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File: 277 KB, 1440x2103, Screenshot_20170821-200546_1503338788173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3156814 No.3156814 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that bch is going to die in the next 1095 blocks as difficulty will raise 344% making it less profitable, switching miners back to the BTC chain

End of fud

Could we please stop acting like is December 1999 and resume normal trading?

>> No.3156844

The funniest part is that one of the "upgrades" BCH has will be the end of fuck your mother plans

>muh better eda

>> No.3156900

bumping the thread so you dont die a >you virgin like your shitcoin(btc)

>> No.3156942


Wrong move faggot

>> No.3157016

Jihan knows this too. Yet he persists. This reminds me of the scene in game of thrones where the Sept of balor gets blown up with wild fire by Cersei. Something is coming.

>> No.3157044


Why? Difficulty decreased and the value went down. By the same logic, it's possible the value will go back up if the difficulty is raised.

Also, why did we think reduced difficulty = mooning? Doesn't the basic principle of supply and demand say otherwise?

>> No.3157064

pllllllizzzzzz 8==>

>> No.3157076

dude, it's exactly the same thing bch fags were spamming a few days ago about miners and free market

In less than 34H bch difficulty will raise a lot more, because of the new EDA jihan implemented as an "upgrade"

No sane miner will maintain mining that coin, as BTC will be again more profitable than bch

End of fud please

>> No.3157115


Right but if anything the lower difficulty adjustment seems to have been counter productive to BCHs value, right?

BCH was hovering around the $700 mark at normal difficulty, and now is closer to $600 after reduced difficulty.

By that result, wouldn't it be possible that raising the difficulty back up may raise back up the value of the coin?

Or was it all a carefully calculated P&D?

>> No.3157146



>> No.3158265

I got 20 BCH during the split. Should I just sell them off now before crashes to zero? Any chance that the price will go higher?

>> No.3158379

Voice of reason, this pic is from http://fork.lol/pow/retarget

I don't know why people think miners would even want to mine Bcash. Lower transaction fees, more costs for bandwidth and storage, doesn't sound like a good deal for them.

They're just exploiting a temporary difficulty imbalance, and will return to BTC, which by the way, will have even more profitability in a few days due to the recent reductions of its hashrate. They're effectively earning additional 6%+ upon returning to BTC after 3 days away strip mining empty Bcash blocks.

>> No.3158461

just sell off some and keep some as a hedge

>> No.3158486

sell your BCH anon before its too late. this shitcoin has no future

>> No.3158493

in the last few minutes the price went from $620 to $660 so I feel like I should hold out. Also I have a curse where anything I sell goes up, anything I buy goes down. I feel like it'll shoot back up to $900 the moment I sell, but if I hold it'll drop back down to $400. So I'm screwed either way.

>> No.3158553

How reliable is this estimate? For the last non-emergent adjustment there was an estimate that initially claimed it was gonna be up by 256.92%, as quoted in this article:
And yet it turned out the difficulty decreased by about 40%.

>> No.3158742

I sold last night. Thanks for the free eth jihan.

>> No.3159096
File: 253 KB, 1366x1929, Screenshot_20170821-233503_1503351376484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If that happens then is because mining power goes to BTC chain in order avoid the diff increase x4

But if that happens, BTC won't die, will get segwit, and be more profitable

Check pic related pls

>> No.3159234


>> No.3159327

Looking at the mining log I can totally believe the difficulty increase now.

But I'm not sure what OP's saying makes sense. The BCC chain is protected from dying by the very same EDA mechanism. The significant difficulty increase is critical for BTC, which doesn't have EDA, but not for BCC.

In fact, one of the reasons the BCC price is kept low is because there are a lot of BCC being mined and miners are dumping what they have mined. So the comoing adjustment may not be a bad thing for BCC.

>> No.3159419
File: 28 KB, 957x751, cfba9mG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The complexity adjusts automatically to keep an equilibrium. Miners can switch back and forth whenever and as often as they want. BCH is not going away. The drain more and more Hashrate until BTC isn't usable anymore.