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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 203 KB, 1872x1872, S15iNdqD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3156156 No.3156156 [Reply] [Original]

We should have reached 5K now if there is no Bitcoin PnD scheme which crashed the confidence

>> No.3156169

now the PnD of Bitcoin Cash is over
it is bringing down Bitcoin along with it

>> No.3156203

Not killed but created a lot of problems for crypto overall for his own gain. People say nobody owns bitcoin but this guys can essentially do enough damage to shake up a whole market if not kill it completely

>> No.3156214

BTC is worth 4k
BCH 590$

Shill, nothing has been killed.

>> No.3156225

Problem with crypto is that everything trades againt btc. And btc is at ongoing battle with bitcoin cash. We need something safer to trade against or whole market can be fucked overnight.

This is what happens when one guy has so much control. He throws a fit and were fucked

>> No.3156231

Price standing still for BTC is good for alt coin market.

>> No.3156233

BTC is hardly holding 4K
Remember it was @4800 a few days ago?

>> No.3156237

The BTC network stopped working.You literally can't use it for transactions anymore. It's over. BCC already has 32% of the hash rate, BTC can't recover from a 51% loss, and the mining pools haven't even fully converted to BCC yet (though have stated they plan to shortly).

I'd say you should cash out but if your money isn't already on an exchange you can't. You literally lost everything.

>> No.3156239

Its not about the price you mongol, its about hashrate at the moment. Research before you post dumb shit

>> No.3156244


Which would be otherwise taken over by a centralized network created by companies only interested in their personal gain.

>> No.3156250


Idiots like you should be publicly executed, you subhuman degenerate dog.

In your feeble retard mind, do you think it's normal for a currency to go up 50% every 5 days? Until when?

You fuckin faggot. You fucking pathetic faggot.

>> No.3156260


Seriously the world would be better if this guy weren't included

>> No.3156261

As opposed to miners only interested in their personal gain. And that network doesn't replace traditional transactions.

Mining is cancer.

>> No.3156263

Centralised network of companies or one chinese autist. Hmmm what would i choose

>> No.3156270

fuck your mother if you want fuck.

>> No.3156276

who here is just buying both

>> No.3156296

>something that maintains the network is cancer

>> No.3156303


At least Jihan has a sense of humor about the whole thing, Core is made up of stubborn assholes with no redeeming personality traits. I trust the guy with a smirk on his face than the ones who don't.

>> No.3156320

Care to explain why you think it is a stupid statement?

>> No.3156323

>The BTC network stopped working.You literally can't use it for transactions anymore. It's over. BCC already has 32% of the hash rate, BTC can't recover from a 51% loss, and the mining pools haven't even fully converted to BCC yet (though have stated they plan to shortly).
>I'd say you should cash out but if your money isn't already on an exchange you can't. You literally lost everything.
If BTC stalls both die, BCH doesn't enough places to exchange fiat. Crypto will crash and ASIC resistant coins will replace both but it will take years to recover.

>> No.3156348


No sorry, I meant that the criptoworld would be so much better if jihan weren't able to play it

>> No.3156350

>We should have reached 5K now

>> No.3156361

I'm stating facts. You can rationalize it however you want, but "this is really bad, don't spread the news!" doesn't change the truth or the real world.

>> No.3156379

You are a huge faggot.

3 blocks an hour isn't "stopping" the blockchain, if the price maintains another 14 hours it'll be again more profitable to mine BTC and everything will go back to normal, BCH dipping to 400$ and we're done.

Now stop complaining with your faggotry and your BS hashrate that is enough to keep the BTC chain alive.

>> No.3156381

51000 unconfirmed transactions. was 30000 an hour ago.

>> No.3156382

BCC killed crypto in general. BTC falls = People lose faith in crypto. Bear market is coming and it wont be pretty

>> No.3156385

Yea, if bitcoin cash acquires more legitimacy and starts to get listed at exchanges against fiat thats when things will really heat up

>> No.3156396

Mining as it takes place in Bitcoin is a monumental waste of resources that allows a minority of major investors to toy with its future as we see today.

>> No.3156409


Seems to me Bitcoin killed itself, if your network falls apart because a significant percentage stops mining, whose fault is that?

>> No.3156420


this is the stupidest fucking statement.

it's like saying "myspace fails people lose confidence in social media"

it doesn't fucking matter what confidence people have, if the technology is good it will attract people. might ruin your day trading for a while but crypto wasn't invented to be a stock to trade.

>> No.3156432

When is cash being pumped again?

>> No.3156435

It's already listed on kraken.

>> No.3156457


it's the free market 101, something btc fan boys fail to understand because they're probably closet socialists.

if you fuck the progress of your own coin up so much, people will flock to another coin and once that coin becomes more profitable to mine than your coin, the miners will leave and do whats best for them. the market decides which coin is the best, not bitcoin core developers or their propaganda team.

>> No.3156460

You are the reason they say a little knowledge is dangerous

>> No.3156474

My bet is:
Either BTC prevails and BCH goes back to 300$, sitting calmly as a good dog

Either BCH prevails and goes to 1k$, BTC becomes harder and harder to trade until next adjustments

So I'm half ETH because either case ETH will pump, half BCH because I prefer it technologically.

I might lose the sweets profits I made from the BCH pump (bought at 300$ before the pump), or I double them.

>> No.3156490

You are the reason big faggotry is dangerous

>> No.3156565


Even putting aside the economics argument, I mean anything could happen, a major mining farm catches fire, regional warfare and internet outage, there are many things that could knock out a significant portion of the hash and collapse the network and Core devs never once thought "hmm maybe we should have a backup plan"....the best programming team there is my ass.

>> No.3156566

>it's the free market 101, something btc fan boys fail to understand because they're probably closet socialists.
>if you fuck the progress of your own coin up so much, people will flock to another coin and once that coin becomes more profitable to mine than your coin, the miners will leave and do whats best for them. the market decides which coin is the best, not bitcoin core developers or their propaganda team.
If BTC dies crypto market will crash and no one will ever use a SHA256 coin again. when the market eventually recovers one of the alt coins with more development will take over not BCH.

>> No.3156570


There's enough money in play here, and enough people with enough skin in the game.

I guess I'll say the obvious thing.

Why doesn't somebody just kill him?

>> No.3156577

Think about it for a second. BCC is a chink-controlled coin.
China's reputation is shit and for good reason. No one trusts them. They don't even trust each other and that won't be changing any time soon.
BCC is literally just a fud campaign to shake out dumb, weakhanded btc holders.

>> No.3156579

Is it just me or does this chink have a really nice punchable face?

>> No.3156585

So what? So be it. You chose the free market model and you're mad that it's running its course?

>> No.3156594


this is assuming that bch doesn't take over bitcoin at 4k and stay there.

>> No.3156597

>Chinese people don't trust each other
>Chinese mines are controlled by one cohesive entity

>> No.3156606

I don't think one mining farm going down would have a significant impact.

>> No.3156612

Its just variance man. BTC will continue to 20k BCH will lag behind the entire way.

>> No.3156638

You don't need trust.
You need miners.

Go read Satoshi.

>> No.3156644

Im sure a person with that much worth and power is backed by somr element be it govt or shady establishments

>> No.3156661

China shutting down its internet will. Which WILL happen during wartime.

>> No.3156691

Average users aren't financially invested in Myspace. They can switch services on a dime without any penalty.

This isn't a free market situation. It's a technological flaw that everyone has been respectable about up until now. Cash isn't going to replace Bitcoin, hit 4k, and everything is fine. Users already decided what coin they want. Miners are gambling that they can force a change by crippling the network, and they're wrong - they'll cripple their own farms and send that investment into a black hole, along with most of the market.

>> No.3156739

>Be China Communist Party
>Have all kinds of obstacles to dissuade foreign investors and regularly treat them with disdain by stealing their technology
>Want a coin to rival btc
>Expect foreigners to trust them and invest in their coin given their deplorable track record

You shill retards are fucking dreaming.

>> No.3156767

>doesn't trust chinks
>trust fucking israel

>> No.3156780


Meme spouted by Chinkcoiners.

>> No.3156795

Thanks for posting this.

>> No.3156838

(((Blockstream))) is literally five developers with kike names. Even BCH has larger developer pool.

>> No.3156862

new to this BTC/crypto space. Should I just buy BCC? is BTC dead?

>> No.3156870

walk on home boy.

>> No.3156886

yea dead , sell us your btc

>> No.3156894

Nigga, Bitcoin /IS/ a PnD. All cryptocoins are. They have a maximum lifespan of ~100 years based on 2013 tech.

Cryptocurrencies basically are just pyramid schemes up until the chain stretches too thin, and then they're just a static with nothing behind them to maintain value and no ability to make advances.

>> No.3156946 [DELETED] 

>54K pending transactions
>3.7 transactions per second
>~240 hours
>literally 24 days to get the backlog cleared
get ready to buy the dip boys, buy the dip and then wait 10 days for it to arrive in your wallet

>> No.3156972

>54K pending transactions
>3.7 transactions per second
>~240 hours
>literally 10 days to get the backlog cleared
get ready to buy the dip boys, buy the dip and then wait 10 days for it to arrive in your wallet

>> No.3157095

No way punk

>> No.3157126
File: 277 KB, 1440x2103, Screenshot_20170821-200546_1503338788173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, jihan killed his own bch

>> No.3158106
File: 103 KB, 682x767, The_Great_Leap_Forward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The BTC network stopped working.

It hasn't.

>You literally can't use it for transactions anymore.

You can.

> It's over.

It's not.

>BCC already has 32% of the hash rate, BTC can't recover from a 51% loss.

It's fine:

> the mining pools haven't even fully converted to BCC yet (though have stated they plan to shortly).

[citation needed]

> You literally lost everything.


>> No.3158322


>> No.3158973

Here is the list of (((developers)))

>> No.3159030
File: 253 KB, 1366x1929, Screenshot_20170821-233503_1503351376484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bch plan is officially dead

Last time to sell your heavy bags and BEND THE KNEE

>> No.3159233

Autists, please realize that BCH is one or two developers. Read the changelog for bitcoin core 0.15 and think whether you want to bet on the world's smartest developers or a few b-level autists. https://blockchain.info/charts/hash-rate?timespan=all stop believing the shills and look at the hashrate graph yourself.

>> No.3159263


BTC has a whole team of devs and the only thing they've done in years is find a way to strip data out of blocks, I wouldn't call that a ringing endorsement of their talents.