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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 138 KB, 330x345, IMFDGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3153851 No.3153851 [Reply] [Original]

On Oct 2 2017 the Citi wards will be held at IMFHQ in Washington. Not some random conference centre or Citi's own facilities, the fucking head quarters of the IMF.

What is the significance of this? To find out I went to the IMF website and typed 'blockchain into the search bar.

This is a sample
From June 2017

Distributed ledger technology (DLT), in particular, could spur change in the financial
sector. The concept of DLT is that ledgers—records of transactions or ownership of assets and
liabilities—can be maintained and updated securely (called “validation”) for an entire network of
users by users themselves––rather than by a central agency.

> Digusign

Mobile access and the internet have been transformational, allowing the gains from
technological progress to be shared directly with billions of individual consumers whose mobile
devices are now portals for accessing a full range of financial services, and can be extended by
third parties via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This massive decentralization is
opening the door to direct person-to-person transactions (P2P), and to the direct funding of
firms (crowd-funding). It has profound implications also for financial inclusion by permitting
“unbanked” consumers in low income countries to access financial services for the first time.

> DigiID

The prize itself is meaningless. The rebrand means jackshit. The fact that DGB's technology solves major problems in world finance is priceless.

This is, unironically, a legit happening in crypto.

Not speculating on price action over next couple of weeks other than to say now is a good time to acquire 21k DGB.

>> No.3153867

wtf, this is boss ass if true

>> No.3153875

I think everyone already has DGB. I'm not getting burned again.

>> No.3153887

Sorry OP, but Signatura has literally already done this and they did it and better.
Not that your, uh, "research", got you so far as to knowing that I suppose.

We're just retreading old ground here.

>> No.3153941

Are they going to be at the IMF too?

>> No.3153967

if its at the imf it might as well be at a sin a gog.. dgb is officially jew filth. enjoy

>> No.3153992

One would imagine all the contestants will be there, so yes.

>> No.3153998
File: 77 KB, 399x319, dgbrefail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post source faggot
>digibyte is meaningless

>> No.3154033


Don't they already have an award though?

If you don't agree and don't want to hold DGB it's fine.

The point is that DGB packages a few solutions to problems of interest for the IMF and others on a public blockchain that could, therefore, be implemented in third world countries at almost no cost.

IMFHQ as an award venue in this context is interesting and the probability of something major coming out of it is non-zero.

>> No.3154057

very poof efforts directly orchestrated by paid shills because the rebranding shit went so badly wrong
>Jared is the most retarded scammer crypto has ever seen

>> No.3154059


>> No.3154120

>DGB wins an award
>it's a participation medal

>> No.3154124
File: 76 KB, 372x305, jaredfuckup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB doesn't solve jackshit
>CEO Jared of Digibyte is obviously retarded, delusional and don't know shit about entrepreneurship
>Reburning idiots since 2014

>> No.3154146

It's over, guys.

It's not even funny anymore, it just hurts to watch.

>> No.3154168

you are right. this time Jared crossed all lines.
>Digibyte is dead
>Jaredidiot killed the brand

>> No.3154512

Wtf I love Digibyte now

>> No.3154834


it loves you more anon

>> No.3155717

this is bullshit
not even one link SAGE