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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3167181 No.3167181 [Reply] [Original]

>being a bitcoin core shill
>not buying bitcoin cash

your shitty corecoin is collapsing on itself. Now is the time to repent and ask forgiveness for the lies you have spread for two years.

>> No.3168241

moooooar shilling.. are your shitbags gettin heavy?

>> No.3168318

You got p&d by Koreans. lol

>> No.3168372

I didn't get fucked at all. All I knew was that core shills were spouting bullshit. I held both my coins. I'm tens of thousands richer for it.

>> No.3168400

Then why make this thread? Oh because that isn't true and you bought the ath like a retard.

>> No.3168443

I made the thread because core and their shills have been shitting up the entire coinspace for years now with FUD and outright lies.

You've been wrong on pretty much everything. You should stop talking and learn about cryptos.

>> No.3168455

BTC refuses to go under...it's been hovering on the edge of $4k for the longest time

even with all this FUD

>> No.3168473
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>Some people legitimately believe segwit will fix anything

Bitcoin is dead. Time to move on

>> No.3168479

November is coming and Core is starting to go full retard with legal threats.

And Cash is still growing. I thought it was going to be literally pennies?

>> No.3168488

Nice, just sold all my BTC

>> No.3168516

unfortunately I still hold btc because my job uses it for transactions. but bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin and people will find out soon enough.

>> No.3168571

BTC is the only valid coin. BCH is shitcoin.

>> No.3168585

Your job FBI infiltrant on the darkweb? lol

>> No.3168618
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Oh man I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was talking to a crypto genius that buys the ath and then shills his bags on 4chan of all places. Please give me some pointers! Hahaha enjoy those Korean bags Butch boy. Even jihan wants this thing to burn. Now hold those bags like the good little cuck you are.

>> No.3168666

Why are you so angry? Can't believe that someone would choose to not sell their new coins?

I couldn't even be a bagholder if cash went to a penny, faggot. Deal with it. Your advice is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.3168750

I should feel bad for not being such a desperate little cuck shilling my bags? lol if you had both you wouldn't be here desperately shilling your bags because you'd be safe either way and the only person here who is angry is the guy getting called out for being a shill spreading fud. If you were so good at this you wouldn't be this desperate. I think you need to git gud my friend.

>> No.3168771

Denial, the post.

>> No.3168777

>thinks darkweb uses bitcoin still

>> No.3168808

Protip for newfags: the people who cry shill the hardest are the shills. Add up the number of threads made by each side and you will see who is shilling.

>> No.3168814

What do they use? Monero?