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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 421 KB, 736x1160, sxTpuwW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3169489 No.3169489 [Reply] [Original]

Ok anons my bags are full so I can shill it here. I am the anon who told you to buy dnt at 700sat.

XTD is coin that not even have bitcointalk theard yet. This friday they will publish wallet, website,coinmarketcap and craptopia listing.
800mln supply, POS with masternodes and fucking 10sat now.
It will be not so hard to go on 150sat level for this

remember to buy small amounts to not affect the price during accumulating

>> No.3169781
File: 225 KB, 680x627, NvodeMx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3169854

mother fucker i posted this thread earlier and specifically told biz that i would only post this once because i dont want to look like a shill. the plan is to accumulate now while its low, let it grow naturally, wait until it pops too 100-200 on cryptopia and then post screenshots of all the naysayers and typing "told you so", "its not to late to get in" etc driving the price even further and then dumping your bags on the new kids so they can go on and post pink wojaks. and what do you do?!?! you take my advice and buy this shit while its low, and you cant even hold it for a day before you start shilling this shit! delete this fucking thread! you make me look like im bagholding this!! smart money is already on the way, let it grow naturally!

>> No.3169907

I think my little cousin can design a better logo than that. lol.

>> No.3169911

how to delete it?

>> No.3169937

post a picture of you with a sharpie up ur ass and type "delete" in the name and options field

>> No.3169960

THIS. I don't invest in things that look like absolute shit. If these guys don't know about the importance of branding they're not gonna make it anyways. This is fucked.

>> No.3170020



>> No.3170099

>bought at 10 sats
>its now 11 sats

>> No.3170245

Only question that matters, can you mine it right now?