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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3161823 No.3161823 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/.

I'm a wagecuck and I don't want to be anymore, so I want to get into daytrading.

I got intro it with $500 just to get the hang of it without risking alot of money and I've lost 25% in a day.

So, how can I not suck at daytrading and how did you fine gentlemen started doing it?

>> No.3161853

buy minerium right now and you'll have 3000 by tomorrow

>> No.3161856

Don't daytrade. Pick a winner or two and hold.

>> No.3161860

Well, to start, you'll need about $500,000

>> No.3161879


Buy, hold. Dollar cost average if it makes you feel better. Don't worry so much about the immediate price, don't try to time the market. Just buy and hold.

Simple, see?

>> No.3161918

Don't fucking bother, if you think you can game the system daytrading to get EZ 20% you're either retarded, lucky, or both.

>> No.3161933



>> No.3161967


>> No.3161977

honestly litecoin has a lot of small pump and dumps, might be worth considering.

>> No.3162165
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So, no one here gas made money daytrading?

>> No.3162259

Do not daytrade and use technical analysis. People tout TA like it's real, but it's a great way to lose money. The volume of money coming in on a pump is greater than the slow bleed you see, you are usually less likely to catch an upswing than a slow bleed. Plus with the random amounts of money coming in, from random amounts of people, TA does not effectively predict this. It is a gross oversimplification, no matter how detailed and technical your practices are.

However, feel free to sell when you made some profit. I suggest getting some BlockCAT, hold it until it gets on a bigger exchange. You should be trading on pending news or fundamental changes, not daily volatility.

>> No.3162267

How much OMG for that bitch?

>> No.3162292



>> No.3162303

No. To be reliably cash out $100 a day, or whatever comfy living expenses are in you country, you need to be trading with ~$100,000k equity.

>> No.3162310

sorry, just $100,000, I don't knwo why I stuck the k there.

But to continue, everyone here just reinvests their gains. Personally my goal is to get towards house deposit money and then cash out.

>> No.3162319

Well you need 10k. So you can cash out 1k if you make 10% weekly profit

>> No.3162328
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Thanks anons.

So, you guys just hold for the long term?

>> No.3162336

1. Daytrading as the very first thing you do is a horrible idea, as you have figured out
2. Technical Analysis works for stocks, not crpyto
3. Daytrading with $500 is pointless. Need at least $10,000 to start with to make daytrading worth your time

>> No.3162413


All my investmens are huuuge 2digit red today.
WTF is going on today ?
Almost ALL cpint are having a ginormepus red day !?

Has to do with the black hole sun.?
Ppl superstitious or somthng ?

>> No.3162875

Day trading is hard. Even if you are good at getting 5-10% gains and getting out, it is easy to get stuck holding your dick (you try to sell and no one will buy). This is why most day traders lose all their money. They will be up 30% on the month and then lose 50% in one downturn they couldn't get out of.

>> No.3162901
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>> No.3162903
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So, I can assume that everyone here who claims they've made money daytrading are shitcoin shillers?

>> No.3162915

I wish i were eating out of that pale

>> No.3162918

Not everyone, just 90%

>> No.3162944

Coming from stocks, I made 100% gains in the past week trading a single shitcoin. Average about 10% a day. Granted my equity is not in the thousands, but that wouldn't change anything. It's not hard, you just need to find a shitcoin with good support and volatility. Buy low sell high, watch for pumps and be patient. All there really is to it.

>> No.3162974
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>be patient
How patient? Hours, days, weeks?

Tell me about how you started. How much did you invest at first and how much do you have now?

>> No.3162977


I made 15.5 BTC between dec - may trading BTC futures on okex

>> No.3162988

4chan is kinda a dark corner of the internet. Also, people are more likely to come here and brag than come here and say they want to kill themselves. They go to /b to do the latter.
Some are shills, others are wannabes that want attention, some are real. Look at how much cryptos increased in the last 6 months. Tons of day traders probably did make money because you can't lose when everything is going up. No isn't 6 months ago.

>> No.3163032

Exactly. Exact thinking. Exact coins.

>> No.3163046

>How patient?
Depends. Hours usually. If you have to wait longer then you are usually bagholding and probably bought at wrong price or wrong shitcoin. I bought $400 worth of a decent shitcoin and made about 100% gains over ~50 trades. Buy at support, sell at resistance. Really that simple.

>> No.3163069

LOL, hours or days.... .

I bought 4 BTC in 2014 and holding since... .

>> No.3163074
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And how long have you been daytrading? Have you always been that good?

What advise would you give to an aspiring daytrader?

>> No.3163218

Why aren't you selling? btc is dead

>> No.3163509

Because Im clever.

>> No.3163526

I would literally have sex with this woman.

>> No.3163644

I dont follow

>> No.3163669

>ywn have these two as harem wives

end it.