personally have 16,500 at an average buy of ~25k sats.

>> No.3179493

I'm not sure what you mean by this. I've never heard the term, I'm not familiar with how subchains differ from sidechains.

Yes, ARK supports sidechains and part of their roadmap is to allow for easy creation of sidechains that will allow the platform to scale without bloating the main blockchain.

>> No.3179505

He's fucking smart but can't present, which is common among CS people

Just put Francois up there and Ark is fine

>> No.3179526

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3179572

actually today seems to be the last day

so make your vote now if you want to be grandfathered in to full sharing


>> No.3179637

Shhh, these people hate money.

>> No.3179764

Thanks for the heads up anon

>> No.3179853


Wrong. August 23 is the cutoff, Beavis.

>> No.3179859


>> No.3180028

I'm trying to vote... is my passphrase my wallet address??

>> No.3180085
File: 43 KB, 479x415, IMG_5702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, your pass phrase is the 12 word phrase you better hope you wrote down. Put a space between each word.

>> No.3180219

Yeah ended up working it out, when I wrote it down I just had it called "seed" so thought I may have had another passphrase that I was given that I had written somewhere else..... was a bit worried for a sec.

Anyway, since I'm pretty new to crypto (only just over a week) I only had 50 ark which said it represented only 0.003% "voting percentage"..... does this mean my stake is too small to receive any dividends??

>> No.3180349

Today is the last day of the "promotional period" during which your gains won't be taxed. The only people grandfathered in will be the ones who voted before biz_classic began forging. At this point it doesn't matter if you got in two months ago or tomorrow.

>> No.3180399

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.3180441

Sweet just bought 100k

>> No.3180456

Feels so comfy to be grandfathered on biz classic.

>> No.3180560

Nobody that's actually grandfathered in is over the voting average, you poor cunts get tax free payouts anyway

>> No.3180609

That's nice, bud, the rest of are sitting here on 10x NEO gains.

>> No.3180661

Was it just pumped or something? The price jumped and then fell back to roughly where it was this morning.